Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4091: Law of life

In the minds of the wooden puppets, the status of the mother tree is very lofty.

It can be said that the mother tree is the root of all wooden puppets, and all wooden puppets are born on the mother tree.

Generally speaking, the mother tree is hidden in some secret realms and is not known to outsiders.

Moreover, the mother tree's responsibility is to just grow and give birth to more wooden puppets and never meet outsiders.

Therefore, Lin Fei's request is very excessive for the wooden puppet clan, and it is impossible to accept it.

"Brother Lin Fei, your request to see the mother tree is a violation of the wooden puppet clan's taboo.

If the main gods of the wooden puppet clan find out, they will definitely come to you crazy to settle the account.

It's better to forget. "

The Great Sage said to Lin Fei.

The Great Sage thought that Lin Fei wanted to see the mother tree of the Mu Puppet Clan, just because of curiosity.

"It's okay, I must see you."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Boy, I think you want to see the mother tree for another reason, not just for curiosity."

The goblin said from the side.

"Yes, the goblin still understands me."

Lin Fei nodded.

"I have no malice against your mother tree. Don't worry."

Lin Fei said to the wooden puppets.

"Human kid, you still have to die, the mother tree will never see outsiders!"

A real **** of the wooden puppet clan shouted at Lin Fei.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you all!"

Lin Fei threatened.

"In order to protect the safety of the mother tree, even if we sacrifice all of them, we will still die!"

The voice of the upper god, true god, was very firm.

Lin Fei felt a little helpless, a little bit helpless.

"Boy, you kill us quickly, we will never take you to see the mother tree!"

"Sacrifice for the mother tree, even if we die!"

"Boy, our wooden puppets will never give in to the enemy easily!"

...The wooden puppet clan yelled and yelled one by one, looking righteous and awe-inspiring.

This situation made Lin Fei a bit difficult, but Lin Fei wanted to destroy this wooden puppet clan army easily.

However, Lin Fei didn't want to do that.

"Boy, it's actually not difficult to find the location of the Mu Puppet Clan's mother tree.

You beg them instead of me. "

At this moment, the goblin spoke suddenly.


Goblin, do you have a way? "

Lin Fei asked quickly.

"Don't forget, what our goblins are best at."

The goblin curled his lips and said.

"The law of space, and treasure hunt!"

Lin Fei blurted out.

"Yes, in the bloodline of our goblin clan, there are many spatial supernatural powers that can be used to hide, track, and be unique.

In addition, our goblin clan is born to be very sensitive to various treasures, and the mother tree of the wooden puppet clan is one of the rarest and most precious treasures in the world.

Therefore, it is not very difficult for me to find the mother tree of the wooden puppet clan. "

The goblin replied.

"That's great.

Goblin, please help me find the mother tree of the wooden puppet clan, where is it hiding? "

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

"This is not impossible.

But I want to warn you, among the wooden puppet clan, the mother tree is the most sacred and highest-status existence, there must be many wooden puppet clan main gods guarding the mother tree.

And I suspect that the mother tree of the wooden puppet clan is a very powerful existence.

So you have to think carefully about whether you can handle it. "

Said the goblin.

"You can rest assured, no matter how many Lord Gods, I am not afraid.

Don't you believe me. "

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Well, I'll try my best to help you find the mother tree of the wooden puppet clan."

The goblin nodded and finally agreed.

"Great, goblin, thanks a lot."

Lin Fei said in surprise.

"You let all these wooden puppets go. I guess there will be someone among them. Go back and report.

I happen to be able to follow them quietly. "

Said the goblin.


Lin Fei nodded.

"Okay, let's go."

Lin Fei waved his hand and unblocked all the wooden puppet clan army.

Each of the wooden puppets found their bodies suddenly able to move, and they were surprised and happy.

"Will you let us go?"

The real **** headed by the upper **** is a bit unbelievable.

"Yes, I see you take care of the mother tree so much, so I won't embarrass you.

Go quickly, before I change my mind. "

Lin Fei nodded and said lightly.

"let's go!"

The upper **** True God hurried away with the army of the wooden puppet clan.

In a moment, he left without a trace.

"Boy Lin Fei, I'm following them now."

The goblin confessed, and disappeared wherever he moved.

"It's a clever space law, and the shen method used by the goblin is really a rare space supernatural power.

It's not worse than my shadowless style.

The shadowless style focuses on speed, while the body technique used by the goblin focuses on hiding. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh when seeing this.

Lin Fei found it difficult to perceive the goblin's whereabouts.

"The physique of the goblin brothers is really too mysterious, we can't even perceive where he went []."

The Eight Stone Saints also sighed.

Even Lin Fei can hardly perceive the trace of the goblin, and the Eight Stone Saints are even more impossible.

"Little Lin Fei, hurry up and follow me."

At this moment, Lin Fei received a voice from the goblin.

"it is good."

Lin Fei nodded, immediately displayed her body skills and followed in the direction indicated by the goblin.

The goblin had left a mark on Lin Fei all the way to facilitate Lin Fei's tracking.

"Brother Lin Fei, wait for us."

The Eight Stone Saints also caught up.

Follow all the way, an hour later.

Came to a boundless primitive dense forest.

The trees in this forest, each one is a towering tree, really towering into the clouds, like rows of dense giants standing together in a crowd.

The mark left by the goblin has been going towards the depths of the forest.

So Lin Fei walked into the forest.

In the forest, there is a lot of green mist floating everywhere.

"What a strong breath of life."

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing as he walked in the dense forest.

The cyan mist is actually the most intense life essence.

"This forest is full of laws of life!"

Lin Fei sighed.

The law of life is a very magical law.

Although, it is very common.

Seems ordinary.

However, it is the most difficult rule in the world to get started and the most difficult to cultivate.

Regardless of Lin Fei's practice, there are many.

However, until now, above the law of life, there is a blank, never dabbled.

It's not that I don't want to, but that I can't get in.

"It's just that the law of life is too difficult to understand."

Lin Fei felt the strong laws of life in the forest, and the power of divine consciousness was released, trying to perceive and analyze, but there was nothing to gain.

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