Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4136: The call from the reincarnation line

After studying for a long time, Lin Fei had nothing to do with this black mountain.

"This thing is too hard, even I can't hit him."

Lin Fei couldn't help but marvel.

You know, with Lin Fei's current strength, even a plane can smash it with one palm.

It is not difficult for Lin Fei to smash dozens of planes with one palm.

Lin Fei beat the **** mountain in front of him for most of the day, but there was nothing at all, not even a little bit of mud and rocks.

Really hard enough! "From this point of view, the origin of the underworld can be very large.

It is worthy of being a sect with a long heritage and profound heritage. "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

It seems that in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, every super faction has a big background.

The overall strength of the underworld is not very good.

However, just looking at this black mountain, you know that it is by no means simple.

"Lin Fei, Lin Shaoxia, don't smash it anymore. This sacred mountain in our underworld is very hard. It is difficult for you to smash it."

The main **** of one of the underground palaces stepped forward and said.

What he now calls Lin Fei has also changed.

Not called Lin Fei, but Lin Shaoxia! "Lin Shaoxia, before, it was our underworld's fault.

You shouldn't offend Lin Shaoxia.

We are willing to make any compensation, as long as Lin Shaoxia is satisfied with you.

I don't know, Lin Shaoxia, what are you going to do to let us go. "

The main **** of the other underworld also stepped forward and said.

At this moment, the eight main gods of the underworld all became very respectful, even cautious.

Just now, when Lin Fei was studying this **** mountain, the terrifying energy displayed completely frightened them.

Although Lin Fei fisted and kicked, he had no choice but to take the **** mountain.

But [] is.

Every punch, every kick, the energy fluctuations released, but you can't do it! The eight main gods of the underworld just now stood by and felt the energy released between Lin Fei's fists and feet.

I was so scared that my heart was pounding.

They estimated that if Lin Fei's fists hit them, they would be able to crush them with just one fist! So after Lin Fei finished studying the black mountain, their attitude became completely respectful, and they didn't even dare to breathe a breath when standing in front of Lin Fei.

And the name Lin Fei completely changed, he was called Lin Shaoxia! "Oh?

Are you really willing to make any compensation? "

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile.

Bang Bang Bang... Suddenly, the eight main gods of the underworld all knelt down on one knee.

"As long as Lin Shaoxia is willing to let us go, we are willing to make any compensation!"

The eight main gods all said in unison.

"Your attitude has changed so quickly."

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing.

It's just that Lin Fei's character is really soft but not hard.

The tougher the opponent's attitude, the less Lin Fei will not give in, and the more he will do it to the end.

But when the other party's attitude is weak or kneeling down to beg for peace, Lin Fei is a bit hard to get it.

After all, Lin Fei and the underground mansion did not necessarily want to destroy the clan, and the hatred of destroying the family.

"This..." Lin Fei felt a little difficult to decide for a while, what to do with the underworld.

"I'm going to stay here for a while, you better not bother me."

In the end, Lin Fei decided to put the netherworld aside first, preparing to spend time to continue studying the black mountain in front of him.

Because Lin Fei felt that this black mountain seemed to have another mystery.

Especially, in addition to the strong breath of death exuding from the mountain, there are actually some laws of reincarnation! Even Lin Fei felt that the black mountain in front of him had some mysterious connection with the line of reincarnation.

This is purely a feeling! You know, Lin Fei has been struggling to realize and cultivate his mental strength during these centuries.

Vaguely, a supernatural power was born, the sixth sense! The sixth sense is a very mysterious thing.

Even ordinary creatures, sometimes at a certain time, in a certain place, under a special situation, will suddenly be born, the sixth sense, this supernatural power.

However, the sixth sense born by ordinary creatures is unstable and fleeting, and in many cases it may not be accurate.

But Lin Fei's sixth sense was different.

Not only is it stable, it will always exist without disappearing, but it is also very accurate.

So Lin Fei believed in his own feelings.

Therefore, Lin Fei must have some mysterious connection to the black mountain in front of him.

"Be sure to study it carefully."

Lin Fei had regarded himself as a descendant of the cycle of reincarnation, and now that he encountered something related to the cycle of reincarnation, where would he let it go.

You must get to the bottom of it before you are willing to give up.


Lin Shaoxia, do you still want to study the sacred mountain in our underworld? "

The main gods of the eight underworlds couldn't help being taken aback.

"Not bad.

Why are you not willing? "

Lin Fei stared sharply.

"Since Lin Shaoxia wants to study, how dare we stop it.

Then Lin Shaoxia will study it slowly, and we won't bother you. "

How dare the eight main gods of the underworld have any opinions?

"Well, you all go back to your coffin.

Don't bother me, I don't want to bother you again. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"Then we retire."

The eight main gods of the underworld could not help being overjoyed when they heard Lin Fei's words. They knew what Lin Fei meant, and that was to let them go.

As a result, the eight main gods of the underworld, with those people from the underworld, returned to their coffins.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged in front of the black mountain and began to study.

Lin Fei released the power of divine consciousness and felt it toward the black mountain.

In a moment, Lin Fei's powerful divine consciousness enveloped the entire black mountain, perceiving and researching it inch by inch.

In addition to the strong law of death, this black mountain also releases some laws of reincarnation from time to time.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness tried to perceive inside the mountain.

However, this black mountain, I don't know what material it is made of.

Not only was it terribly hard, but it was also difficult to perceive the power of divine consciousness.

"Take it easy.

I don't believe it, I can't get you through! "

Lin Fei also had a temper and vowed to study this black mountain clearly.

So, for the next time, Lin Fei had been sitting in front of this black mountain, motionless.

Time passed slowly.

One day, two days, year, two years...until five years later.


Inside this black mountain, there seems to be another mystery! I even vaguely felt a calling.

This kind of calling actually seems to have something to do with reincarnation! "

One day five years later, Lin Fei's heart suddenly moved.

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