Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4747: Fierce battle

when! The pair of black halberds slashed in the palm of the golden-armored man, like a sledgehammer, the halberds buzzed and almost broke.

The face of the master of the dark race changed.

The man in golden armor casually used his palm as a knife, and with a light blow, his body was numb, and a pair of black halberds almost flew out.

"How could it be so terrible! Could it be that he really mentioned one of the top ten leaders of the Samsara Army, Tiangang Reincarnation God?"

The master of the dark race was a little guilty, and couldn't help thinking.

Boom... This dark clan master bit the bullet, swung the double halberds with all his strength, and attacked forward.

A burst of black energy emerged from his body, which was the source of divine power and the source of energy for their dark people.

Boom... The two black halberds, like two black mountains, are huge and boundless, crushing a time and space and slashing forward.

However, the man in the golden armor didn't care, his expression was very plain, his black hair was flying, his golden eyes were even more brilliant, his whole person's momentum was comparable to hundreds of millions of sacred mountains! "kill!"

The man in the golden armor roared, suddenly accelerated and rushed forward, turning his palms into fists, and bursting with golden light all over his body. A pair of fists were even more dazzling with golden light, dazzling to the extreme, rolling energy fluctuations, shaking the world.

when! This time, the pair of black halberds were shook with loud noises, and cracks were immediately dense, and then with a bang, they exploded to pieces, turned into black debris, and splashed everywhere.


The man in golden armor roared and looked very brave. After breaking the double halberd, his speed increased again and he rushed forward.

The leader of the dark race changed his face drastically in fright, and backed desperately.

However, it was useless.

boom! The body of the leader of the dark clan was hit, flying out like a broken kite.

A huge blood hole has appeared above his body, spurting blood crazily.

boom! The man in golden armor rushed forward again, punching and hitting.

Bang Bang Bang... punch after punch, constantly banging on the body of the leader of the dark clan, like a drum.

The leader of the dark clan has no power to fight back! Just like a sandbag, passively beaten! In the early ending, there was no suspense, the leader of the dark clan was smashed by a punch and turned into black debris.

Then, it evaporates again, and nothing is left! The leader of the dark clan was completely beaten to death.

Although, one of the greatest talents of the Dark Clan is that the vitality is very tenacious and it is difficult to be killed.

Even if killed, it is easy to come back to life.

However, it also depends on who the opponent is.

If the Dark Clan encounters a truly terrifying expert, it will be directly exhausted by the fight, and there will be no chance of rebirth.

The leader of the dark clan in front of him was that he was wiped out by the man in the golden armor, without any chance of rebirth, so he could not die again! "Kill! Cut out all the people of this dark race, as a sacrificial ritual for our reincarnation army to reappear in the world."

After the golden-armored man wiped out the leader of the dark clan, he carried his hands with his hands on his back and said indifferently.

kill! Behind him, a huge army slew out.

The combat power of this army is really terrifying! Wherever they went, the people of the dark race had no resistance at all.

So, in a very short time, the battle was completely over! All the people of the dark race have been wiped out, and no one can escape! And the Samsara Army, none of them died.

Even, none of the Samsara Army was injured! The combat power of the two sides is really too far apart, completely unequal.

It feels like, a group of elephants trampled on a group of ants! "It's terrible! The people of the dark race have no power to fight back!"

"Could it be that this army is really the famous Samsara army back then?"

"I think it's a bit like, this army is too powerful, and it's the same as the Samsara army back then!"

The creatures in the distance watching the excitement were all in an uproar, and each one was shocked.

It can be said that the combat power displayed by this reincarnation army is unprecedented! "Sure enough, the Samsara Army has returned! It can't be wrong!"

"It turns out that the line of reincarnation has not really perished! The line of reincarnation has returned!"

Some old creatures lurking in the distance, staring at the reincarnation army with fearful eyes, whispered.

"The first reincarnation dominates the return, and now the reincarnation army returns.

Ha ha, the next sea of ​​absolute space began to lively.

I believe that soon, in the sea of ​​absolute space, the situation where the dark race and the reincarnation lined up for supremacy will once again reappear.

I just don't know, this time, will the dark race win, or the reincarnation line? "

"Anyway, there is fun to watch!"

"It's true that there is a reincarnation in the way of heaven! It turns out that another lively and flourishing age is coming!"

...At this moment, there are countless old creatures lurking in the dark, whispering and sighing.

I have to say that this reincarnation army suddenly appeared, and the impact on the creatures of Absolute Space Sea was too great.


! All the men and horses sent by our dark clan have been wiped out! The leader of the reincarnation army, claiming to be the **** of reincarnation in Tiangang! "

Soon, the senior officials of the Dark Clan received reports, and they were both furious and shocked.

"Immediately send the dark army to deal with this reincarnation army! Since they want to return, then, our dark clan, on the day they return, we will destroy them again, let the reincarnation line, never have a chance to turn over!"

The First Dark Lord said coldly.

Therefore, another army of the dark race set off, and rushed towards the position of the reincarnation army, rushing to destroy this reincarnation army.

When this news spread, in the sea of ​​absolute space, a large number of creatures who wanted to see the excitement immediately began to rush towards the direction of the Samsara Army.

at the same time.

In the sea of ​​absolute space, in a desolate and remote time and space.

In this space and time, there is a very huge planet.

This planet used to be very glorious, but now it has fallen into the cold.

There are very few creatures on the planet, and it is a very weak planet.

A declining planet.


Rumble...At a certain moment, this planet suddenly exploded, turning into sky debris, splashing everywhere.


A huge figure slowly walked out of the exploding planet.

This is a skinny old man. He doesn't seem to have much flesh on his body, but his eyes are dazzling and horrifying.

"The old man reappears in the world today.

We reincarnate in the same vein, will be prosperous! "

The old man said.

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