Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4745: Samsara Army

"First, we must re-assemble the older generation of people who were scattered and hidden back then."

The master of the first round said.

"Then, organize all the descendants cultivated by our reincarnation line over the years.

They can't let them fight separately. "

The first round master then said.

"Boss, in fact, the first thing we have to deal with right now is the three dark masters of the dark race.

I guess they must have heard the news now, knowing that our three old guys are back. "

The third master said suddenly.

"Not bad.

The three dark masters already know that I am back.

Because, when I was passing by Sandu City, I shot and destroyed Sandu City.

It can be said that my whereabouts have been exposed. "

The first round dominator nodded and said.

"It's just that when I came back this time, I didn't intend to hide my head and show my tail.

I am going to walk openly in the sea of ​​absolute space. "

The master of the first round said.

"If there are three dark masters, we don't need to be afraid.

I just don't know what happened to the black bully now.

In the great battle that year, although the black tyrant wounded our master, the black tyrant himself was also seriously injured. I have seen this with my own eyes.

Moreover, I can feel that the injury of the black bully is no less than that of our master.

I don't know what happened to the black bully now.

If the black bully's injury has not recovered, then we don't have to be afraid of the dark clan.

If the black tyrant's injury recovers, then, with the strength of the three of us, it is not necessarily the black tyrant's opponent. "

The third round master said, looking a little worried.

"Not bad."

The other two masters nodded.

"It's just that you don't have to worry too much about the black bully.

If the black bully's injury can be recovered, then the master's injury can definitely be recovered.

At that time, the black bully will naturally have a master to deal with him. "

Said the master of each round.

"For so many years, you haven't contacted Master?"

The third round master suddenly asked.

The other two masters shook their heads slightly, showing sad expressions.

"Actually, my injuries healed very early.

Later, I kept looking for the whereabouts of Master.

However, after looking around, there was no clue. "

The second round master said in a loud voice.

"me too.

Over the years, I don't know how many places I have searched, but I still cannot find the whereabouts of Master. "

The third round of the master also said.

"me too."

The master of the first round said.

"It's just that, from the analysis of all the signs back then, I firmly believe that Master and his old man should still be alive."

The master of the first round said.

"I think so."

The other two masters also nodded.

"How about this.

We set out to prepare for the reconstruction of the reincarnation line.

I believe it," said the first round master.


The other two masters agree.

at the same time.

Soon after.

An astonishing news suddenly spread from the sea of ​​absolute space.

That is, the first reincarnation ruler of the reincarnation line has not yet died, and has returned to the sea of ​​absolute space! Moreover, with just one finger, the Sandu City was destroyed, and the four Chaos Gods in the Suiyuelou were destroyed! As soon as this news came out, the entire Absolute Space Sea instantly became a sensation.

"No way! Is the master of the first round alive?

This is amazing! The three major reincarnations that ruled the year were all the big shots of Megatron Absolute Space Sea! "

"Yes! I think back then, the prestige and prestige of the three reincarnation masters was even better than the three dark masters.

The three reincarnations dominate the cycle of reincarnation and support the rebirth of the creatures who control countless worlds. It is simply the power of life and death of all creatures. Whoever wants to live will live, and whoever wants to die will die! Unexpectedly, such a big man has appeared again! "

"The battle back then, wasn't it a legend that the army of the dark race had completely wiped out the reincarnation line?

Why is the first round of masters alive and has appeared again! "

In the sea of ​​absolute space, I don't know how many creatures are talking about this madly.

"The reincarnation ruler returns! I am a reincarnation line, and I shall stand in the world again!"

Just in the sea of ​​absolute space, when countless creatures were discussing the dominance of the first reincarnation, in a certain ancient and remote sea of ​​space, a huge sound suddenly sounded, spreading far away.

A few space seas away, you can also hear clearly! then.

Boom...In this sea of ​​space, a certain place of time and space was suddenly split, and a black and faint gap appeared, and a large army wearing ancient armor came out of this gap.

This army is extremely numerous and densely packed. Everyone is armed with combat combat, iron swords, and spears. The armor is cold and cold, and the weapons are shaken, and the murderous aura is swept into the surrounding time and space.

Moreover, all members of this army have one characteristic, that is, the strong law of reincarnation exudes.

Runes related to the law of reincarnation flashed out from the armors on their bodies, intertwined in the void, with terrifying power.

After this army came out of the gap in space, it has been advancing towards the sea of ​​space where the Samsara Palace is located.

Looking from a distance, I saw one group after another group of soldiers marching in order, the weapons in their hands shone coldly.

This is a strong army, and it looks like an elite. Every soldier is very strong, and they come across the border, and they all exude a sense of killing.

The number of them is astonishing, densely packed, and they can't see the end at a glance. Under the eyes of some leaders, they are marching in an orderly and disciplined manner. Everywhere they pass, the sea of ​​space is shaking violently, and it seems unbearable.

Under the murderous aura of this army, everything is trembling, everything is trembling.

"this is?"

As soon as this army appeared, it attracted the attention of countless creatures, and they looked at them with uncertain eyes.

"Such a strong law of reincarnation, is it possible that this army is the reincarnation army that was powerful in the world in the past?"

Some old antiques, looking at this roaring army from a distance, couldn't help being surprised.

You know, in the sea of ​​absolute space, the Samsara Army was definitely a terrifying army.

Wherever the Samsara Army goes, the world is terrified, and there is no force in the world, no race, dare to easily fight the Samsara Army.

It is said that at the beginning, even the people of the dark race were frightened by the reincarnation army.

Later, the dark race also cultivated a dark army.

Can barely fight against the reincarnation army.

"It's really the Samsara army, I recognize it! I have seen it many times that year.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, I saw the Samsara Army again! Isn't it a legend, the line of reincarnation has died out?

The Samsara Army is still there, and the line of Samsara is still there! "

At this moment, countless old antiques are all marveling.

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