Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4287: Replace Lin Fei

"Just relying on him, I definitely can't track Master."

Lin Fei sensed the old man's breath, and said in his heart.

Lin Fei estimated that the strength of this old man was not much different from his own.

For the master, it is too weak.

Therefore, Lin Fei was not worried at all, and did not take action to deal with the old man.

"It seems that it's time for me to set out to find the fragments of rebirth."

Lin Fei said to himself.

So Lin Fei returned to the plane of falling immortal and continued to spend more than a hundred years with his family.

It is worth mentioning that the current boundless Chaos Sea has entered a world of prosperity and development.

In the era when Emperor Jiang ruled, the entire boundless Chaos Sea was full of miserable winds and rains, life was overwhelmed, and overall strength continued to decline.

Now, it's the opposite.

Lin Fei's policy towards the boundless sea of ​​chaos is to allow all ethnic groups and religions to develop freely without restrictions.

After so many years, after a free recuperation, all religions and races have begun to regain their vitality.

Moreover, the new generation has also begun to emerge, one after another young geniuses, one after another, have been born, famous in the world.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Fei had not shown his face in the boundless sea of ​​chaos for two to three hundred years.

Only the older generation of creatures still deeply remember the amazing deeds of Lin Fei back then.

Especially the matter of defeating Dijiang and driving Dijiang out of this sea of ​​space is enough to be passed on forever.

It's just that many younger creatures are quite unfamiliar with the name Lin Fei.

You can only read Lin Fei's deeds back then from the narratives of the older generation, or from the records of some ancient books.

However, many younger creatures thought that these deeds were exaggerated.

Especially, for Lin Fei, with half a step of the realm of the main god, he can easily crush dozens of main gods' amazing combat power, which is disapproving.

In short, as time goes by, the older generation begins to gradually retreat, and the younger generation begins to become the protagonist of this sea of ​​space.

Tianjiao emerges in large numbers, and this is a very lively and prosperous era in the world.

"My generation should rise up, the last wave followed by the front wave, the last era of the boundless chaotic sea, the most powerful, it is said that Lin Fei.

However, the old era has passed, and now is a new era.

In this era, the name Lin Fei is outdated.

I, Ouyang Tian, ​​will eventually replace Lin Fei and become the strongest in the new era! "

One day, a young creature with a **** head stood up and shouted openly in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Ouyang Tian is a young powerhouse who has only risen rapidly in the past two hundred years, possessing the strength of a half-step master god.

Moreover, it is very hopeful to break through and become the main god.

He has challenged many young evildoers in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, but all those who are a little bit famous and heard by him have come to challenge them one by one.

And, so far, it has not been defeated! Later, he began to challenge some of the older generation of strong men.

What is shocking is that he has defeated many famous old generation powerhouses! Even, once, he even went to three thousand worlds to challenge.

It's just that in a world of three thousand sizes, no one cares about him at all.

Such an experience made this young strong man extremely proud.

Until the end, he shouted words to replace Lin Fei.

As soon as Ouyang Tian's shouts came out, the entire boundless sea of ​​Chaos became a sensation.

Many powerful older generations shook their heads one after another, sighing that this guy is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers and knows how high the world is.

Because, the strong of the older generation, who knew Lin Fei was terrible.

But the younger generation of creatures are full of enthusiasm, and they all regard Ouyang Tian as an idol.

In the plane of falling immortals.

Lin Fei's gaze penetrated the distant time and space, looked at Ouyang Tian, ​​couldn't help but shook his head and laughed.

How powerful is Lin Fei's sense of consciousness.

When Ouyang Tian uttered the two words Lin Fei, Lin Fei had already felt it and noticed Ouyang Tian.

"But that's fine.

The boundless sea of ​​chaos should be given to these young generations.

I don't have to, I will mix things up with the boundless sea of ​​chaos. "

Lin Fei smiled.


At this time, a figure quietly left the three thousand-sized world and headed towards Ouyang Tian.

In a certain plane of the boundless Chaos Sea, above a certain continent.

Ouyang Tian is being surrounded by a group of young creatures, holding a banquet.

The scale of the banquet was very large, and there were many young creatures who came here to participate in the banquet.

Because this banquet was initiated by Ouyang Tian.

With Ouyang Tian's influence in the minds of the younger generation, every young creature in the world is eager to participate in such a grand event.

Of course, only well-known young creatures are eligible to participate.

At this time, the banquet was very lively.

One by one young geniuses, toast and drink.

There are many saints and princesses of the great religious families, openly or darkly, constantly showing good wishes to Ouyang Tian, ​​wanting to make friends.

Ouyang Tian is tall and slender, with a magnificent head, outstanding temperament, and exudes a terrible energy aura. Standing among many young creatures, he looks like a group of chickens.

"Haha... everyone, come, sip this cup together to celebrate the arrival of the new era.

Our group of people are the trendies of the new era.

In the near future, the boundless sea of ​​chaos will be ruled by us! "

Ouyang Tian raised his luminous wine glass high and said loudly.

At this moment, he felt that he had reached a pinnacle in his life, full of ambition, and looking over the world! Just now.

Suddenly, a boy of about eleven or twelve years old, with his hands on his back, appeared in front of Ouyang Tian, ​​looking at Ouyang Tian with a plain gaze.


Who is this little kid?

When did he come? "

Everyone finally discovered this weird little boy, and they all started to cry out in shock.

All eyes are on the little boy.

"Boy, who are you?

I don’t invite nameless people at Ouyang Tian’s banquet.

I have no impression of you at all.

So, don’t ask, you must have sneaked out.

Little kid, your mother told you to go back. "

Ouyang Tian looked at the little boy in front of him, feeling a little unhappy.

Because, the little boy looked directly at him, without any respect, but like a provocation.

"Only you, want to replace Lin Fei?

I don't know how high the sky is. "

Suddenly, the little boy started talking.

After hearing the little boy's words, all the young creatures around were stunned.

Someone dared to question Ouyang Tian in person like this.

And, is it still an eleven or twelve-year-old kid?

All the people were stunned.

Ouyang Tian's expression became cold on the spot.

"Not bad.

Just rely on me, in the future, I can definitely replace Lin Fei.

What, kid, do you have an opinion? "

Ouyang Tian sneered.

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