Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4659: Scary generation

"Yes, my master is indeed in this state."

Said the middle-aged man.

"Now, you can go forward and visit my master."

The middle-aged man motioned to Lin Fei.

"Junior Lin Fei pays respects to senior!"

Lin Fei strode to the crystal coffin, bowed respectfully, and said loudly.

The white robe old man in the crystal coffin was lying quietly.

After a while.

Finally, an illusory figure appeared above the crystal coffin, slowly turning from illusion to solidification.

It was the old man in white robe.

Lin Fei could see that the white-robed old man in front of him was really just a mark of soul power.

But what surprised Lin Fei was that although this white-robed old man was just a mark of soul power, the aura he radiated was very powerful, causing the time and space around him to slowly twist.

He stood there quietly, and the surrounding time and space seemed to be completely controlled by him.

The white-robed old man looked at Lin Fei with a plain gaze, and looked up and down.

"Young man, why did you come to my resting place."

The white-robed old man asked slowly.

"The reason why I dared to come and disturb the silence of seniors is because I need the fruit of the great road.

Please forgive me for your recklessness! "

Lin Fei hurriedly saluted the white-robed old man again.

"It turns out you want to get the fruit of the ninety-nine-eighty-one road.

For you master gods, the ninety-nine-eighty-one results really have a great effect. "

The old man in white robe nodded slowly.

"Nine-nine-nine-eighty-one road country is just a kind of spiritual fruit that I planted on a whim that I used to watch.

It's dispensable for me. Since you need it, I found it here again. Well, you can go and pick some of the ninety-nine and eighty-one results. "

The old man in white robe continued.

"Thank you seniors for giving fruit!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being very surprised when he heard the old man in white robe.

Originally, Lin Fei thought that to enter this palace, he would have to go through some hardships before he could get the fruit of the nine-nine-nine-eighty-one road. But now it is so easy to get it. This is beyond Lin Fei's expectation. outer.

"No thanks, it's nothing."

The old man in white robe waved his hand.

"Young man, I feel a strong breath of reincarnation in your body.

Could it be that you have any relationship with the line of reincarnation?

Or are you a member of the line of reincarnation? "

Suddenly the white-robed old man said to Lin Fei.

"Yes, senior, I am indeed a member of the reincarnation line."

Lin Fei did not deny, but directly admitted.

The white-robed old man in front of him was not like a treacherous person, he was easy to talk, so Lin Fei felt that there was no need to hide it.

What's more, there is indeed a strong breath of reincarnation in his body, and he can't hide it if he wants to.

"So you really are a member of the reincarnation line.

I don't know what happened to the three boys who started the cycle of reincarnation.

Back then, I watched them inaugurate the cycle of reincarnation with my own eyes, and they made it so impressive that they became a big force in the sea of ​​absolute space.

The cycle of reincarnation runs through countless seas of space in the heavens and worlds, and controls the reincarnation of countless creatures in the world.

Those three boys can also be considered a great achievement.

I think back then, when I first met those three boys, although they were still three dumbfounded, I already felt that they had great potential and would definitely have great development.

It turned out that I did not misunderstand them. "

The white-robed old man nodded, then said.

"The three boys who started the cycle of reincarnation?

Could it be that..." Lin Fei could not help but think of a possibility after hearing the words of the white-robed old man, and was extremely shocked.

In the sea of ​​absolute space, it is well known that the cycle of reincarnation was created by the three major reincarnations.

This white-robed old man, the three brats in his mouth, most likely refer to the three samsara rulers in the same vein.

The three samsara masters are already the oldest top masters in the absolute space sea, and now some people actually call them the three brats, and they also said that they have already met them when the three samsara masters were Lengtouqing.

If what the white-robed old man said is true, then it is impossible to imagine how senior this white-robed old man is! An existence that is higher than the ruler of the three major reincarnations, it is scary to say it! "Senior, the one who created our reincarnation line is the ruler of the three reincarnations."

Lin Fei answered cautiously.

"Yes, I'm talking about them.

In fact, creating a line of reincarnation was not the idea of ​​the three of them.

It was what their master meant.

I drank tea with their master a few times back then and talked many times.

Their master had mentioned to me many times that they planned to create a force with the theme of reincarnation. Later, the three of them followed the master's will and really created a line of reincarnation. "

The white-robed old man nodded and said.

"The master of the three samsara!"

Lin Fei was so shocked that he could not speak when he heard the old man in white robe.

It was the first time that Lin Fei heard that there is a master in the three samsara masters, and he created the line of samsara by following the instructions of the master.

Moreover, the white-robed old man in front of him should be of the same generation as the master dominating the three samsara.

Needless to ask, this white robe ancestor is definitely an indescribable existence.

However, it was a pity that it had fallen and only one body and one soul power imprint remained.

"Even such a powerful and terrifying existence has fallen.

What happened? "

Lin Fei couldn't help thinking in secret.

You know, even an ordinary Chaos God, if you don't get killed by others in peace, you can almost live forever, and generally won't die.

But the white-robed old man in front of him has fallen! "Could it be that there is another, equally terrifying existence that killed the senior in front of him?"

Lin Fei couldn't help but guess.

"Young man, since you are a member of the line of reincarnation, then after all, there are some connections between you and me.

Now, tell me about your reincarnation line.

I want to know how the forces created by the three boys have developed into. "

The white-robed old man said to Lin Fei.

"Back to senior's words.

In fact, our line of reincarnation has been wiped out, and the three masters of reincarnation are also missing. "

Lin Fei replied.


Was the cycle of reincarnation destroyed?

Those three boys are also missing?

What happened? "

Hearing what Lin Fei said, the white-robed old man couldn't help feeling very surprised.

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