Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4649: Three batches of different formations

"How could it be! This kid actually broke a formation!"

"Each of the formations in the Ancestral Temple is powerful, representing the highest level of our formation plane! This kid actually broke a formation, which is incredible."

"No, we must immediately report to those Chaos Gods!"

Before the sixteen chaotic gods left here, a group of main gods were left to guard here. Those main gods were shocked when they saw Lin Fei actually broke a formation, and they shouted.

"Everyone calm down! There are many formations in the Ancestral Temple, this kid just broke one of them, we don't have to make a fuss.

Those Lord Chaos Gods had told us before they left that they would practice in retreat, and if there were no major changes, don't bother them casually.

So let's watch the changes first and see how many formations this kid can crack before making a decision.

I estimate that with this kid's level of formation, it is already quite remarkable to be able to crack one formation, and it is impossible for him to crack more formations! "

A main **** spoke up.

"Not bad.

Before the Lord Chaos God left, they did confess to us that if nothing major happened, don't disturb their cultivation casually.

So, let's wait for a while, let's decide according to the situation. "

The other main gods, after listening to this main god, nodded their heads in agreement.

Therefore, the main gods of the formation plane were staring at Lin Fei, wanting to see how many formations Lin Fei could crack.

At this time, Lin Fei walked towards another formation.

"In fact, the formations surrounding this temple are divided into three batches from the inside to the outside.

The array closest to the ancestral temple is the strongest, and the array farthest from the ancestral temple is the weakest.

I have cracked this formation, which belongs to the group farthest from the ancestral temple, with the lowest level and the weakest power. "

Lin Fei's heart secretly said.

"First crack the weakest arrays, and then crack the other two arrays inside."

Lin Fei thought.

At this time, Lin Fei came before another formation.

The level of this formation is similar to the formation Lin Fei broke just now.

Therefore, Lin Fei stood for an hour before this formation, and then stepped forward directly, and easily passed through this formation.

"One more broke!"

Later, the three brothers of the Bingyuan Clan and the Shuiyuan Clan yelled at the same time, looking very excited.

"No! That kid has broken another formation!"

The main **** of those formation planes was just a little panicked.

Next, Lin Fei continued to walk forward, breaking one formation after another.

For every formation, Lin Fei spent one or several hours to crack it.

All these formations belonged to the outermost group, the weakest formations, for Lin Fei, it was already easy to crack them.

It took about half a month.

Finally, Lin Fei cracked all the arrays that were the farthest from the ancestral temple and the weakest.

There are almost thousands of them! "The big thing is not good! We must report to the sixteen Chaos Gods! This kid has broken thousands of formations in the past half a month! If this continues, maybe all the formations here will be destroyed. He broke! Go! Let's report to those Chaos Gods!"

At this time, the main gods on the array plane were completely panicked, and they were going to report to the sixteen chaotic gods.

Because the places where Chaos God retreats and cultivates are surrounded by heavy formations, isolated from the outside world.

So they must go to the place where the Chaos God retreats in person before they can report.

"The power of these formations is even stronger.

I have to spend some time to analyze and study it before it is possible to crack it. "

By this time Lin Fei had already come before the second batch of Fa-rectification.

Then Lin Fei sat down cross-legged and began to study the second batch of formations [Biquge].

"Look everyone! That kid stopped breaking the line!"

At this time, the main gods on the array plane all screamed.

"This kid doesn't seem to have the ability to continue breaking through!"

"Not bad! Breaking so many formations just now, it should be his highest level!"

"I once heard from those Lord Chaos Gods that the formations in the ancestral temple are the closest to the ancestral temple and are the most powerful.

The power of the formation farthest from the Ancestral Temple is weak.

The formations that this kid broke just now are the farthest from the ancestral temple! Now that he encountered an array closer to the ancestral temple, he was unable to break the array! "

...The main gods on the formation plane were very surprised to see Lin Fei's inability to continue to prove one by one.

"Then what shall we do now?

Do you report to those Chaos Gods? "

One of the main gods of the formation plane said.

"Wait a little longer.

See if this kid can break the formation again! If he can continue to crack these formations that are closer to the ancestral temple, then we must think of those Chaos Gods to report! If he does not have the ability to continue breaking the formation, then there is no need for us to report to those Chaos Lords. "

A main **** said.

"Okay! Just do it!"

The other main gods all nodded their heads in agreement.

for the rest of the time.

Lin Fei sat there quietly, studying the formations in front of him.

Time flies, and before you know it, more than a hundred years have passed.

Lin Fei's analysis of these formations before him became more and more thorough.

But Lin Fei was not in a hurry.

Because the process of studying these formations is a cultivation process for Lin Fei.

Then, more than one hundred years passed.

Finally, one day.

"I have thoroughly studied this second batch of formations. It should be possible to break the formation."

Lin Fei suddenly opened his eyes and stood up.

"Look! Lin Fei is moving again, he is starting to break the line again!"

The three brothers of the Bingyuan Clan, the Shuiyuan Clan, and the more than one hundred monks were all refreshed and looked at Lin Fei at the same time.

Then Lin Fei walked forward and came before a formation.

Above Lin Fei's body, a large amount of formation energy was released and spread to that formation.

"No, that kid is breaking the line again!"

The main gods on the formation plane were all very panicked, their eyes fixed on Lin Fei.

After about an hour.

Lin Fei stepped forward and passed the formation easily.

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