Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4676: Reincarnation

As soon as the voice fell, this figure stretched out his palm and gently stroked it towards the distance.

Rumble... This originally sealed space was broken by a crack and connected to the outside world.

Originally, this space was very hidden. Even if the Chaos God passed by, it would be difficult to find the existence of this completely sealed space.

But now this space has been broken open with a breath leaking out, and it is easier for the creatures outside to discover this space.

After a while, there was a figure in the distant time and space coming from afar.

If Lin Fei were here, he would immediately recognize this figure as the clone of one of the three rulers of reincarnation! Of the three clones dominated by the three samsara, two of the clones have left the plane of seclusion, looking everywhere for the body.

The clone that is here now is one of them.

"It seems that there is the breath of the body in front!"

Suddenly, this clone lifted up and looked forward.

Then, he saw a dark space crack ahead, like the mouth of a monster.

"There is a small space! The breath of the body is transmitted from it!"

Although it was still a long time and space away from the space crack in front, this clone immediately felt it, and the breath of the body was transmitted from that space crack.

Then this avatar of the reincarnation ruler stretched out and rushed towards the space crack ahead.

Finally, he came before this space crack.

"The body is really here!"

This clone was very pleasantly surprised, and it was immediately confirmed that the body was inside.

So, this avatar immediately walked into this space crack.

next moment.

This avatar appeared in a space and saw his body at a glance.

Then this avatar and body are directly merged into one! Become a complete whole.

Therefore, the various memories that the body and the clone have experienced over the years are fused with each other.

After a while.

"Over the years, our line of reincarnation has given birth to many new forces, with many outstanding descendants, and indeed have the basic conditions for reborn.

However, the whereabouts of Master and his old man are currently unknown, and his life or death is unknown. Without his old man, even if we reborn in the line of reincarnation, we are not the opponent of the dark race.

On the surface of the dark clan, the most powerful masters are the three dark masters, but in fact, the black tyrant is the top master of the dark clan.

Only the master and his old man have the strength to deal with the black bully.

Therefore, if we want our reincarnation line to rise again, we must find a master. "

The voice of this reincarnation rule reverberates in this space.

After the ontology and the clone overlap, he already understands the current situation of Absolute Space Sea very clearly.

"It's just that, now we have so many excellent descendants in our line of reincarnation who are active in the sea of ​​absolute space, and our old guys have been hiding and not showing up. This is unreasonable.

Therefore, it is time for me to go out and get in touch with those young people.

At the same time, I have to find two other samsara masters.

In addition, we need to integrate all the people who survived that year into a whole. "

The reincarnation master said to himself.

"It's a pity that after so many years of recuperation, my physical injury has not completely recovered to its peak state.

So even if I return to the sea of ​​absolute space, I dare not expose my identity.

Can only act low-key. "

The samsara master stood up and decided to leave this space where he had been in retreat for a long time.

Then, the reincarnation master walked out of this space and went away in an instant.

at the same time.

The other one doesn't know how far away, in a very remote and desolate plane.

In this plane, there are many stars and interfaces, and many creatures exist.

The overall strength of this plane is relatively weak.

The most powerful creature in the plane is nothing but the realm of gods! There is not even a real god! In a certain ordinary star on this plane.

Inside the stars, there is an artificial cave.

In this cave sat an old lonely old man with almost all hair out.

The old man didn't move, he didn't have any vitality, he didn't even breathe.

It looks like a corpse! suddenly.

"I seem to have sensed my clone! This clone seems to be a clone left after I was injured in a hurry!"

Suddenly, the old man's face moved, and his eyes opened abruptly. Two terrifying divine lights burst out of his eyes, piercing the space in front of him.

at the same time.

There was a vague figure, walking through time and space into this desolate and remote plane.

"I seem to feel that this plane has the aura of the body, although it is very weak, I still feel it."

This vague figure looked at this remote plane and said.

Then this vague figure looked everywhere in this plane.

Just at this time.

Suddenly, a divine and soul message came from afar and penetrated into the head of this vague figure.

This figure trembled involuntarily, showing an expression of excitement.

"I received the message from the ontology! Sure enough! The ontology is in this plane! I found the right place!"

The vague figure said in a trembling voice.

Then the gaze of this figure penetrated the distant space and saw a star.

"It's there!"

This figure immediately turned around and hurried towards the distant star at an astonishing speed.

Just a breath time.

This figure landed on this star.

Then he went directly into the interior of the star and came to a cave deep in the star.

"The body is really here!"

This figure saw the old man who looked like a corpse and walked over directly to merge with the old man.

Two into one! This old man is exactly one of the three dominating samsara! He has lived in seclusion for a very long time in this cave inside this star.

After merging the clones, this reincarnation ruler has a clear understanding of the situation in the sea of ​​absolute space over the years.

"Unexpectedly, the Dark Clan has developed so well over the years and has become the most powerful force in the sea of ​​absolute space.

And our line of reincarnation is completely in decline.

Fortunately, the remaining reincarnation gods of our reincarnation line have cultivated so many outstanding descendants over the years.

These excellent descendants are the basis for our reincarnation in the future. "

This reincarnation master looked at the memory brought by the clone in detail, and said in a loud voice.

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