Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4098: Negotiate terms

Just now.

Suddenly, the mother tree's body began to shine brightly, and the dense branches swayed gently, and the green law of life surrounding the tree body was also swaying.

Ah... a voice came from above the tree, similar to a sigh.

It is as if a long-sleeping existence is slowly waking up.

"Look, the mother tree has appeared!"

"My God, the mother tree is waking up!"

"The legend is true, the mother tree will wake up one day!"

...Those wooden puppets, after discovering the abnormality of the mother tree, they burst into tears and yelled.

"Greeting the mother tree to wake up!"

"The mother tree is on the top, please accept it!"

... Countless wooden puppets knelt down on the spot and kept kowtow to the mother tree.

"what happened?"

The eight main gods were also shocked.

"In my impression, the mother tree seems to have never regained consciousness.

This time, why, I suddenly woke up. "

A main **** said in shock.

Lin Fei was also a little surprised, staring at the mother tree.

Suddenly, Lin Fei's heart moved and found that on the body of the mother tree, there was an old face that was slowly emerging.

This face is too old, and the skin is wrinkled very badly.

The eyes of this face slowly opened, and the green light flashed violently, very dazzling.

Then, looked at Lin Fei.

"Young man, are you looking for me?"

That face actually started to speak slowly.

Rumble...As the mother tree spoke, the entire time and space of the plane was shaking violently. A magnificent breath of life, centered on the mother tree, spread out in all directions.

"The mother tree really appeared!"

"The mother tree is really alive!"

...As soon as the mother tree spoke, the wooden puppet clan began to boil, all knelt down in the void, kowtow desperately towards the mother tree.

"See the mother tree!"

The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes also knelt down at the same time.

The eight of them, although they are the main gods, all grew out of this mother tree.

Speaking of it, this mother tree is equivalent to their mother, and its status is supreme.

"This consciousness didn't exist just now. It seems to be passed down from the top of the tree."

Lin Fei was a little puzzled.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness was much stronger than any creature present.

Lin Fei discovered that the consciousness of speaking on the mother tree did not wake up in the mother tree.

Instead, quietly descended along the top of the tree.

Lin Fei couldn't help but looked towards the top of the tree.

The top of the tree towers into the depths of the void, penetrating time and space, and it is impossible to see where it will eventually extend.

"Well, it seems that this mother tree is very likely to be connected to another world.

This consciousness seems to have awakened within this mother tree, but in fact, it just came from another place.

It may even come from another world. "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

Of course, in the field, only Lin Fei himself was able to discover this secret.

"The mother tree, we are incompetent and unable to stop this human kid and let him disturb the cleaning of the mother tree.

Please mother tree condemnation. "

The main **** of a wooden puppet clan stepped forward to ask the mother tree.

"You are not his opponents, what a crime."

The mother tree said slowly.

"Young man, you haven't answered me yet."

The mother tree looked at Lin Fei and said.

"Yes, I am looking for you."

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

"What is your purpose for looking for me."

That mother tree asked very directly.

"I'm looking for you to understand the mystery of mental strength."

Lin Fei answered very directly.

"That's it.

No wonder, I can see that you have also practiced mental strength.

It seems that you want to cultivate your mind further, but you have no way of entering it, right?

"The mother tree said.

"Not bad.

I also ask seniors for your advice. "

Lin Fei replied.

Intuition tells Lin Fei that the mother tree in front of him is by no means simple.

Faintly, a very dangerous aura came out.

This mother tree has a very vicious look, and you can see Lin Fei's situation at a glance.

"Mind strength is the blood inheritance of the wooden puppet clan. It has never been passed on to foreigners.

So, young people, your request is a bit excessive. "

The mother tree said.

"I don't know, what conditions do seniors have."

Lin Fei found that this mother tree did not refuse in a single word. It seemed that there was still room for discussion.

"Well, I don't want to make a roundabout.

In this world, there is a secret realm called Tianshou Valley.

If you can enter the Tianshou Valley and help me get something out, I can tell you the mystery of my mental strength.

I believe that after you get the mystery of my mental power, you will definitely advance by leaps and bounds in the cultivation of my mental power. "

The mother tree said directly.


Tianshou Valley? "

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Goblin, Tianshou Valley, where is it."

Lin Fei asked the goblin.

"Tianshou Valley is a secret realm in this supreme world.

This secret realm is very mysterious. It is said that even the main **** would not dare to break in casually.

This secret realm is in the territory of the Face Race. "

The goblin replied.

"So that's the case.

I don’t know, senior, what do you want me to help with? "

Lin Fei asked.

"Actually, you don't need to know what is being taken.

You have to take eight of them and enter Tianshou Valley together.

You are responsible for protecting them.

At that time, eight of them will go to fetch such things.

How is it, young man, no deal. "

The mother tree said.

"Good, deal."

Lin Fei thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Lin Fei knew that the consciousness in front of him was very mysterious. Even if he did it, he might not be able to control it.

"Okay, refreshing enough.

Then I will wait for you here.

You take eight of them and set off immediately to Tianshou Valley.

Take things back. "

The mother tree was a little excited when Lin Fei agreed.

"Senior, I have one more request.

In addition to mental strength, I also want to ask my seniors about the mystery of the law of life. "

Lin Fei said suddenly.

Lin Fei could see that the consciousness on the mother tree seemed to be eager to get something like Tianshou Valley.

"Young man, your request is a bit excessive.

Temporarily add conditions. "

The mother tree was a little angry.

"Senior, you think about it.

My requirements are these two, mental strength, and the law of life.

If the predecessors do not agree, the cooperation between us will have to be abandoned. "

Lin Fei said.

"Boy, you are too much.

Dare to ask the mother tree another condition! "

The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes were also very angry, thinking that Lin Fei was blackmailing the mother tree.

Lin Fei smiled without saying a word, staring at the mother tree with plain eyes.

Lin Fei was right, the consciousness on the mother tree was very eager to get something like the Tianshou Valley, and would definitely agree to it.

"Okay, young man, I promise you."

Sure enough, after a while, the mother tree slowly opened and said.

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