Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4448: Reincarnation Concealment

"That's great! Thank you senior!"

Lin Fei replied in surprise.

Meng Po is a veteran reincarnation **** in the cycle of reincarnation, mastering many ancient secret techniques of the cycle of reincarnation.

Therefore, Po Meng immediately taught Lin Fei a secret technique.

The name of this secret technique is the reincarnation technique.

To practice the reincarnation concealment technique, the prerequisite is to have a very high level of cultivation based on the law of reincarnation, because it itself is the secret technique of reincarnation.

And Lin Fei, of course, met the conditions for cultivation.

So, under the guidance of Po Meng, Lin Fei began to practice this reincarnation concealment technique.

After half a month, Lin Fei finally succeeded in practicing this reincarnation concealment technique.

Shoo! Lin Fei showed it again, the secret technique of transforming three clears into one gas, three identical Lin Fei appeared.

Then, two of them, Lin Fei, used reincarnation to cover the sky.

I saw the law of reincarnation layer by layer, like a rolling hurricane, continuously pouring out from the body, and finally turned into a layer of light covering the bodies of the two Lin Fei.


In fact, this reincarnation concealment technique is a bit similar to the law armor I practiced before.

Even if the reincarnation concealment technique and the law armor are displayed together and superimposed, it seems that the effect of concealment will be even better! "

Lin Fei's heart suddenly moved.

Therefore, Lin Fei immediately displayed the armor of the law.

A piece of armor woven by law emerged on the surface of the body, covering the whole body, including the head.

"What kind of exercise is this?

! Very smart! "

Po Meng couldn't help being very surprised.

The law armor is a secret technique left by the Tianmu Chaos God, and Meng Po has never seen it.

"Senior, this is a secret technique left by my master, Tianmu Chaos God."

Lin Fei didn't hide it, but told Po Meng directly.


Tianmu Chaos God, I have heard of it! He is the strong man of our time! Why, he is your master? "

Po Meng couldn't help being shocked, and asked immediately.

You know, the Tianmu Chaos God, in the past, was a famous and powerful man.

"Not bad.

By chance, I became the disciple of his old man and got many techniques left by his old man.

The armor of the law that I am currently using is also one of them. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"Well, very good.

Unexpectedly, you can become his disciple.

This shows that your luck is really good. "

Po Meng couldn't help but exclaimed.

As a master god, Lin Fei will naturally have many masters along the way.

This time, Po Meng naturally understood very well.

"Well, Tianmu Chaos God is worthy of a prestigious powerhouse.

This kind of law armor, and the reincarnation concealment technique, can be used at the same time, and the effect is very good. The effect of covering the breath is, at least, ten times more! Lin Fei, don't worry, I guess, now, even if the Chaos God is here, if you don't pay attention to it, it may not be able to see through your two bodies. "

Po Meng praised.

"That's good."

Lin Fei was very satisfied.


Three Lin Fei, one of them, swaggered, roaming around openly in the sea of ​​absolute space, attracting the attention of dark creatures.

The great mage of the dark clan also stared at this Lin Fei closely, making deductions.

The other two Lin Fei acted separately and began to quietly search for the whereabouts of the archmage.

Lin Fei knew that if he wanted to find the whereabouts of that great mage, he would definitely start from the army of dark creatures who were chasing him everywhere.

Therefore, the two Lin Fei secretly arrested many dark creatures and interrogated them, or used secret techniques to search and read their memories.

At the same time, the two Lin Fei secretly followed the army of dark creatures, looking for some clues.

Because, the army of dark creatures who came to hunt down Lin Fei directly obeyed that great mage's deployment and kept in touch with that great mage.

Finally, the effort paid off.

Lin Fei started to find many clues gradually.

The location of the great mage also gradually became clear.

Finally, one day, Lin Fei determined the position of the archmage who deduced himself.

In a sea of ​​space stationed with a large army of dark students.

This space sea, the Black Sea 399! One of the lairs of the Dark Clan! Dark creatures are good at reproducing, so the number of dark creatures is too much! Distributed in different nests.

Each lair is called a number plus the Black Sea.

The archmage who deduced Lin Fei belonged to No. 399 Black Sea.

Two of them, Lin Fei, quietly approached the 399 Black Sea.

Po Meng followed one of Lin Fei.

The third Lin Fei was still in the sea of ​​absolute space, running everywhere, attracting the attention of the army of dark creatures and the great mage.

In fact, after Lin Fei performed the secret technique of one gasification and three clearings, there were three Lin Fei.

However, the three Lin Fei actually share the same soul body, and they can communicate with each other at any time.

"Lin Fei, first find out the overall strength of the Black Sea, and see if there is any Chaos God sitting in it before making a decision.

If there is a Chaos God sitting in town, don't just break in. "

Po Meng told Lin Fei.

"Senior, don't worry.

I have scores in my mind. "

Lin Fei nodded.

Slowly, the two Lin Fei approached the No. 399 Black Sea.

However, Lin Fei did not break in directly.

Instead, take the time and patiently to inquire about the strength of the 399 Black Sea.

Near the 399 Black Sea, there are many other space seas.

In these seas of space, there are many other races.

The two Lin Fei entered two different seas of space to inquire.

Finally, the two Lin Fei combined the information they inquired and confirmed that there is no Chaos God sitting in the 399th Black Sea.

"It would be nice if there is no Chaos God!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

It's just that, in the Black Sea No. 399, although there is no Chaos God, there are several 9th-tier main gods! With Lin Fei's current strength, whether he can win the battle against the Tier 9 Lord God, Lin Fei doesn't have much in his heart! It's just that, in any case, Lin Fei must enter this Black Sea to kill the archmage, otherwise, there will be endless troubles, and I don't know how long it will be deduced by him.


Go in! "

Two Lin Fei, came outside the Black Sea 399 at the same time, gritted their teeth secretly and said to themselves.

Then, the two Lin Fei broke into the 399 Black Sea at the same time.

Of course, under the cover of the reincarnation concealment technique and the law armor, the actions of the two Lin Fei were silent, avoiding the attention of the dark creatures, and were not discovered.

After entering the Black Sea, the two Lin Fei began to look for the whereabouts of the archmage.

"Hey, during this period of time, play with me, right?"

Lin Fei sneered secretly in his heart.

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