Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4288: I am his son

At this time, Ouyang Tian was already angry.

He has developed a demeanor of juvenile supremacy, how can he allow a little guy to question this way.

"Of course I have an opinion.

With your style, I can suppress you with a single finger.

I dare not say that I will replace Lin Fei in the future. What qualifications do you have to say such big talk? "

The little boy said lightly, with a kind of disdain in his plain tone.


! This kid is crazy! How dare he say such things to Ouyang Tian.

Don't want to live anymore. "

"This little guy is dangerous! Ouyang Tian is not easy to provoke."

"Poor little guy, young and knows nothing.

He just ran to provoke Ouyang Tian. "

... the other young creatures around, all whispered, shaking their heads in secret.

"Haha, kid, what a joke are you telling! You can crush me Ouyang Tian with just one finger.

This is the funniest joke I have heard in my life. "

Ouyang Tian laughed in anger.

"What I said was not a joke, but the truth.

Don't you believe it.

Well, I will prove it to you now.

I can suppress you with one finger. "

Said the little boy.


The little boy reached out a finger and gently pressed it to Ouyang Tian from the air.

"Roar! Looking for death, kid, you insult me ​​so much.

I will never give up easily.

Not only you, the family behind you, the teacher, I also want to come to the door to ask for justice.

Now, I will suppress you first! "

Ouyang Tian was furious and couldn't control it anymore.

Rumbling... the extreme energy pressure, violently and violently from his body, instantly flooded the world, shaking the entire space and time.

Roar...A blue dragon condensed from pure blue energy, rushed out from the top of his head, swelled into the wind, and instantly transformed into a huge and incomparable blue dragon, traversing in this space and time, towards that little Boy, come and kill.

The little man didn't make any other movements, and the extended finger began to zoom in quickly.

boom! There are horrible energy and laws that are beyond description, bursting out of that finger.

In an instant, the little boy's fingers became immense, like a pillar supporting the sky, clicking on the blue dragon that was slaughtered.

at last.

The little boy's fingers collided with the blue dragon.

puff! In the shocking eyes of everyone, the imposing blue dragon, like a bubble, directly exploded into nothing.


The little boy's fingers still pushed forward slowly, pressing towards Ouyang Tian.

Immediately, Ouyang Tian felt that there were unspeakable terrifying energy and laws, which fell from the sky, like thousands of sacred mountains, suppressed.

Ouyang Tian even found that it became quite difficult to stand on his own.

The waist began to be compressed and slowly bent down.

Kaka... Ouyang Tian's body began to bend down deeply like a big bow.

how is this possible! The young creatures around all showed incredible expressions and screamed.

No one believes in what he sees.

You know, the little boy's finger hasn't really touched Ouyang Tian yet.

Just the coercion that radiated from Ouyang Tian suppressed Ouyang Tian and bent down. Such strength is too terrifying.

"Hoho..., I don't believe it, I don't believe it."

At this time, Ouyang Tian seemed to collapse a little, and roared.

His heart is full of unwillingness, aggrievedness, and a deep sense of frustration.

He was really unwilling.

You know, he became famous when he was young, defeated the young evildoers in the world, and even defeated many strong men of the older generation. Until now, he has no rivals.

Unexpectedly, now, facing a little boy, even a finger of the other party could not resist.

In this way, in public, I was forced to bend down.

How could he accept this so arrogant.

Puff puff... Suddenly, he began to vomit blood.

Part of this blood was vomited because he could not bear the energy pressure of the little boy.

In part, he was so angry.

Kaka...The little boy's fingers were getting closer and closer to Ouyang Tian's head.

Ouyang Tian's waist was bent deeper and deeper.

at last.

The little boy's fingers completely touched Ouyang Tian's head and pressed it on the scalp.

boom! Ouyang Tian couldn't support it anymore, and directly climbed on the ground, throwing his five bodies to the ground.

At this moment, tears of humiliation continued to flow in Ouyang Tian's eyes.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho... No, I don't believe it. This is an illusion, this is not real! I, Ouyang Tian, ​​is capable, why can't even a little kid be resisted!"

Ouyang Tian began to collapse, and Hao Tao burst into tears.

Rumble...The little boy's fingers were still pressed on Ouyang Tian's head, causing Ouyang Tian's body to begin to sink deeply under the ground.

On the ground, a human-shaped pit appeared, and Ouyang Tian's body was no longer visible.

Only a huge finger, pressed deeply into the depths of the earth! All around, there is dead silence! With shocking gazes, they looked at what happened before them.

"I give up, I give up, please let me go! I dare not!"

Suddenly, deep in the earth, Ouyang Tian's begging for mercy came out.

"Are you sure, you gave up?"

The little boy asked lightly.

"I'm sure!"

From the depths of the earth, Ouyang Tian's voice came out, without the high-pitched, unbeatable tone.

"In this case, spare you this time."

The little boy said lightly.


Retract your fingers.

Boom... A figure rose from the depths of the earth to the sky, standing on the cloud night.

It is Ouyang Tian.

At this time, Ouyang's face was as gray as death, and he looked at the little boy with fearful eyes.

His body, tattered, head, limbs, and body were all seriously deformed.

However, as a half-step master god, physical damage is nothing to him.

In an instant, his physical body returned to normal.

Dare, facing the little boy in front of him, he dare not say a word.

He understood that the strength of the little boy in front of him was much stronger than him.

The little boy glanced at Ouyang Tian lightly, turned and left without saying a word.

"and many more!"

Ouyang Tian called out suddenly.


The little boy turned around and looked over with a plain gaze.

"May I know your name?"

Ouyang Tian asked.

"Lin Tianjun."

The little boy replied.

Then, turned around and walked away.

One step was disillusioned, and in the blink of an eye, he was far away.

"Lin Tianjun, Lin Tianjun..."

Ouyang Tian repeated the name several times, and suddenly, he shook his body and looked at Lin Tianjun in the distance with an incredible look.

"What is the relationship between you and Lin Fei?"

Ouyang Tian asked.

"I am his son."

Lin Tianjun said lightly without looking back, and then stepped into the depths of the void and disappeared.

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