Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4100: Enter the face of the face

"Otherwise, our two tribes should be well-watered."

The main **** continued.

"So that's the case.

No wonder, as soon as I came into this world, I saw your two races at war. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"By the way, young man, where are you from?

You originally belonged to our world. "

The main **** of a wooden puppet clan asked curiously.

"My history, you don't have to ask.

After the transaction between me and your mother tree is over, there will be no conflicts of interest between me and your wooden puppets.

So you don’t have to guard me.

No need to follow my details.

Lin Fei smiled.

The eight main gods heard Ye Fei's words and did not ask any more.

Ye Fei displayed his supernatural powers, brought the goblin and the eight-stone saints, traversed constantly, and hurried away toward the direction of Tianshou Valley.

The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes followed closely behind.

"So fast!"

The goblin and the eight-stone saints, being carried by Lin Fei, only felt that their bodies were constantly traveling through time and space at an astonishing speed, often in one step, without knowing how many distant voids had been passed through, as if they were walking in the years of history. in.

at last.

"Young man, ahead, is the territory of the Face Race.

Tianshou Valley, deep in the territory of the Face Race.

Going forward, I will face the face family. "

The main **** of a wooden puppet clan said to Lin Fei solemnly.

They have been fighting with the Face Clan for so many years, and they know the strength of the Face Clan and how strong it is.

"It's okay, let's go straight."

Lin Fei smiled and took the lead.

"Let's keep up!"

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and made up their minds.

"Brother Lin Fei, are you planning to provoke the entire face family?

This race is not weak in strength, and it is notoriously difficult to entangle. Once there are grievances, it will be lingering and entangled forever. "

The Great Sage frowned and said.

He has lived in this supreme world for more than a hundred years, and has an understanding of the personality of the face race.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid.

They want to entangle, just let them. "

Lin Fei smiled.

With Lin Fei's strength, he was not afraid of any entanglement at all.

In the face of absolute strength, everything is fearless.

Lin Fei has reached this state.

"Stop, who are you! This is the territory of the Face Race. No outsider is allowed to enter without permission."

In front, a group of face tribes appeared, blocked the way, and shouted.

"Go away."

Lin Fei waved his sleeve.

Huhu...A gust of wind blew on the flat ground, mighty, like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, directly, blowing this group of Face Race men and horses far away.

"Let's go."

Lin Fei's face was calm, and he walked forward.

"This is too strong."

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan were all very surprised.

This approach is equivalent to making it clear from the beginning that it is going to be head-on with the face clan, without any room for maneuver.

It is conceivable that, next, the faces of the Face Race began to come and stop them.

At the end of the fight, the face clan will definitely come out and come to deal with it.

"This guy..." The goblin was a bit speechless.

"Brother Lin Fei, you are too domineering, and we are so proud! Yes, that's how it should be. That's cool!"

The Eight Stone Saints yelled one by one, very excited.

"Go, let's go back faster!"

Lin Fei used his supernatural powers, rolled up the Eight Stone Saints and the goblins, and moved forward quickly.

In the rear, the eight main gods of the wooden puppet tribe, with all their strength, could barely keep up with Lin Fei's footsteps, and couldn't help but feel shocked.

"This kid's body style is too fast."

In the hearts of the eight main gods, they were secretly surprised.

"Stop! Whoever comes, dare to break into the territory of our face race!"

In the space in front, suddenly, a large army appeared, murderous, guarding the main road.

This army is much stronger than the team just now.


There seem to be eight wooden puppets! It seems that it is the wooden puppet clan who is trespassing in the territory of our face clan again! Come on, catch them! "

The strong in this army discovered eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan.

"Do it!"

The leader of the army gave an order.

Boom...A stream of violent energy beams, from the mouths of those faces, sprayed out, densely packed, towards Lin Fei and the others, and flooded.

"Hmph, with such strength, I dare to show ugliness!"

The main **** of a wooden puppet clan stepped forward and snorted coldly.

Rumble...The mighty life law was released from his body, turned into green chains, and flew toward the army of the face race.

In an instant, every face clan was firmly entangled with a green chain, unable to move.

This army of face tribes is the most powerful, that is, the upper **** true god.

It is of course very easy to deal with.

"Keep going."

Lin Fei said lightly.

As a result, everyone continued to move forward.

After a while.

"It's so bold, we dare to trespass in the territory of the Face Race! Take our life!"

In the front, dozens of half-step main gods appeared, one by one, menacingly, floating in the sky.

"Huh, looking for death!"

Another main **** of the wooden puppet clan speeded up and rushed forward.

Rumble... the war began.

However, it starts quickly and ends quickly.

After only a few moves, those dozens of half-step master gods were defeated.

"There is an invasion by foreign enemies!"

"Fight against foreign enemies and defend your homeland!"

...In front, there was a roar like a landslide and a tsunami, and then, one after another, the face tribe army, from all directions, like the tide, rushed over.

It can be seen that the large force of the Face Race has finally arrived.

This time there is a huge army of face tribes.

At a glance, in the void, there are dense faces everywhere, floating in the air, ups and downs, making the scalp numb.

"Kill it."

Lin Fei said.

Then, strode forward.

Boom...a wave of violent energy beams, tearing apart the void, like a locust in transit, flooding towards Lin Fei.

It seems that the scene is very scary.

It's just that Lin Fei didn't pay attention to these attacks.

Lin Fei swept his sleeves away.

Puff puff matter what the attack is, as long as you approach Lin Fei, the energy released by Lin Fei will be shattered and destroyed directly.

Amidst the terrifying attacks like the vast ocean, Lin Fei strolled leisurely, with one hand behind his back and the other, his sleeves constantly flicking, blocking all kinds of attacks, which seemed extremely relaxed.

"We also rushed to kill."

The Eight Stone Saints looked itchy, and waved the stone stick to kill forward.

The goblin also started to do it.

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan strode forward and were very brave.

This battle was very fierce.

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