Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4604: Five apprentices

"It must be the great masters of the Dark Clan, who have made the deduction to master your whereabouts! I guess it should be the master of the ninth floor of the Suiyuelou, come out to ask the Dark Clan's archmages to perform the deduction! Suiyuelou and the Dark Clan, the more they go now. It's getting closer and closer, and it has become an alliance!"

Lin Fei said aloud after hearing the words of Baidi Shenjun.

"It should be like this. Among my five apprentices, the Ninth Floor Lord has the greatest power, and it should be he who has found my whereabouts.

He was also the most ruthless shot at me back then. "

Baidi Shenjun nodded and answered with a hateful expression on his face.

Originally, he had spent so much effort in the past to train all five apprentices to become Chaos Gods. It was a very proud thing. Unexpectedly, in the end, it turned out that the five proud apprentices took the initiative personally, almost He killed.

When he thinks of these things, his emotions cannot be calmed down.

"Lord Ninth Floor... Wait, I will find you to settle the account sooner or later!"

Lin Fei couldn't help gritting his teeth when looking at Baidi Shenjun's painful expression.

Luoshengu has left its original position and is flying towards the distance quickly.

Baidi Shenjun is very familiar with the situation in the sea of ​​absolute space, and he specializes in flying away in those remote directions.

Just at this time.

The five apprentices of the Baidi Shenjun all walked in the sea of ​​absolute space at an astonishing speed, rushing towards the original location of the Valley of God.

After a while.

They rushed into the space where Luoshen Valley was originally located.

The Lord of the Ninth Floor had already figured out the location of Luoshen Valley before he came, so he looked at the time and space where Luoshen Valley was originally located at first glance.

Then he found there was only an empty space and nothing.

"No! That old guy already knew we were coming, he ran away early!"

The ninth floor master's face sank and said loudly.

"No, we have been searching for so many years, and finally found the whereabouts of the old guy. Could it be that we let him escape again like this!"

The other four Chaos Gods were very unwilling and roared.

"Don't worry. Before I came, I had already asked a group of my subordinates to closely monitor this space and the surrounding time and space. Once anyone escapes from here, they will follow it! I believe My subordinates should find out the whereabouts of that old guy! Because all the subordinates I sent are Chaos Gods!"

The ninth floor master said in a loud voice.

The voice of the ninth floor master just fell.

A Chaos God hurried over.

"Report to the host that we just found a space magic weapon and fled in that direction.

I have sent a few people to follow up! "

This Chaos God reported to the Ninth Floor Lord.

"It must be that old guy, go after it with all his strength! That old guy is a very cunning person, he must move faster, otherwise he will escape!"

The ninth floor master said immediately.


The other four apprentices of Baidi Shenjun were also very excited.

How much they want to completely kill Baidi Shenjun, and never suffer from future troubles! "Pass on the order! Send out all the troops, and you must watch me where that space magic weapon is going, and you must not lose it!"

The ninth floor master roared.


The Chaos God who came to report to the Ninth Floor Lord replied, and then he turned and left quickly.

"Of the five of us, you are the best.

Become the owner of the Ninth Floor of the Years Tower, holding heavy power in his hands, and majestic, which is so enviable. "

The other is that a Chaos God cast an enviable look at the Ninth Floor Lord.

"Hahaha...Don't be humble, I heard that you have also mixed up well these years.

Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, hurry up and chase that old guy! "

The owner of the 9th floor is very proud, obviously showing a sense of superiority.

Then, the five apprentices of Baidi Shenjun exerted their full strength one by one, and chased them in the direction of Luoshen Valley.

In the sea of ​​absolute space, a large number of the masters of the Ninth Floor were following the path of their departure towards Luoshengu.

At this time, Luoshen Valley had come to a very remote area.

In this area, there is almost no space, and when you look around, it is an infinite, lifeless absolute space.

"Master, have we escaped tracking."

Lin Fei asked Baidi Shenjun.

"No, there are still a large number of powerful Chaos Gods tracking us.

And it seems that they have found our tracks, and we have not escaped. "

Baidi Shenjun felt it for a moment and frowned and said.

"I know those Chaos Gods. They are all people from the Ninth Floor of the Years Building. It seems that your apprentice sent his men out to track you down.

There are a large number of Chaos Gods in the Tower of Years, which is a bit difficult. "

Desolate Beast also felt for a moment, and said happily.

"Let's continue to flee. With our current strength, we can't beat them."

Baidi Shenjun sighed.

Then, he controlled the Valley of Fallen God and began to continue to flee forward.

Falling God Valley is a very clever space magic weapon, under the control of Baidi Shenjun, the speed is very amazing.

Just after Baidi Shenjun left for a while.

A series of figures exuding a powerful aura continuously came to this desolate and remote time and space.

These are all chaos gods.

One by one, they released their divine consciousness to perceive this space.

After a while.

"That space magic weapon just stayed here! We chased in the right direction! However, now that space magic weapon has fled forward again, we hurried to chase it!"

One of the Chaos God said in a loud voice.

Then, these Chaos Gods began to show their starting methods again, and chased them in the direction where they left from the Valley of Fallen God.

Then, five more silhouettes exuding horror came to this remote and desolate time and space.

It was the five apprentices of Baidi Shenjun.

"The breath of that old guy!"

As soon as Baidi Shenjun came here, he immediately said in surprise.

"Yes, I feel it too, it's the breath of that old guy! Hahaha... It seems that it won't take long before we will catch up with that old guy!"

A chaotic **** laughed in surprise.

"Let's chase it! In any case, this old guy must not be allowed to escape this time, he must be completely killed, so that we can be completely relieved!"

Another Chaos God said.

"Yes, as long as that old guy is still alive, we will always be in awe of fear and peace!"

Another Chaos God received.

"Let's catch up quickly!"

With a wave of his hand, Baidi Shenjun took the lead, chasing him in the direction where he left from Luoshen Valley.

A large number of his subordinates followed Luoshengu closely, so they have not been lost.

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