Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4650: Array cultivation is constantly improving

In the following time, Lin Fei broke dozens of formations in one go.

Although, there are a lot of formations in this second batch, at least several thousand.

However, Lin Fei had already studied these formations thoroughly, and it was not difficult to crack all these thousands of formations.

"Great! Although these formations are clever, they don't seem to be a big deal to Lin Fei!"

The three brothers of the Bingyuan Clan, the Shuiyuan Clan and the more than one hundred monks were very excited to see Lin Fei's continuous bursts.

Whether they can leave this plane or not depends mainly on Lin Fei's strength! "The big thing is not good! Have you noticed that this kid's formation technique has become more and more sophisticated!"

"Yes! I feel that for two to three hundred years, he seems to have been using the formations here in the Ancestral Temple to cultivate and improve his formation level!"

"This kid is too enchanting! If this continues, I am afraid that he will really crack all the formations in the Ancestral Temple! We must immediately report to those Chaos Gods! Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!"

...At this moment, the main gods on the formation plane could no longer calm down, and one by one was panicked.

Then, several main gods left this space and headed in the direction of the sixteen chaotic gods.

They are going to report! At this time, the sixteen chaotic gods on the plane of formation were each in their territory, practicing in retreat.

These sixteen Chaos Gods have even forgotten the existence of Lin Fei, a group of external creatures! Because they felt that Lin Fei, a group of creatures, would definitely be trapped in the formations around the Ancestral Temple forever.


Several main gods came outside of one of the chaotic gods' retreat for practice.

"Stop! This is a place for adults to retreat and practice. No one is allowed to come near without permission!"

Immediately, dozens of guards rushed out, blocking the way of these main gods.

"Everyone, we have very important things to report to Lord Chaos! Please inform us!"

One of the main gods said anxiously.

"what's up?

Let me tell you first, I think it's worth to disturb the adults. "

Said one of the guards.

"It's like this..." One of the main gods stepped forward and briefly said what had happened in the Ancestral Temple.

"It turned out to be the news of those foreign creatures! Before the lord retreats, he did say that if you want news about those foreign creatures, you can go in and report to him.

Wait, I will go in and report to the adults right now! "

Said one of the guards.

Then, the guard hurriedly turned around and walked into the closed room where the Chaos God was practicing.

After a while.

The Chaos God came out.

"Are you true?

That kid cracked a lot of the formations in the Ancestral Temple? "

The Chaos God asked in a loud voice.

"Yes, sir, we saw with our own eyes that kid has cracked thousands of formations! And, now he is still breaking the formation!"

One of the main gods replied.

"Why, maybe you are not mistaken, the formation in the Ancestral Temple represents the highest level of our plane! How could anyone break it?

! "

This Chaos God couldn't believe it at all.

"Go, go and see!"

With a movement of his figure, he quickly walked towards the ancestral temple.

After a while, the Chaos God came to the space where the Ancestral Temple was located, and his gaze turned to Lin Fei.

At this time, Lin Fei was concentrating on breaking the formation.

Lin Fei has cracked hundreds of these second batch of formations! "How could this happen! This kid actually broke so many formations!"

This Chaos God was completely dumbfounded and cried out in astonishment.

"What kind of evildoer is this! It was able to crack the formation of the Ancestral Temple!"

That Chaos God couldn't believe what he saw before his eyes.

At this time, Lin Fei was still concentrating on cracking the formation. Although he knew that a Chaos God had arrived, he didn't pay any attention.

"No, I must call them right away and think of a way together to see if I can stop this kid from continuing to break the formation! If this continues, he might really crack all the formations in the Ancestral Temple! You know this ancestral temple is one of the foundations of our formation plane!"

This Chaos God felt that something must be done to stop Lin Fei.

So he immediately sent a voice transmission to the other fifteen Chaos Gods.

After a while, the other fifteen Chaos Gods who received the sound transmission turned around and came quickly toward the ancestral temple.

"Oh my God! What you said turned out to be true! This kid really broke so many formations! It's incredible!"

"Why is his formation level so high? Even the formation here in the Ancestral Temple can be cracked!"

... After the fifteen Chaos Gods came to this space, they all screamed, and they couldn't believe it.

"We must think of a way to prevent him from continuing to break the formation! Otherwise, he may crack all the formations here!"

One of the Chaos God said.

"How to stop?

His formation level is much higher than ours! We don't dare to take a step in the formation here, but he can walk freely. How can we stop him? "

Another Chaos God said.

"Yeah! How do we stop him?

We didn't dare to approach the area covered by those formations! We have no ability to deal with him! "

The other Chaos Gods nodded in agreement.

"then what should we do?

Are we watching him break all the formations here? "

A Chaos God said.

"We can only watch, as if we can't do anything!"

Another Chaos God sighed and said.

At this time, Lin Fei was still breaking the formation continuously, and this second batch of formations had probably been cracked by Lin Fei more than a thousand.

And Lin Fei's speed of breaking the formation is getting faster and faster.

It looks relaxed and you can break one in a moment.

The three brothers of the Bingyuan Clan, the Shuiyuan Clan and the hundreds of monks, seeing Lin Fei so mighty, were completely relieved, and followed Lin Fei leisurely one by one.

" guys, didn't you say that the formation here is very powerful, and that Lin Fei must not be able to crack the formation here?

How is it now?

Slap it! "

The third child looked at the sixteen chaotic gods on the plane of formation and laughed happily.

And the sixteen Chaos Gods, their faces gloomy, were about to drip out, but they had no other way, they could only watch Lin Fei continue to break the formation.

"Damn it! Why are there such enchanting young people in the world!"

One of the Chaos God gritted his teeth and said.

"After this kid breaks all the formations in the Ancestral Temple, I am afraid he will come to deal with us.

His formation level is so high, we are probably not his opponents! What should we do? "

Suddenly a Chaos God said worriedly.

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