Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4660: Reincarnation Master

"Well, young man, tell me exactly what happened."

The white-robed old man asked.

"Okay, senior, let me tell you the details of our reincarnation line."

Lin Fei nodded.

Next, Lin Fei told the white-robed old man in detail what he knew about the cycle of reincarnation.

If you encounter a situation that Lin Fei does not know very well, immediately ask Meng Po.

Meng Po was a reincarnation **** on the cycle of reincarnation back then, and he was very familiar with the cycle of reincarnation and reincarnation, and he also personally experienced the terrible war in which the cycle of reincarnation was destroyed.

Therefore, it is equivalent to Po Meng passing through Lin Fei's mouth, telling the white-robed old man in detail about the process of the destruction of the reincarnation line that year.

"It turns out to be the dark race! In fact, I had guessed back then that there will be a decisive battle between Master Samsara and the Black Tyrant sooner or later.

Unexpectedly, later it was the reincarnation line and the dark clan that had a decisive battle.

The black tyrant's methods are really clever, he actually destroyed the line of reincarnation.

I don’t know what happened to Master Samsara now. "

After listening, the white-robed old man was lost for a while and then sighed softly, with some worried expressions on his face.

"The Master of Samsara is the master of the three samsara in your Samsara line.

The black bully is the ancestor of the dark clan, and the entire dark clan is actually the descendant of the black bully.

Back then, the reincarnation master and the black bully had long been conflicted and disliked each other. "

The white-robed old man saw Lin Fei's doubts and explained to Lin Fei.

"That's it!"

Lin Fei was shocked.

"In this way, the members of your reincarnation line do not know whether the three samsara rulers are dead or alive.

Under such circumstances, it is a bit difficult for you to rebuild the cycle of reincarnation and reincarnation.

The most powerful of the dark clan is not the three dark masters, but the black tyrants.

Not to mention you members of the reincarnation line, even if you are the masters of the three reincarnations, they are not opponents of black tyrants. "

The white-robed old man thought for a while and said to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's heart sank after hearing what the white-robed old man said.

The three dark masters are already the top masters in the absolute space sea. If there is a black tyrant on top of the three dark masters, it would be terrifying.

If so, not to mention that the three samsara masters have disappeared and their whereabouts are unknown. Even if the three samsara masters are still there, it may be difficult to rebuild the cycle of reincarnation and revitalize the cycle of samsara.

Unless, Samsara Master is still there! Lin Fei looked a little ugly when he thought of this.

"Your reincarnation line, whether you can rise again, depends on whether the reincarnation master is still alive.

If the Samsara Master has fallen, then your Samsara line has almost no hope of rebuilding. "

The old white robe [Penquge] shook his head.

"It's just that, with the ability of the Master of Reincarnation, you will not fall easily under normal circumstances.

In terms of true strength, Master Samsara is much stronger than me.

He is one of the masters I admire most. "

The white-robed old man continued.

"Senior, you have seen Master Samsara back then, can you know if he is still alive?"

Lin Fei asked.

Whether the Samsara Master is still alive, this matter is too important for the Samsara line, so Lin Fei bit the bullet and asked the white-robed old man.

"If my strength is at its peak, I can easily know if he is still alive.

Because I often contacted him back then, I had many ways to find his whereabouts.

But in my current state, it's hard to protect myself, how can I know whether Master Samsara is still alive. "

After hearing Lin Fei's words, the white-robed old man couldn't help but shook his head and replied.

Lin Fei heard what the white-robed old man said, and for a while, there was nothing to say.

Indeed, the soul body of the white-robed old man in front of him has been destroyed, leaving only a soul power imprint, no matter how strong it is, there is no way to compare it with the previous peak state.

Moreover, Lin Fei could see that this white-robed old man's soul power imprint could only stay here in the coffin, and there was no way to leave above the body of the clothes.

"Senior, I'm a little curious and want to ask you a question."

Lin Fei said suddenly.

"Just ask if you have any questions."

The old man in white robe nodded.

"Senior, in your current state, are you truly dead?

I found that in your body, senior, there seems to be huge vitality and terrifying energy. If your soul power imprint controls your body, it can be resurrected at any time, or it may become a new life body. "

Lin Fei asked aloud.

"Yes, you looked carefully.

In this flesh of mine, there is indeed a very majestic vitality and huge energy.

It can be said that most of the vitality and energy in my physical body was sealed in this physical body before I was alive, and not much was lost.

But you have overlooked a problem, that is, this body of mine is too powerful, and my soul power imprint now has no way to control such a powerful body.

If this imprint of my soul power insists on controlling my body, I am afraid that it will be backlashed and wiped out in an instant. At that time, I am afraid that my soul body will be completely destroyed.

There is only one body left, what's the point then? "

The white-robed old man listened to Lin Fei's words and sighed softly, then replied.

"It's true, I almost ignored this question."

Lin Fei couldn't help but froze for a moment when he heard what the white-robed old man said, and then said.

"In fact, in addition to this soul power imprint, my divine soul body also has many soul power imprints and soul power clones, scattered in different time and space.

You must know how many clones and soul power imprints I condense all the way through cultivation with my ability back then.

If I can find all my clones and soul power imprints, and concentrate them here, then I can try and reconsolidate a soul body to control this body of mine.

At that time, I can try to cultivate and reach my previous peak state again.

In this way, I was resurrected.

But wanting to find all my previous clones and all the soul power imprints is too difficult for me now.

Because of my current soul power imprint, there is no way to leave here. "

The white-robed old man sighed and said to Lin Fei.

"That's it! Senior, your soul power clone can't leave, but I can! If Senior believes in me, then give this task to me. After I go out, I will go everywhere to collect the soul power clone of Senior And the soul power imprint, you can bring it back here and give it to Senior."

Lin Fei said.

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