Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4097: Mother tree

"Human kid, our wooden puppet clan has no grudges against you.

What do you want to break into the forbidden area of ​​our wooden puppet clan! "

A master **** asked Lin Fei.

The eight main gods of the Mu Puppet Clan stared at Lin Fei with green eyes.

They found that even if the eight people work together, they are not Lin Fei's opponents.

Lin Fei's strength, mental strength, and the law of life were all broken by Lin Fei.

The three most powerful talents of the wooden puppet clan are useless and cannot win.

Therefore, the main gods of these eight wooden puppet tribes are a little at a loss.

"I want to see the mother tree of your wooden puppet clan.

I have no malice, but I want to know something. "

Lin Fei didn't hide it, and said directly.

"Impossible! Human kid, the mother tree is the most sacred existence of our wooden puppet clan.

Do not meet any outsiders! You leave here immediately! "

A main **** roared.

"I won't leave without seeing your mother tree."

Lin Fei shook his head and said.

"Goblin, let's go."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei held up the goblin with a force of time and space, and moved towards the direction of the mother tree.

Lin Fei's body style is weird and fast. It only takes one step to move away, and then appears in the distant void "boy, stop!"

"Quickly, stop him!"

...The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan were shocked.

Boom boom boom... Green energy beams, densely packed, swept across the sky, slammed into Lin Fei's back.

Without turning his head back, Lin Fei swung his long sword and chopped out backwards, calmly fending off all the attacks.

"In our world [Penquge], how could such a terrible young man suddenly pop up!"

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan were all frightened.

"In any case, we must defend the mother tree to the death!"

The eight main gods stretched out and chased Lin Fei.

Boom...One by one, heavy weapons carrying terrifying powers smashed at Lin Fei's back.

Shoo...a steady stream of invisible and colorless mental energy attacked Lin Fei's body.

At the same time, there are a large number of laws of life, which turned into green Yangtze Rivers, drowning towards Lin Fei with great strength.

It's just that Lin Fei's body skills are too clever, and he constantly travels through the void, and this piece of time and space, if it is, if it is separated, almost half of the attacks cannot lock Lin Fei.

For the remaining half, Lin Fei swung his long sword and handled it easily.

In the battle just now, Lin Fei had basically figured out the moves of the eight wooden puppet clan master gods, and he seemed more and more relaxed when dealing with them.

"Boy, stop!"

Poorly these eight wooden puppet clan master gods, although they were anxious, but they had no ability to stop Lin Fei.

After a while.

A huge continent appeared in front, suspended in the void.

That continent was shrouded in heavy green mist, and the pure laws of life were transformed into chains, criss-crossed, floating in the void.

On this continent, there are many wooden puppet tribes, and at first glance, it seems that the continent is crowded with dense green ants.

In the very center of the mainland, there is a huge towering tree.

The height of the big tree is unimaginable. It towers straight into the depths of the void. It does not reach its top. I don't know where the top of the tree extends to the void.

That huge tree body almost covered the entire continent.

The laws of life lingered on the huge tree, like countless green ribbons.

If you look closely, you will find that there are countless green fruits hung on the dense branches, emitting a strong breath of life.

Crackling... With a series of crisp noises, some green fruits fell off the branches, changed into the wind, and turned into wooden puppets.

As expected, the wooden puppet clan was born from this mother tree.

"Don't ask, this tree must be the mother tree of the Mu Puppet Clan."

The goblin sighed.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei also nodded, looking at the giant tree towering into the void, which was also a bit shocked.

Shoo... the eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan have arrived.

"All the people of the tribe, all come to protect the mother tree!"

The eight main gods gave orders.

Immediately, in the entire plane, countless wooden puppets rushed toward the location of the mother tree.

All the wooden puppet clan staying in this plane are all masters in the clan, and each one is a powerful generation.

The dense wooden puppets surround the mother tree, densely packed, like an army of ants.

"Human kid, you want to be rude to the mother tree unless you step on top of our corpse."

A main **** glared at Lin Fei and said.

"Yes, protect the mother tree to the death!"

The other wooden puppets also roared.

"Death to protect the mother tree!"

... Soon, all the wooden puppets roared, the surging roar, like a frenzy of raging waves, one wave higher than one wave.

It seems that the scene is very scary.

"Boy, it seems that you have aroused public anger."

Said the goblin.

"It's okay, calm down."

Lin Fei smiled.

"You can fight like this, of course I am not afraid."

After seeing Lin Fei's perverted strength, the goblin became very calm, completely free of his previous worries.

"I don't want to hurt you, nor your mother tree.

The best of you, don't force me to shoot. "

Lin Fei said to the eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan.

"Human kid, leave immediately.

Otherwise, even if we desperately die, we won't let you get close to the mother tree. "

The eight main gods stood in a row, blocking the mother tree.

The mother tree is too important for the wooden puppet clan.

All wooden puppet tribes were born from the mother tree.

Once there is a problem with the mother tree, the wooden puppet clan loses its roots.

"Don't force me to take action, otherwise, the consequences will be very serious."

Lin Fei repeated to the eight main gods, seeming a little helpless.

While speaking, Lin Fei's divine consciousness was released, toward the mother tree, perceiving the past.


Lin Fei discovered that this big tree seemed to have life consciousness.

"Human kid, don't retreat quickly!"

The eight main gods, taking a step forward at the same time, showed their determination to protect the mother tree.


In that case, don't blame me. "

Lin Fei sighed.

Without any grudges, Lin Fei didn't want to hurt these wooden puppets.

However, forced by the situation, it seems that you cannot make your own choice.

"Position to meet the enemy!"

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan shouted in unison.

Immediately, the endless number of wooden puppets began to show up, one by one.

Most of the principles used in these large formations are the laws of life.

One big formation after another, overlapped, surrounded the mother tree, exuding a powerful defense force.

A big battle is about to break out.

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