Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4705: Questioning

"I found the breath they left behind.

The fire source beast and Lin Fei have indeed entered this space! "

Suddenly, an old host sneered.


The eight young posters were very excited.

"Lin Fei, Huoyuan Beast, this time, see where you can escape! Offending our time building is destined to end badly!"

The building owner gritted his teeth and said.

"Lin Fei, you are the disciple of that old fellow Baidi Shenjun, you must know the whereabouts of that old fellow.

When I catch you, I will be tortured severely, and I will kill you two masters and apprentices at once! "

The ninth floor master sneered.

"They have entered this time and space."

In the distance, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast could see the twelve posters clearly.

Lin Fei was pleasantly surprised to find that in the fire world he was in, there was a very special law that could isolate the perception of the outside world.

The creatures staying in this fire world can also clearly perceive things outside.

Therefore, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast can perceive the twelve posters, and the twelve posters have not yet discovered the location of Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast.

at the same time.

In hell.

The gaze of the white-clothed man looked at the twelve posters from a distance, showing a greedy color, as if a gluttonous person had encountered delicious food.

"Do you want them to be your clone?"

Standing next to the white-clothed man, Liu Qi asked suddenly.

"Not bad.

The strength of the twelve of them is good.

If you can become my clone, you must be able to become my right-hand man just like you.

At that time, my strength will increase greatly.

Maybe he could defeat the old fire source beast and leave this space and time. "

The man in white nodded and said.

"If you leave this space and time and go to the outside world, you will definitely create one tragedy after another, killing countless creatures in the world."

Liu Qi said.

"Don't you want to leave this time and space?

Having been trapped here for such a long time, don't you want to go to the outside world to breathe? "

The man in white said.

"I do not want.

I just want to stay quietly with Shishi.

The outside world is not attractive to me. "

Liu Qi shook his head.


It seems that after so many years, you still haven't changed at all. "

The man in white glanced at Liu Qi.

"I will never change.

Maybe, after you die, I will change. "

Liu Qi replied.

"Don't worry, I won't die.

There are not many creatures that can really kill me in this world.

And those creatures who can really kill me, I will not provoke him. "

The man in white smiled triumphantly.

"No! You have provoke one."

Liu Qi shook his head and said.

"You mean that human kid?

Yes, his mental talent is really good.

It's just that he can't kill me now.

And I will not let him out of this time and space.

I want to make him a clone of me. "

The man in white said.

"The old fire source beast will protect him."

Liu Qi said.

"Then wait and see."

The man in white said.

"You go and try the strength of those twelve creatures."

The gaze of the man in white suddenly looked at the twelve posters in the distance.

At this time, the twelve posters have gradually approached.

It didn't take long to get to the gloomy mountain peak where **** was.


Liu Qi nodded.

Then, Liu Qi walked out of **** in one step and walked towards the twelve posters in the distance.

The twelve posters are releasing their divine consciousness, looking for the whereabouts of Lin Fei and the Huoyuan Beast in this strange space filled with divine fire everywhere.

They have discovered the breath of Lin Fei and the Huoyuan Beast, and the trajectory of their movements, which they are tracking step by step.

It has to be said that the four old posters are worthy of being masters at the same level as the three masters of darkness and the three major reincarnations. Their sense of consciousness and tracking ability are terrifying.

Along the way, accurately following the path that Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast had walked, they kept tracking forward without any mistake.

"These four old posters are amazing!"

From a distance, Lin Fei couldn't help but his face changed drastically as he watched the four old posters so accurately judge the trajectory of himself and the fire source beast.

"Fortunately, I met the ancestor, otherwise, the two of us will be tracked by them sooner or later! At that time, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

The Fire Source Beast also sighed.

"There is a mountain ahead!"

At this moment, the owner of the building suddenly pointed to a mountain in front of him and said.

"Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast used to climb that mountain, but they don't know, they are still not on it.

Let's go up and have a look. "

One of the old posters said.


Just when these original posters were about to walk to the mountain ahead, a young man with shabby clothes, handsome appearance, sword-like eyebrows, and a gourd in his hand appeared.

The young man looked lonely, looking depressed and full of thoughts.

This young man is naturally Liu Qi.

"Look, Liu Qi has found those original posters!"

Both Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast could see clearly.

"The ghost clan wants to start with these original posters.

We just sit and watch a good show. "

The ancestor of the fire source beast said with a smile.

at this time.

"There is someone!"

The twelve posters saw a young man suddenly appeared in front of them, and they were shocked and stopped.

"It's a human! How could a human kid suddenly appear in such a place?

Things are a bit weird, please be careful. "

An old poster reminded.

Because there are very special laws in this space and time, the twelve posters cannot perceive Liu Qi's true strength at all.

This is the most terrible! "Who are you! Why are you here! What is this place! Say! You finally answered my question honestly, otherwise, the consequences will be very serious!"

One of the old posters shouted at Liu Qi.

Rumble...While he was speaking, he released a terrible energy pressure, and swept Liu Qi down.

It has to be said that the strength of these four old posters of Suiyuelou is terrible.

The coercive energy released is extremely terrifying.

Liu Qi was forced to take a few steps back.

Seeing this, the original posters couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because, they discovered that the human kid who appeared suddenly in front of them seemed limited in strength, and should not pose any threat to them.

Liu Qi didn't speak, and stared at the twelve posters with plain eyes.

"It was a mistake that you broke into here.

Because this is a very dangerous place. "

After a while, Liu Qi said lightly.

"Boy, don't pretend to be a fool, I'm asking you, answer honestly!"

The old poster was furious.

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