Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4099: Yutenjuya

"Senior is refreshing.

It's done. "

Lin Fei nodded.

Mind strength and the laws of life are the two most remote cultivation methods in the world.

However, the wooden puppets are naturally good at these two inheritances.

And this mother tree is the mother of all wooden puppets.

If he could really get the mystery of his mind strength and the law of life from it, Lin Fei felt that his strength would definitely make a big leap.

Especially mental strength, if successful in cultivation, can be used to deal with Dijiang.

Efforts to deal with Dijiang is the most effective.

"Well, without further ado, young man, please act quickly."

The mother tree said in a loud voice, looking anxious.

Obviously, something like Tianshou Valley is very important to it.

"Mother tree, really, let this kid go to Tianshou Valley and get that thing?

We, the wooden puppet clan, have been fighting with the face clan for a long time in order to get that thing, and have never had a chance to enter the Tianshou Valley.

This kid, not necessarily, can get in.

Moreover, that thing is a sacred object of our wooden puppet clan and cannot be easily known to foreign creatures. "

The main **** of a wooden puppet clan stepped forward and said to the mother tree.

"Shut up.

I have decided.

It's been so long, and you have never been able to get that holy object back, so embarrassed to mention it in front of me.

From now on, the eight of you, in all actions, follow the instructions of this young human being, assist him with all your strength, enter the Tianshou Valley, and retrieve the holy artifacts. "

The tone of the mother tree became a bit impatient.


We got it. "

Although the main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes were a bit unwilling, the status of the mother tree among the wooden puppet tribes was too high, and they had to listen to the mother tree's orders.

"Well, young man, you act sooner.

I hope that the transaction between us can be completed soon. "

The mother tree urged Lin Fei again.

It can be seen that it is pinning its hope on Lin Fei.


Lin Fei nodded.

"We will start now."

Lin Fei turned around and walked outside.

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan looked at each other and followed.

Lin Fei and the goblin showed off their starting methods, and in a moment, they left the world where the mother tree was and came to the dense forest outside.

The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes also followed.

"Young man, what are your plans."

A wooden puppet clan chief **** asked Lin Fei.



I don't need any plans.

We can go directly to Tianshou Valley. "

Lin Fei said.

"Go straight to Tianshou Valley?"

The eight master gods of the wooden puppet clan were taken aback when they heard Lin Fei's words.

"Young man, you are too reckless.

Don't blame us for not reminding you.

Tianshou Valley, in fact, is the ancestral land of the Face Race! There, heavy soldiers of the face tribe were guarding them, very tightly.

Otherwise, we would not, after all the hardships, tried all kinds of methods, but could not enter the Tianshou Valley and retrieve the holy artifacts of our race. "

A wooden puppet clan chief **** said.

"Not bad.

Our wooden puppet clan, in order to enter the Tianshou Valley, do not know how many large-scale wars have been launched against the face clan, none of which was successful.

Young people, do you think it is possible to enter Tianshou Valley directly in this way? "

Another wooden puppet clan said.

Obviously, the main gods of these wooden puppets didn't trust Lin Fei.

"Is the ancestral land of your wooden puppets tightly guarded?

How does it compare to the defensive level of the face? "

Lin Fei asked.

"Our wooden puppet clan's ancestral land is of course tightly guarded.

It is not worse than the defense of the ancestral land of the face tribe. "

A wooden puppet clan chief **** replied.

"So, didn't I still enter the ancestral land of your wooden puppet clan?"

Lin Fei smiled.

"This..." The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes suddenly had nothing to answer.

It is also true, although, the ancestral land of the Wooden Puppet Clan is very tightly guarded, with eight main gods guarding it, isn't it the same, is it the young human being in front of him, as if into a land of no one, broke into it.

Thinking of what happened in the ancestral land not long ago, the main gods of these eight wooden puppet tribes were still very ashamed.

There are eight main gods dignified, facing a half-step main god, the younger generation boy is actually helpless.

Thinking of this, the eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan looked at Lin Fei and couldn't help but secretly admire.


We go to Tianshou Valley. "

Lin Fei said.

"Lin Fei, have you figured it out clearly.

Really, are you going to the face clan? "

The goblin hesitated.

"Why, you are scared.

Isn't it, I have no confidence in me. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Do I seem to be joking.

It's just that you can not go. "

Lin Fei smiled.

With the strength of the goblin, even if it goes, it actually doesn't help much.

"Boy Lin Fei, do you think I am a coward?"

The goblin stared.

"For more than a hundred years, I have been practicing in this supreme world, and I have never seen any big storms.

What's more, even if I can't participate in the battle at the main **** level, I will benefit from it by following it. "

The goblin curled his lips and said.


Well, let's go together. "

Lin Fei smiled.

Next, Lin Fei and the goblin showed their starting method and walked out of the forest.

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan followed Lin Fei's back.

After a while.

Out of this vast forest, came to the edge of the forest.

"Lin Fei, goblin, you finally came out.

The eight of us are planning to go in and find you. "

The Eight Stone Saints had been guarding the edge of the forest. When Lin Fei and the goblins came out, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and hurriedly greeted them.

"How about, have you found the wooden puppet clan's nest?

! "

The saint asked.


Are these eight wooden puppets the main god?

! "

Finally, the Eight Stone Saints noticed the eight wooden puppet clan master gods who were following Lin Fei, and couldn't help being shocked.

They discovered that these eight wooden puppet tribes, one by one exuding an extremely terrifying aura, might actually be masters at the main **** level! "It's a long story.

Don't worry about eight of them.

Let's go to Tianshou Valley first. "

Said the goblin.

Over the years, the goblins and the Eight-Stone Sages have been together in this supreme world. Not only have their friendships been very deep, but they have also tempered their understanding.

"Go to Tianshou Valley?"

Eight Stone Saint couldn't help being surprised.

"Don't ask first, talk as you go."

Said the goblin.

"Well, since you are going, let's die with the gentleman."

The eight stone sages are bold, and they are not afraid of the sky, knowing that the Tianshou Valley is very dangerous, and ordinary creatures will never dare to approach it easily.

So everyone headed towards Tianshou Valley.

"In this way, the reason why your wooden puppet clan and the face clan have such a big festival is all because you wooden puppet clan want to forcibly break into the ancestral land of the face clan."

Lin Fei asked with a smile.

"Not bad."

A main **** nodded and answered.

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