Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4605: Only 40% recovered

At this time, Baidi Shenjun controlled the Falling God Valley, and fleeed all the way to those remote and desolate directions! However, the subordinates of those ninth floor masters followed very closely.

At least there are more than twenty Chaos Gods, closely following the Fallen God Valley from different directions.

Each of these Chaos Gods is relatively powerful. After trying their best to track them, they have been reluctantly following the Falling God Valley, but they have not been lost.

"These guys are really catching up!"

Baidi Divine Sovereign's divine consciousness, perceiving the chaotic gods who followed closely behind, couldn't help but frowned and said.

"If I wasn't injured, with these small characters, I wouldn't be afraid at all.

Unexpectedly, I was bullied by these little characters today! It was a shrimp scene in Longkun Shoal. "

Baidi Shenjun couldn't help sighing.

"You are right. When you were at your peak, you could kill these little characters with just one finger.

Even if you don't kill them, with your strength at the peak, controlling the Valley of Fallen God, they simply won't have the ability to keep up. "

The wild beast sighed after hearing the words of Baidi Shenjun.

"Master, how is your injury now."

Lin Fei asked aloud.

"My injury is at most 40% better."

Baidi Shenjun sighed and said.

"Only 40% recovered!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked when he heard what Baidi Shenjun said.

You know, the strength that Baidi God possesses now is much stronger than those ordinary Chaos Gods.

However, it was only 40% of his strength at his peak! It is conceivable that the strength of the Baidi Shenjun was at his peak! "Master, how can you recover from your injury?"

Lin Fei couldn't help asking.

With the strength of the Baidi Divine Sovereign, if he can completely recover, he will immediately become a top master in the sea of ​​absolute space. At that time, there is no need to be afraid of his five apprentices.

"My injury is too serious. It's pretty good to be able to recover to this state. It is not easy to completely recover."

Baidi Shenjun couldn't help sighing after hearing Lin Fei's words.

"It is indeed very difficult for your master to completely recover from his injury. His body was seriously damaged, especially his soul body, which suffered great damage back then, almost lost his soul. Now he wants to completely recover too. It's too hard.

Unless there are some top masters who personally take action, perform some legendary clever secrets, and personally restore his soul body, it is possible to completely return to the peak state of the year.

Or you may be able to find some very rare treasures of the gods and souls in the world, and it may also restore your master's strength to the peak state.

However, these two possibilities are very small. "

Desolate Beast shook his head and said.


Lin Fei couldn't help but moved in his heart after hearing what Huang Beast said.

Although the possibility of the two situations mentioned by the beast is very small, everything is possible, in case it is really possible.

"Senior, what level of top master is needed to help my master recover the soul body?"

Lin Fei asked to the beast.

"For example, if you have three reincarnation masters in the line of reincarnation, if they are still alive and willing to help your master, they should be able to completely restore your master's soul body.

Or the three masters of the dark clan, who took action in person, can also help your master recover completely.

Even the old posters in the legend of Suiyuelou, if they are still alive and willing to take action, can completely restore your master's soul body.

However, the three masters of your reincarnation line have long been ignorant of their end. Whether they are dead or alive, I believe those in your reincarnation line do not know.

As for the three masters of the Dark Clan, as well as those old landlords in the legend of the Years Tower, of course they cannot help your master.

Therefore, if you ask this question, it is tantamount to asking it for nothing. "

Desolate Beast shook his head and said.

"Then Senior, those treasures of the souls and souls that you said can restore my master, are those."

Lin Fei asked again.

The wild beast casually said the names of several soul treasures.

However, he didn't think it was possible for Lin Fei to find these legendary soul treasures.

Lin Fei kept the names of these treasures in mind.

"They are getting closer and closer."

At this moment, Baidi Shenjun suddenly said.

"It's a pity that my current strength is so poor, and the speed at which I control Luoshengu flight is very slow. It is not easy to get rid of their tracking."

Baidi Shenjun sighed and said.

"Don't worry, even if they catch up, I will help you block them."

Desolate Beast said comfortingly.

"The latter chaotic gods chased up, of course I am not afraid.

But my five apprentices are now catching up closely, and the strength of my five apprentices is not simple.

Now even if I and you work together, it is definitely not the opponent of my five apprentices. "

Baidi Shenjun shook his head and said.

"Not bad."

Huang Beast's face was a bit ugly, and he nodded and said.

"By the way, I almost forgot! Lin Fei has those teleportation charms left by the Tianmu Chaos God on his body. We can use those teleportation charms to leave when necessary."

Desolate Beast said suddenly.

"Yes! Those teleporters can indeed help us!"

Baidi Shenjun was also shocked. "

Yes, Master, if those teleportation charms are activated by you, the power of teleportation will definitely be greater, so you should be able to escape. "

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

At this moment, a bold idea suddenly appeared in Lin Fei's mind.

"Master, let's do this, I will give you two of those teleporters.

Then, Master, you control Luoshen Valley and continue to leave.

I stayed to block those guys.

As long as I block them for a while, they will definitely be unable to track down the Valley of God. "

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.


! Lin Fei, do you want to stay by yourself to block those guys behind?

Don't, this is too risky.

With your current strength, it is impossible to be the opponent of those Chaos Gods, how can you stop them. "

Before Baidi Shenjun had spoken, the beast kept shaking his head.

"Yes, Lin Fei, doing this is indeed very risky."

Baidi Shenjun also said.

"Master, senior, don't worry.

I am sure. "

Lin Fei said.

After speaking, Lin Fei stretched out his palm, and a flaming fire bead appeared in his palm.

Then Lin Fei thought, billowing flames, gushing out from the fire ball.

These blazes are the eight sacred fires Lin Fei put into the fire in the Ba River Valley! As soon as these sacred fires appeared, they released amazing burning power, continuously distorting the surrounding time and space.

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