Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4135: The treasure left by the chaos god

"Eight ancestors, what happened.

Why, my sacred mountain suddenly shook.

Will the sacred coffin we live in be disturbed suddenly? "

After the creatures of the underworld crawled out of the coffin, they found that the eight main gods of the underworld had already stood on the top of the mountain, so they asked carefully one by one.

These eight main gods are the ancestors with the highest status in the underworld, in charge of everything in the underworld.

"See the eight ancestors!"

More and more people from the underworld climbed out of the coffin and ran to the top of the mountain to salute the eight main gods.

Lin Fei stood in the void in the distance, watching all this with a sneer.

Lin Fei's strength is too strong.

In addition, the whole body releases all kinds of clever chaotic origin laws, which are hidden on the surface of the body.

Therefore, the people in the underworld did not see Lin Fei's existence at all.

"Shut up all! Now, foreign enemies are coming, and all are ready to meet them!"

One of the landlord gods roared.

"foreign enemy?

Eight ancestors, where are foreign enemies? "

The people in the underworld were puzzled and looked everywhere.

They couldn't see Lin Fei standing in the distant void at all.

"The foreign enemy is here."

Lin Fei suddenly smiled.

"It's Lin Fei!"

At this time, those people in the underworld saw the existence of Lin Fei.

This is Lin Fei's initiative to show up.

Otherwise, these people in the underworld would never find Lin Fei's existence.

A long time ago, Lin Fei was a famous figure in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

In the underworld, there are many masters who have ever dealt with Lin Fei, so they all recognize Lin Fei.

Now, so, all of a sudden, I recognized it.

"Face the enemy!"

Immediately, a group of masters from the underworld rushed towards Lin Fei.

The enemy is currently, they want to perform well before the eight ancestors.

"You rubbish, I'll take a breath, and I can mess with you."

Lin Fei shook his head and smiled.

"Lin Fei, just brag.

I know that your strength is really good, and you have organized an alliance army.

However, the people in our underworld are not vegetarians. Come, let us fight for hundreds of rounds! "

A real god, a middle-ranking **** in the underground palace, roared and charged towards Lin Fei.

The true **** of this underworld has seen Lin Fei many times before.

In his impression, Lin Fei's strength is indeed very strong.

However, at that time, Lin Fei was nothing more than a lower god.

He felt that Lin Fei's realm should not change, and he was still the lower god.

After all, as a god, want to break through and upgrade, the difficulty is much greater than those of low-level warriors! He is the middle **** and true god, so he is not afraid of Lin Fei at all.

"I can't help myself."

Lin Fei saw a true middle-ranking god, and he dared to rush towards him, and couldn't help laughing.

With Lin Fei's current strength, there is not much difference between a median **** and true god, and an ant.


Lin Fei opened his mouth and blew.

Phew... A mighty wind blew out from Lin Fei's mouth.

Boom...In this gust of wind, there is the mighty power of the world, and it also contains several laws of the origin of chaos.

Ah... Soon, the middle **** of the underworld, the true god, found that something was wrong.

Because, he found that his body, suddenly, could not move.

The time and space he was standing in was sealed tightly, his body, as if embedded in a copper wall and an iron wall, he couldn't do it with his fingers.

Rumble... a terrible hurricane of energy, blowing over him mightily.

Before it arrived, his body was squeezed by terrible energy and began to deform.

It was as if there were two invisible giant palms squeezing his body hard.

Let his body keep getting flat.

Snap...The body of the middle god, true **** of the underground palace, became squeezed and thinner.

It almost became a piece of paper.

What is even more frightening is that the energy hurricane blown by Lin Fei is still blowing towards him non-stop.

"Ah, eight ancestors, help! Lin Fei, spare, spare..." In extreme panic, he began to collapse and yelled.

He felt the terrible breath of death.


Lin Fei suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed, and then the middle **** true **** discovered that the space he was in was originally sealed tightly, and at this moment, the seal was lifted.

His body can move.

Then, his body as thin as a piece of paper, under the blowing of the strong wind, began to flutter, sway, and fly away. In a moment, he disappeared.

"I've said it all, I can take a breath, and I can mess with you. Now, you should believe it."

Lin Fei joked.

With Lin Fei's strength, it was easy to kill the middle **** true **** in that underworld.

It's just that Lin Fei doesn't have much interest now to kill these creatures that are so weaker than himself.

It's like a dragon in the sky has little interest in trampling on an ant on the ground.

Moreover, Lin Fei himself was not a bloodthirsty person.

"Lin Fei, what do you want?

Could it be that you want to kill all of our underworld! "

At this time, the eight main gods in the underworld finally understood that Lin Fei's strength was too strong, and it surpassed them too much.

The eight of them, no matter how they fight, it is absolutely impossible to be Lin Fei's opponent! Therefore, they began to completely give up the idea of ​​starting with Lin Fei.

"You said, how should I deal with you."

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

"What kind of baby is this mountain?"

Lin Fei landed on the mountain and began to study the black mountain, hitting two punches here and stomping a few feet there, causing the black mountain to vigorously shake and rumbling.

Lin Fei was shocked to discover that the hardness of this mountain in Montenegro seemed to be no worse than that of Shenjian Mountain! No matter how Lin Fei used his fists and feet, or how he used his sword to chop, he couldn't cut any debris.

Even Lin Fei had an amazing conjecture in his heart.

"This mountain is not left by a chaos god, right."

Lin Fei felt a little shocked.

The eight main gods in the underworld, as well as the other people in the underworld, felt very aggrieved when Lin Fei treated the holy mountain in their hearts like this.

However, they did not dare to be angry with Lin Fei at all.

Therefore, anger turned anger, they had no choice but to watch, Lin Fei kept punching and kicking their holy mountain, or cutting with a long sword.



...Many creatures in the underworld are constantly roaring in their hearts.

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