Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4413: Star River

at this time.

Lin Fei, the Chaos Swallowing Beast, and the Lord of the Reincarnation Palace, under the guidance of Po Meng, after a period of running around, came to a sea of ​​space.

The three of them stood in the sea of ​​absolute space, looking at the sea of ​​space ahead.

"This space sea seems to have a great relationship with our reincarnation! Because I can perceive that there seems to be a strong and pure reincarnation energy in this space sea, as well as a large number of reincarnation laws."

Suddenly, Po Meng said in surprise.

"Hurry in.

Maybe there will be surprises! "

Po Meng said.


is it. "

All three Lin Fei were taken aback.

Because the three Lin Fei didn't seem to have any special feelings.

It's just that Po Meng is an old predecessor in the line of reincarnation, and her feeling is naturally reliable.

"it is good.

Let's go in and take a look. "

Lin Fei nodded.

As a result, the three of them stepped up and walked towards the sea of ​​space ahead.

However, when he approached the sea of ​​space, Lin Fei discovered that the entrance and exit of this space had been sealed.

Moreover, the space barriers of this space sea are particularly hard and thick.

Even more surprising people, the entire sea of ​​space, is blocked by layers of formations.

It's hard to enter! "How is this going?

This sea of ​​space has been sealed tightly and cannot be entered or exited. "

Lin Fei and the three people were all a little surprised. They surrounded this sea of ​​space and entered the study.

"You have to think of a way, go inside and take a look, and then you know what happened."

Lin Fei said.

"This sea of ​​space is heavily sealed, so it's easier said than done if you want to go in.

With our strength, it seems difficult to break in. "

The Lord of Samsara felt it for a while, and she couldn't help but frown, and said in a loud voice.

"These formations, I can try and crack them.

It's just that after breaking these formations, there is still a hard space barrier. We must find the weak points of this space sea and break through the space barriers before it is possible to break in. "

Lin Fei said.

"You can crack these formations first.

Our chaos swallowing beasts have a secret method of inheritance, which seems to be used to break space barriers. "

Chaos Tian Swallowing Beast said.

"That's good.

Let's try it.

Have already come here.

In any case, don't give up easily. "

Lin Fei said.

So, next, Lin Fei began to try to break the formation.

"These formations are all arranged by the Chaos God!"

Lin Fei discovered this immediately and couldn't help being very surprised.

How simple is the formation left by the Chaos God.

"Never mind, anyway, if you have time, study it slowly.

Just take it as it is, forging to improve my formation level. "

Lin Fei said.

Then, Lin Fei began to concentrate on studying and cracking those formations.

Time passed slowly.

I don't know if I don't think it is, a few years have passed.

Lin Fei was still sitting next to this sea of ​​space, researching and cracking those formations.

In the past few years, Lin Fei has cracked not many formations.

Because these formations are all arranged by the Chaos God, which is too clever.

However, in this process, Lin Fei felt that his formation level had been significantly improved.

"Take it as the level of formation."

Lin Fei is not in a hurry.

The chaotic swallowing beasts and the reincarnation palace masters were nearby, found an empty space, and each opened up a small world, entered the small world, and practiced in retreat.

Both of them are the strength of the main god.

For the Lord God, time and life span are almost endless.

A hundred or more decades is not a thing at all.

Time passed slowly.

I don't know if I don't think it is, hundreds of years have passed.

Finally, Lin Fei's formation level improved a lot.

Then, Lin Fei broke the formation faster and faster.

Hundreds of years have passed.

Finally, Lin Fei successfully cracked all the formations on the surface of this space sea! Lin Fei's formation level, at least, has improved several times! "No matter which level you reach, practice and forging are the best ways to improve."

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.

"All right.

Now, it's my turn to try to break the space barriers of this space sea. "

The Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast ended its retreat and walked out of the small world.

"Lin Fei, you actually cracked all the formations.

Your formation skills are really amazing! "

The reincarnation palace lord couldn't help but admire him, staring at Lin Fei with a pair of beautiful eyes.


The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast began to use a secret method of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast clan and rushed towards the space barrier of that space sea.

Rumbling... I saw that in front of him, a drill-like energy hurricane formed, roaring to the sky, drilling towards the space barrier of the space sea ahead.

This energy drill is composed of a variety of different energies and laws, and its penetrating power is very powerful.

In addition, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beasts have a talent for power, and their power is infinite.

Rumble... Soon, the space barrier of the space sea began to tremble violently.

In the beginning, there was nothing in the space barriers, and it was intact.

But gradually, after a few years.

Above the space barrier, small cracks began to appear, just like strands of hair climbing on the space barrier.


Upon seeing this, the reincarnation palace lord couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Sure enough, it is the Chaos Swallowing Beast, this kind of racial secret technique is indeed powerful."

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.

"No wonder, it has always been said that the true adult Chaos Devouring Beast can challenge the Chaos God.

The Chaos-Swallowing Beast clan really excels. "

Po Meng also said.

Time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, decades have passed.

The crack above the space barrier is getting bigger and bigger.

Finally one day.

Boom... A hole was drilled through the space barrier! "Haha, we can go in!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Not bad.

We can finally get in! "

The Lord of Samsara also cheered.

"Let's go in."

The Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast turned his head and said to Lin Fei and Palace Master of Reincarnation.

"it is good."

Lin Fei stepped up and walked towards the hole that was drilled above the space barrier.

The Lord of Samsara also quickly followed up.

The three of them quickly entered the sea of ​​space when they passed through the hole.


The sight in front of them surprised all three of them.

Looking around, I saw that in this sea of ​​space, there were huge and unmatched stars everywhere.

The scale of a star is equivalent to a plane! Because of the number of stars, there are too many, densely packed, it seems that they form a huge river of stars!

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