Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4677: The old landlord exits

"Lin Fei, this young man is good.

Among these outstanding descendants outside of our reincarnation, Lin Fei is probably the most talented one. "

The reincarnation master saw that part of Lin Fei's memory, showed a satisfied expression, and said in a loud voice.

"I have been in retreat here for a long time. It's time to go back and get in touch with these young people.

Our reincarnation line is now only left with these young people walking in the sea of ​​absolute space, but we old guys are hiding one by one, what a shame! "

Said the reincarnation master.

"It's just that, for our reincarnation line, the most important thing right now is to find a master.

Only the master can deal with the black bar. "

This reincarnation master thought of the top master of the dark clan, Hei Ba, couldn't help but frowned and said with a wry smile.

The most core master of the Dark Clan is the Hei Ba, and the most core master of the Samsara family is the Master of Samsara.

In the past, it has always been a black tyrant against the reincarnation master.

Therefore, the two forces of Samsara and the Dark Clan can exist in the sea of ​​absolute space at the same time.

Later, for unknown reasons, Master Samsara suddenly disappeared and disappeared.

Therefore, the three great dark masters took the opportunity to attack the cycle of reincarnation, gathered a large number of forces, and at the same time besieged the cycle of reincarnation, shattered the cycle of reincarnation, and killed many reincarnation gods, which led to the destruction of the cycle of reincarnation. .

If the Master of Samsara is here, how dare the three masters of darkness dare to touch Samsara easily?

"But, no matter what, I'd better meet those young people first.

They can no longer be left alone. "

The reincarnation ruler stood up and left the star in one step.

After he was injured, he has been hiding inside this star for healing, staying here for too long, too long, and never took a step away.

Until now, I finally left.

This reincarnation ruler, after leaving this star, strode forward, stepped out of this plane, and returned to the sea of ​​absolute space.

He walked towards the sea of ​​space where the three avatars ruled by the three major reincarnations had previously lived in seclusion.

In that sea of ​​space, there is a clone of the reincarnation ruler guarding there.

At the same time.

The headquarters of Years House.

This is a very large-scale space, still in the depths of this sea of ​​space, there is a world opened up.

In this world, there are four tall and terrifying figures sitting cross-legged.

These four figures seemed to be an old monk who had entered concentration, motionless, and had been sitting here for hundreds of years.


"Everyone, do you still plan to stay in retreat here."

One of the figures opened his eyes, sprayed out two dazzling lights, and said in a loud voice, breaking the tranquility of this world that has been in for hundreds of years.

Then the other three figures also opened their eyes.

"Almost enough.

We can go out. "

Another figure said in a loud voice, his voice was like thunderbolts, constantly exploding in this world.

"Our Years Tower has been silent for a long time. It is estimated that in the sea of ​​absolute space, many creatures have forgotten the style of our Years Tower.

Therefore, it is time to let everyone know the true strength of our time. "

Another figure said in a voice.

"Well, in this case, let's go out."

The fourth figure also opened.

These four figures are the four old posters of Suiyuelou.

After their return, they have stayed in this world for retreat.

At the same time every once in a while, the eight posters of Suiyuelou will come in and report the current situation of Absolute Space Sea in this world in detail.

So although these four posters have stayed in this world, they already know everything in the sea of ​​absolute space.

Over the years, Suiyuelou has been recruiting foreign troops, expanding its scale, and strengthening its strength. It is also the four of them who are behind the scenes.

Now, these four old posters are the people with the most power.

Then, this is an old poster who walked out of the world where they had been closed for hundreds of years.

"Good news! The four old posters have already left the customs!"

The eight posters of the Years Tower all found out, and rushed over to greet them one by one.

"Welcome the four old posters to exit!"

The eight posters are all excited salutes.

"We are going to the Valley of Eight Fires now."

One of the old posters said.

"The sixth floor master is one of the upper floors of our Suiyuelou, and represents the face of our Suiyuelou.

That fire source beast killed the sixth floor master, which was the most serious provocation to us.

If you don't avenge the sixth floor master, I am afraid that our time floor will become a joke of Absolute Space Sea. "

The old poster continued.

There were originally nine posters in the Suiyue Tower. Among the eight fire valleys, one was killed by the fire source beast, and now only eight are left.

This hatred, in fact, Sui Yuelou had always wanted to repay, but the strength of that fire source beast was too strong.

In particular, the fire source beast had been hiding in the fire eye in the depths of the Valley of Eight Fires. With the strength of the time building, he did not dare to go in and find the fire source beast for revenge.

So it has been delayed until now.

Now, the first thing the four old posters did when they left the customs was to find the fire source beast for revenge! "Great! We have long wanted to find revenge for that Fire Source Beast, but it was because of insufficient strength.

Now there are four old posters who are going out in person, and they can definitely deal with that fire source beast! "

The owner of the building was very excited when he heard what the old host said. "

Okay, now mobilize people and horses to go to the Valley of Eight Fires.

Remember, the momentum should be greater, as many people as possible, and spread the news so that everyone knows.

This is a good opportunity for us to have a good time.

To let the world see it, it will not end well if it provokes us. "

The old landlord ordered.

For the re-emergence of Suiyuelou, it is necessary to find opportunities to stand up.

The sixth floor owner of the Years Tower died in the hands of the fire source beast, so high-profile seeking revenge on the fire source beast is a great opportunity for Liwei! "I see! I will organize an army right now!"

The owner of the building was very excited.

Therefore, the eight original posters acted immediately to dispatch troops! During this period of time, Suiyuelou did not hesitate to spend a lot of money, recruit troops and expand the scale, and the overall strength has become stronger and stronger.

Soon, a mighty army was organized and brought to the front of the four old posters.

"Pretty good.

Well, let's go now. "

The four old posters were very satisfied and nodded.

Then, under the leadership of these four old landlords, the army of the Years Tower left the headquarters of the Years Tower.

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