Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4449: 399 Black Sea

In this Black Sea, the main creatures are the dark creatures.

The entire sea of ​​space is filled with black mist and full of dark energy.

It is estimated that if other creatures are not strong enough to enter such a sea of ​​space, they cannot bear it.

Fortunately, Lin Fei's strength is already close to the strength of the eighth-order main god, and even the strength of the ninth-order main god, for such a space, there is no pressure at all, and he can move freely.

Two Lin Fei, hiding their traces, were looking for the whereabouts of the great dark master in this Black Sea.

At the same time, Lin Fei perceives that in this Black Sea, there are three 9th-order Lord Gods! As for the eighth-tier main gods, at least, there are a dozen! It can be said that this Black Sea, although there is no Chaos God in charge, the overall strength is still very terrifying.

"I don't know, with my current strength, I can fight the 9th-tier main god.

Well, now, don't think about this problem for now.

Get rid of the archmage first, and then think about it slowly. "

Lin Fei felt the breath of the three 9th-order master gods, and said in his heart.

At this time, the third Lin Fei was in the sea of ​​absolute space, in a sea of ​​space.

"Look! The remnant of the reincarnation line is there! I found him! Go ahead, kill this guy!"

An army of dark creatures suddenly broke into this sea of ​​space, saw Lin Fei, and immediately rushed towards Lin Fei in mighty force.

At the same time, near this sea of ​​space, there are many dark-born army, also looking for Lin Fei's whereabouts everywhere.

Because the great mage of the dark clan had been locked through deduction and Lin Fei was in this area, so he instructed a large number of dark creatures to come to this area and search for it.

"Hey, just because you dirty beasts want to kill me?

go to hell! "

Lin Fei sneered, and directly displayed his mental power.

Rumble... a huge and real world of mind power, which fell from the sky, shrouded all that army of dark creatures.

Immediately, this army of dark creatures all came to a strange world, panicking.


Lin Fei appeared at the highest point of this unfamiliar world, with a condescending gaze, looking down at this dark army, his expression was extremely cold, and a word was gently spit out in his mouth.

next moment.

Puff...This army of dark creatures began to explode one by one, exploding to pieces! The screams shook the entire sea of ​​space.

This sea of ​​space is an ordinary sea of ​​space, in which various races exist.

The masters in this sea of ​​space stood in the distance watching the battle.

"Oh my God! That young human being is terrible. He was able to deal with a large army of dark creatures with ease. Moreover, he killed so many dark creatures all at once, and his strength is too terrifying!"

The master of this space sea was amazed one by one.

However, when it comes to dark creatures, they don't dare to get close at all, for fear of getting into trouble.

Because everyone knows that the dark creatures are a very powerful, acting style, very domineering and cruel race.

No one dares to provoke the dark race.

You know, in the past, the most powerful line of reincarnation in the world was also destroyed by the dark clan! After a while.

The entire army of dark creatures was all beheaded by Lin Fei's mental power world, not one left! Just, the next moment.


One after another, dark creatures continued to enter this sea of ​​space, rushing towards Lin Fei.

Not only that, but around this sea of ​​space, there are even more army of dark creatures, constantly gathering.

That great mage has already locked down this space sea, and is constantly deploying troops and generals to block this space sea! "Too much!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but smiled bitterly when seeing the dense and mighty dark creatures rushing forward.

"It's just that I can't go now, I can only bite the bullet and attract firepower here.

After killing the archmage, he could leave. "

Lin Fei's heart secretly said.

The reason why Lin Fei appeared in this sea of ​​space and stayed here all the time was to attract the attention of the archmage so that the other two Lin Fei could find it in the Black Sea 399. That archmage, and behead it! at the same time.

In the Black Sea No. 399.

The other two Lin Fei were everywhere looking for the whereabouts of the archmage.

In the depths of the void of the Black Sea, above an altar.

The little archmage was sitting on the altar, performing the dark clan's secret arts, and constantly deducing Lin Fei's actions.

"Trapped! The remnants of the reincarnation line are finally trapped in the sea of ​​space.

This time, he should not be able to escape! Haha, boy, we have spent so many years, finally, there must be a result! Humph, you can't escape the palm of my hand! "

On the altar, the great mage was so proud that he couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

Around this altar, there are still a group of masters of dark creatures standing.

These masters, most of their strength, are the fifth-order, or sixth-order, seventh-order main gods.

These main gods, who came here, are specifically responsible for providing blood to this great mage.

This great mage insisted on deducing Lin Fei. He had been deducing for a long time, and his own blood had already been exhausted very severely.

Therefore, every once in a while, a group of dark creature masters must be changed to come to provide blood.

Only in this way can it maintain the energy that this archmage needs.

At this time, the masters of dark creatures standing beside the altar, one by one, were a little sluggish and listless.

Because they provided a lot of blood to the archmage.

"Hey, the archmage doesn't know if he took the wrong medicine.

Over the years, I have been insisting, deducing, the whereabouts of the remnants of the reincarnation.

In fact, there are so many remnants of reincarnation. Since this one is so difficult to trace, it can be changed.

Not necessarily, keep staring at this.

In order to deduce that guy, we don't know how much blood was provided.

Over the years, my cultivation level has improved a little bit, and it hasn't.

Even the strength has dropped a bit.

It is because there is too much blood provided! "

One of the dark creatures master quietly transmitted voice to the other dark creatures, complaining.


It's not worth it to waste so much time just to trace the remnants of one of the reincarnation lines. "

"Over the years, my cultivation level has not improved at all.

The reason is also because too much blood was provided to the archmage. "

... the other masters of dark creatures also complained one after another.

Of course, they can only use Voice Transmission to complain secretly.

Not dare to speak out.

A great mage has a very lofty status among the dark race.

No dark creature dared to offend a great mage casually.

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