Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4453: Eight Sacred Fires

"Red lotus industry fire?

Is it scary? "

Lin Fei was taken aback when he heard Po Meng's words.

"Red Lotus Karma is terrible of course.

It seemed that this great mage wanted to escape into this red lotus industry fire.

You have to be very careful if you want to chase him in and kill him.

Don't let those red lotus karma fire burn into your body.

Otherwise, it is very troublesome. "

Po Meng said.

"Do you still remember, the last time you went to save Wind Demon ancestors and entered the Skyfire Realm, you encountered those nihilistic karma fires."

Po Meng continued.

"of course I remember."

Lin Fei nodded immediately.

Last time, in order to save the ancestor of the Wind Demon, Lin Fei broke into a place called the Heavenly Fire Realm, which was an endless world of fire.

In the Heavenly Fire Realm, there is a very dangerous flame, called the Void Karma Fire.

At that time, fortunately, with the guidance of Po Meng, Lin Fei was able to avoid those vain karma fires in the Skyfire Realm, walk freely, and finally rescued the ancestor of Wind Demon.

"Let me tell you about the eight sacred fires in the world.

In the future, maybe you will meet them one by one.

Fortunately, there is a preparation. "

Po Meng said.


What are the eight great sacred fires? "

Lin Fei was very curious and asked.

"There are eight great fires in the world.

These eight sacred fires are said to be the oldest, most sacred, and primitive flames in the sea of ​​absolute space.

In the world, all flames are passed down by these eight great fires.

There is a legend that if a warrior in the world can gather these eight great sacred fires to burn themselves, if they can survive it, they can break through immediately and become a chaos god.

Moreover, he will become the same rank powerhouse among Chaos God! In addition, there are so many legends about the eight great sacred fires, so I won't tell you one by one.

In the future, you have a chance to hear it. "

Po Meng said.


! If you can gather the eight great sacred fires, use them to burn your own body, and survive it, you can immediately break through and become a chaos god! Po Meng, is this legend true! "

Lin Fei couldn't help being very shocked after hearing Po Meng's words.

"If this is the case, then, are there many main gods in the world who collect the eight great sacred fires to burn themselves."

Lin Fei asked.

"Hey, even if this legend is true, so what.

The eight great sacred fires, each of them, are terrifying.

In the world, there is absolutely no main **** who can withstand the terrible test of burning the flesh of any kind of divine fire.

Needless to say, the eight great fires are gathered.

The eight great sacred fires, gathered together, the power of burning is too terrifying, enough to destroy everything in the world.

Even if it is a chaos god, it is impossible to dare to let the eight great gods fire and burn the body at the same time.

Besides, is it the main god?

Therefore, no matter whether this legend is true or false, there is absolutely no **** in the world who dares to try. "

Po Meng said.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei felt numb when he heard it.

Even the Chaos God didn't dare to try, so for the main god, of course it was even more impossible, so he dared to try.

"Senior, then, which eight kinds of sacred fires are they referring to?"

Lin Fei asked curiously.

"The eight great sacred fires are: Void Karma Fire, Jiuwei Real Fire, Chaos Real Fire, Sun Real Fire, Nirvana Fire, Red Lotus Karma Fire, Nanming Lihuo, and Nether Wraith Fire.

Well, let me put the specific information of the eight great sacred fires into your sea of ​​consciousness, and you can take your time to read it.

In the future, if you encounter it, you can also pay more attention. "

Po Meng said.


Thank you seniors. "

Lin Fei said immediately.


Po Meng directly penetrated Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge with the information on the eight great sacred fires.

Lin Fei and Meng Po are both people with strong divine consciousness. About the eight divine fires, they just finished talking in an instant.

When Lin Fei was curious, in the sea of ​​knowledge, he read a little bit about the specific information about the eight great sacred fires.

He also had a preliminary knowledge and understanding of the eight great sacred fires.

The so-called eight great sacred fires, the first one, is the fire of emptiness.

It is said that the fire of nihilism can burn all the fire of nihilism, pass through the nine quiets and fall into the yellow spring, can turn the heaven and the earth into nothingness, return the predicament to the chaos, and the three souls and seven souls of the world will be scattered and no trace.

! The second kind is true fire.

In the true fire of Nine Maidens, the nine most primitive energies and laws in the world are fused together to form a flame.

It can burn everything in the world with terrible power.

The third kind is chaos and real fire.

It is said that the real fire of chaos is made up of the most pure time and space essence left after the destruction of the absolute sea of ​​space, the endless sea of ​​space, and the countless planes.

It can easily burn all the seas and planes of the world to nothing.

The fourth type, the sun is really hot.

It is the ancestor of all fires, the origin of all fires, earth, water, fire and wind, these four chaotic spirits, which are transformed by the power of the origin of the yin.

The real fire of the sun can be transformed into two big sun golden crows with ninety-nine fate.

The first one is a fierce and violent Golden Crow exuding a domineering and domineering golden crow all over the body. The second one is a Golden Crow that is watching the world and exuding the holy spirit of the emperor.

The fifth type, the fire of Nirvana, is also called the fire of life.

When the sacred beast phoenix encounters irresistible damage or is about to die of old age, the fire of Nirvana will be ignited all over the body, and everything in this life will be burned in the flame, and Nirvana will be born again in the second life.

Every time the phoenix Nirvana, it becomes stronger.

But as a last resort, Phoenix will not easily choose Nirvana, because Nirvana may not be 100% successful.

The sixth type, the red lotus karma fire is also known as the fire that burns **** sinners.

It is transformed from the evil karma left by various creatures in the world.

It was a dry, crimson, flame that looked quite coquettish.

As it slowly rises, red lotus shapes will be formed.

The seventh, Nanming Lihuo.

The natal fire belonging to the sacred beast Suzaku, also called the fire of the sun, is known for its high temperature. It is said to be the highest temperature in the world.

The eighth kind, ghost fire.

It is the fire of the life of all ghosts in the world, with the energy of the Nine Nether Huangqi as its energy, which is extremely vicious.

"Well, it turns out that these are the Eight Great Sacred Fires."

Lin Fei looked thrilling.

Just now.

call out! The soul body of that great mage actually broke into the red sea of ​​fire in front of him.

"Haha, kid, don't be afraid of death, continue to chase me! Let me tell you the truth.

These are red lotus karmic fires, burning power, can destroy everything, if you have a seed, just follow me in. "

The soul body of the great mage turned around, looked at Lin Fei in the distance, and said with a big smile.

"How can this great mage be so bold!"

Lin Fei watched, standing in the sea of ​​red flames, the great mage who was laughing proudly, couldn't help but frowned.

"I guess that he should have some way to avoid the burning of the red lotus karma.

Otherwise, he is only in the state of the soul body now, and he does not dare to let the red lotus karma burn.

He is the great mage of the dark race, and it is possible that he has some special racial secrets. "

Po Meng said.

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