Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4414: Reincarnation Monument

"What a rich reincarnation energy and law of reincarnation!"

The three Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.

Each of those stars exudes rich and pure reincarnation energy and the law of reincarnation.

"Look! Above every star, there is a stone tablet, which seems to record something!"

Suddenly, the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast cried.

"Not bad.

Let's go and take a look. "

Lin Fei also found out and walked over.


Lin Fei and the three people landed on one of the stars.

Above this star, there is a huge monument, and on the huge monument, there are densely engraved ancient characters.

With the cultivation base of Lin Fei's three people, all the words in the world can be recognized.

Even if you can't recognize it, you can read the divine consciousness fluctuations contained in these words and know clearly what these words mean.

Me, Tianyue God.

A member of the line of reincarnation.

I was originally on the reincarnation circuit, a **** on duty. For many years, for the normal operation of the reincarnation circuit, I have been on duty with my heart.

Unexpectedly, the army of the dark creatures suddenly arrived and a terrible war broke out.

That great battle was terrible. The endless army of dark creatures was terribly numerous, as if it could never be killed.

Moreover, in addition to the dark creatures clan, I also saw that many masters of other forces cooperated with the dark creatures to attack the cycle of reincarnation.

In the end, because of our reincarnation, we were completely unprepared, and we were caught off guard and defeated.

Even the cycle of rebirth was broken.

The members of our reincarnation line suffered heavy casualties.

In that battle, I always adhered to the cycle of rebirth and did not flinch.

It's a pity that I was weak, and finally, I was still shattered with my flesh and soul.

Before dying, I used the remaining mana to engrave what I had learned throughout my life on the samsara monument, and then summon the samsara world and let the stele enter the samsara world.

I hope that what I have learned throughout my life will be passed on and there will be successors.

Tianyue God takes note.

The stone tablet on this star is like this.

"This is the Reincarnation Monument! Could it be that this is the Reincarnation Realm! How could it be possible! This is the legendary Reincarnation Realm!"

At this time, Po Meng suddenly appeared in front of the stone tablet, reading those inscriptions, and couldn't help shouting excitedly.


Reincarnation monument, reincarnation world? "

The three Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

Apparently, Po Meng seemed to know the origin of these steles.

"Sky Moon God, it turns out that he really fell."

Po Meng looked at the inscriptions, and suddenly became a little sad again, and sighed softly.

"Senior, do you know Tianyue God?"

Lin Fei asked carefully.


Of course, he is also a **** in the cycle of rebirth.

Everyone is a member of the reincarnation line, so it can be considered to have a certain friendship.

His character is very low-key and he doesn't like publicity.

Therefore, I usually don't communicate much with him.

Unexpectedly, in that great battle, he also fell, and also left a monument of reincarnation. "

Po Meng sighed and said.

"Senior, Samsara Monument, and Samsara World, what is going on?"

Lin Fei asked curiously.

As a descendant of the cycle of reincarnation, Lin Fei naturally hopes to know the allusions of the cycle of reincarnation.


Senior, tell us about it. "

The Lord of the Samsara Palace was also curious and asked.

"Our members of the cycle of reincarnation, most of the exercises and martial arts practiced are related to the energy of reincarnation and the law of reincarnation.

It can be said that it is a system of its own.

The law of reincarnation is a very profound law, complex and mysterious.

In the process of cultivation, we often have our own insights and experiences.

Therefore, before dying, every member of Samsara will engrave the exercises and martial skills he has cultivated during his life, as well as his perception of the law of Samsara, on a tablet.

This monument is called the Reincarnation Monument.

The reincarnation monument records our reincarnation line, each reincarnation god, and the cultivation base of our life.

After death, this monument of reincarnation will be automatically transmitted into the world of reincarnation and saved.

The world of reincarnation belongs to our line of reincarnation, a very special space.

It is governed by the three samsara masters.

Every once in a while, the three reincarnation masters will organize all the reincarnation monuments in the reincarnation world, collect those useful insights and experiences about the law of reincarnation, and pass them on to the descendants of the reincarnation line.

In this way, our reincarnation practice and martial arts will become stronger and stronger.

This is also the reason why the overall strength of our reincarnation line was so strong that year. "

Po Meng said.

"That's it."

Lin Fei and the Lord of Reincarnation both listened with gusto.

"Back then, we were in the same line of reincarnation, but one of the most powerful forces in the world was in charge of the reincarnation of all souls, but, unexpectedly, there would be such an encounter.

Po Meng sighed.

"Senior, with that said, here is the world of reincarnation?

On these stone tablets are engraved our reincarnation line, the inheritance of the exercises in the life of those seniors, and the perception of the law of reincarnation?

! "

Lin Fei's tone suddenly became excited.

If this is the case, then this sea of ​​space, for people in the reincarnation line, is simply too valuable to imagine! "Yeah! Doesn't this mean that in this sea of ​​space, there are many techniques and martial arts of our reincarnation!"

The Lord of Samsara also reacted, and instantly became excited.

"of course.

The reincarnation monument in the world of reincarnation is the common property of all members of our reincarnation line.

Every member of the line of reincarnation is qualified to study and comprehend.

So, you two, you can go find the exercises and martial arts that suit you, and practice.

Moreover, the various feelings and experiences about the law of reincarnation recorded on the reincarnation monument are also of great benefit to both of you.

You can get our reincarnation pulse, system, comprehensive exercises and martial arts here. "

Po Meng said.

"That's great!"

Lin Fei and the Lord of Samsara were both very pleasantly surprised.

"I have found the location of the fragment of Naihe Bridge."

Po Meng said suddenly.

"It's over there, above that star."

Po Meng said.


Let's go over and take a look. "

Lin Fei said immediately.

"First put away the fragments of the Naihe Bridge, and then spend time to study and practice the exercises and martial arts recorded on the reincarnation monument."

Lin Fei said.


The Lord of Samsara also nodded.


Under the leadership of Po Meng, she left this star and flew towards another star in the distance.

Along the way, passing stars after another.

Above each star, there is a huge stone monument.

On each stone tablet, there is a record of the inheritance of a certain predecessor of reincarnation.

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