Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4704: Smart fire control

"He has never made an alliance with any creature! In his eyes, all creatures except himself are lowly, and it is impossible to qualify for an alliance with him.

His only interest is to turn all the creatures in the world into his clones and be driven by him! So, let's just wait to see the good show and see how the Yingui clan dealt with those original posters. "

The old man said with a smile.

"So that's it! That's great! Let them bite the dog!"

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast were overjoyed when they heard what the old man said.


Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast followed the old man into a special space.

In this space, not only are eight kinds of sacred fires everywhere, there are also a large number of other kinds of flames.

It can be said that in this space, every kind of flame possesses terrible burning power.

At the same time, this space is also full of very clever fire attribute laws.

Ye Yunfei already has certain accomplishments in the art of controlling fire. He is familiar with the laws of fire attributes. Looking around, he can see the illusory laws of fire attributes, like red iron chains, in this space. It spreads everywhere, densely.

"This is an excellent place to practice fire control!"

Lin Fei looked at this space and couldn't help sighing.

"Ancestor, the fire attribute rules here are so clever!"

The Fire Source Beast also sighed.

"This place was part of the ancestral temple of our fire source beast clan.

Later, the ancestral temple of our Huoyuan Beast clan was destroyed by the Yingui clan.

Only this part remains.

I think back then, this was the place where our fire source beasts, the best descendants of the descendants practiced.

Only those younger generations who are extremely talented, or who have made great achievements, are qualified to enter the ancestral temple for cultivation. "

The old man said.

His face was full of memories, showing a sorrowful expression.

"Young human beings, you have also practiced the fire control technique of our fire source beast clan.

It's really unexpected. As a human being, you are actually in control of fire, and you have such a talent. It is really beyond my expectation. "

The old man's gaze suddenly looked at Lin Fei, full of appreciation.

"Not bad.

Lin Fei is really talented in controlling fire.

Although he had only just practiced the fire control technique and didn't have a long time, his achievements were not low.

I even feel that his talent in fire control is not much lower than mine! "

The Fire Source Beast also said.

"In this case, from now on, you two will stay here for the time being to practice the fire control technique.

I will teach you the best fire control skills of our fire source beast clan.

I hope you practice hard.

You know, back then, only the most elite children of our Fire Source Beast clan were qualified to practice these top fire control techniques. "

The old man said.

"Ancestor, don't worry, I will definitely practice seriously!"

Huo Yuan Beast could not help being overjoyed when he heard the old man's words.

"Senior, I will cultivate with my heart!"

Lin Fei was also very excited.

The fire source beasts are good at controlling fire, and they have the opportunity to practice the top fire control skills of the fire source beasts. Of course it is a good thing.


The old man began to teach Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast how to control fire.

Although the fire control technique he taught, and the fire control technique taught to Lin Fei by the fire source beast before, belong to the race inheritance of the fire source beast clan, but the level of sophistication is as different as the sky! The fire control technique cultivated by the fire source beast was born automatically in his bloodline. It belongs to the fire source beast family. The most common and common fire control technique used by every member of the clan.

And the fire control technique taught by this old man belongs to the fire source beast family, the top and the most brilliant! Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast were very surprised and excited as soon as they practiced! "Too clever! It turns out that this is our fire source beast clan, really clever fire control technique!"

The fire source beast screamed with excitement.

"Really smart!"

Lin Fei was also very excited while practicing.

At the same time, Lin Fei was very grateful to the ancestor of the fire source beast.

You know, this is the fire source beast family, the top fire control technique, which belongs to the unspoken secret of a race.

Under normal circumstances, it will never be spread out.

It is very rare for this ancestor to be so generous and impart this top-notch fire control technique to himself.

In fact, in the eyes of this old man, Lin Fei possesses extremely high talents above his mental energy, and he is the one who is most likely to kill the ghost clan and avenge the fire-source beast clan.

What's more, he already knew about the relationship between Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast. The two had been in trouble together and were true friends.

The fire source beast is his only descendant, so he is very fond of the fire source beast, and also very friendly to Lin Fei.

Just now.

Twelve creatures broke into this space and time.

It is the twelve posters of Suiyuelou.

Four old posters, and eight young posters.

"They must have entered this time and space.

Be careful, in this space and time, there are violent sacred fire everywhere, and there are a lot of fire attribute laws.

In this environment, that fire source beast can exert a very powerful power! "

The building owner said.

Entering this environment filled with rich and sacred fire everywhere, the eight young posters all appeared cautious, with a look of fear on their faces.

For their strength, these sacred fires are not a small threat to them.

"Huh, it's just a fire-source beast that hasn't really grown up yet, so why be afraid.

Don't worry.

I am now afraid that the fire source beast will not come out from us.

If he dares to come out and attack us proactively, he just can't ask for it! "

One of the old posters sneered.

"There are four old posters, we really don't have to be afraid."

"Yes! That fire source beast can never be the opponent of the four old posters!"

Those young posters were very excited after hearing what the old poster said.

You know, the four old posters are in the sea of ​​absolute space, but they belong to the same level of top masters as the three dark masters of the dark clan.

With such a top master, what else is there to be afraid of! When I think of this, the eight young posters are completely relaxed! "The source of fire beast and Lin Fei should be hiding in a certain corner of this time and space.

Go, let's find! Find them out! "

An old host waved his hand and said.

Thus, the twelve posters of Suiyuelou began to search everywhere in this time and space.

far away.

On the gloomy dark mountain.

The gaze of the white-clothed man was already looking at the twelve posters of Suiyuelou from a distance.

"The quality of these creatures is not bad. If they become my clone, they should be my right-hand man."

The man in white said loudly.

Liu Qi also stood beside the man in white.

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