Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4452: Red Lotus Industry Fire

Lin Fei also perceives that there is a large army of dark students coming in mighty force.

Therefore, this archmage must be killed as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be much more difficult to kill this archmage when more dark creature masters arrive.

Therefore, the two Lin Fei used all their strength, all the means and hole cards were used, desperately bombarding the small body of the archmage.

"Ah...damn, boy, how dare you think of this mage, you **** it, your sin is terrible!"

The archmage screamed again and again.

"Go away!"

Around the altar, the other masters of dark creatures are also desperately attacking the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, wanting to rush into the altar to help the great mage.

However, where the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast would let them rush in and go all out, time and time again, to keep these dark creature masters out of the altar.

At this moment, both sides are desperate! Boom...the space where the altar is, swaying and exploding.

This scene is like the end of the world.

"go to hell!"

One of them, Lin Fei, held a war knife in his hand, and slashed on the head of the great mage.

Another Lin Fei cut out a blade of sword light, wrapped the whole body of the arch mage, and carried out crazy cutting! Boom...Finally, the body of the great mage couldn't bear it anymore, and it was exploded to pieces, turning into dark flesh and bones.

It's just that the vitality of this great mage is very tenacious, wherever it is, so easy, it will fall.

next moment.

He reorganized his body and appeared again.


Lin Fei roared, using his mind and power to envelop him.

Then, the two Lin Fei attacked fiercely at the same time, and all of a sudden, the body of the archmage was completely shattered.

Rumble... The body of the archmage exploded into a cloud of blood.

"Ah...boy, you **** it! If you make me like this, I won't let you go! Wait! I'll take revenge!"

The archmage roared bitterly.

You know, as the great mage of the dark race, how noble his physical status is.

Even among the Dark Clan, those chaotic gods who saw him would have to give a bit of face and honor him as a mage.

Now, a remnant of the cycle of reincarnation, a younger generation of human beings, is so rude, dare to hurt him like this, it is simply unimaginable.

Let this great mage, who has always been accustomed to being aloof, simply can't accept it.


Boom... The two Ye Yunfei worked together, and again and again, shattering the body of the great mage.

Gradually, the archmage completely lost his resistance and let Lin Fei attack.

Lin Fei's movements were too fast.

Moreover, Lin Fei also used the law of time and space, doing his best to slow down the flow of time in this piece of time and space, so that the army of dark births coming from a distance would not arrive so soon.


Another moment passed.

Finally, the archmage found that his injury was too serious and he was unable to reorganize his body.

Although, his vitality is very tenacious.

However, within this period of time, his body has been shattered by Lin Fei more than a million times! Finally, exhausted all the energy and vitality of the body! "Ah! Damn human boy, you ruined my body! From now on, I and you will not share the enemy!"

The soul body of that great mage suddenly burned, bursting out with amazing energy.


With a squeak of his soul body, he forcibly got rid of the shackles of Lin Fei's mental power world and fled towards the distant time and space.

boom! At this time, the body of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast was suddenly blasted by those dark creature masters with full force, and it was thrown out by the shock.

injured! Although the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast's combat power is strong, it is a bit reluctant to fight against so many dark creature masters at the same time.

boom! Lin Fei's mental power directly shrouded the past, enshrouding all those dark creature masters.

Immediately, these dark creature masters found that they had come into a strange world, each of them felt heavy and their actions became difficult.

"Let's chase that guy!"

Another Lin Fei took out a batch of Heavenly Materials and Earth Treasures specially used for healing and handed it to the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast.

Some of these heavenly materials and earth treasures are Tianmu Chaos God, left in the Tianmu world sea, very precious, of course, very useful.

The chaos-swallowing beast opened its mouth and swallowed all the heavenly materials and earth treasures.


The two Lin Fei, and the Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast used their body skills, chasing after the great mage's soul body.

This archmage had already destroyed his body, and his soul body was also greatly injured.

This time is the best time to kill him.

If you miss it, it would be a pity.

Shoo! The two Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast used their body skills to the extreme, chasing them in the direction where the great mage had fled.

"Quick! Send a voice transmission to the headquarters immediately, saying that there is a great mage in our clan, facing a life and death crisis, and requesting reinforcements!"

After Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast left, one of the dark creature masters shouted.

As a result, the masters of dark creatures took out the jade slips and began to send messages.


Finally, an astonishing number of dark creatures arrived.

"Chasing! To protect the archmage, you must not let those three guys hurt the archmage!"

All the army of dark creatures rushed towards Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, violently.

at this time.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast, following the soul body of the great mage, came to a very remote and confused time and space.

"Boy, you dare to chase me, you want to die!"

Ahead, the spirit body of the great mage found that Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast were catching up closely, and he couldn't help but roared angrily.

"Hey, today, you are dead!"

Lin Fei sneered.

Lin Fei displayed the method of reincarnation, a phantom of the circuit of reincarnation appeared under his feet.

Two Lin Fei, carrying the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, rushed forward on this circuit, the speed is extremely fast.

Slowly, it got closer and closer to the soul body of the great mage.

"Boy, if you want to die, just follow it."

The spirit body of the great mage yelled while running away.

After a while.

Rumble...In the time and space ahead, a terrifying sea of ​​red fire suddenly appeared.

The sea of ​​fire is very strange, with deep red fires burning. If you look closely, you will find that those fires are composed of red lotus-like flames.

"It turned out to be the red lotus industry fire!"

Po Meng couldn't help but exclaimed.

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