Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4798: damage

"Lin Fei, what you call a self-inflicted snare, you are looking for a dead end! Let's start together, take Lin Fei first, and then speak slowly!"

A chaotic **** of the dark race said.

"Just come up if you have the ability.

I'm standing here, waiting for you to do it. "

Lin Fei glanced over the menacing group of Chaos Gods of the Dark Clan, and said coldly.

"Be faster, don't waste my time."

Lin Fei said.

"Too arrogant! I have never seen such an arrogant Tier 10 Lord God!"

"Yes, he is obviously only a tenth-tier main god, facing the dozens of primal chaos gods of our dark clan, he still put on such an attitude, isn't that a court death!"

"He is too arrogant, wait and see, soon he will cry and can't cry anymore."

... the members of the Dark Clan in the distance were all very surprised to see Lin Fei's attitude.

"Haha, Lin Fei, I have to say, this is the first time I have seen a arrogant and ignorant junior boy like you.

It's just that, to deal with a tenth-tier master **** in your mere trivial area, does it take so many of us chaotic gods together.

Everyone, let me do it myself! If we have so many Chaos Gods together, even if we kill him, if it is passed out, I am afraid that outsiders will laugh at us." At this time, a Chaos God of the Dark Clan laughed and said.

After speaking, the Chaos God strode towards Lin Fei, with a sneer on his face, and didn't put Lin Fei in his eyes at all.

Rumble...The next moment, this Chaos God made a move, and a three-pronged steel blade appeared in his hand, continuously zooming in, and instantly turning into a black and lacquered mountain range, rolling over Lin Fei mightily.

Lin Fei carried his hands on his back and did not move.

Boom... Lin Fei displayed the mental power world, and ten mental power worlds were displayed at the same time, covering the chaos god.

Immediately, this chaos **** found himself in a strange world.

kill! Endless creatures appeared, rushing towards this chaotic **** from all directions, rushing to this chaotic **** frantically.

"Huh, what happened?"

The other Chaos Gods were all a little confused.

In their eyes, the Chaos God of the Dark Clan suddenly seemed to be mad, yelling, and making moves in a frenzy.

"It's a bit bad, let's go together!"

The other Chaos Gods of the Dark Clan rushed forward one by one, preparing to attack Lin Fei.

Boom boom... Lin Fei directly displayed more than a hundred mental power worlds, overlapping and overlapping, and all the chaotic gods were enveloped all at once.

"what happened?"

All of these chaotic gods of the Dark Clan began to be confused, not knowing what happened.

"Senior Tianfeng, Senior Desolate Beast, I have suppressed them all with my heart and soul, you can come in."

Lin Fei immediately sent a voice transmission outside the lair.

"Let's go in!"

Outside the lair, Tianfeng Chaos God waved his hand and led a large number of reincarnation army into the lair.

"Go on, kill the chaos gods of the dark race first!"

Tianfeng Chaos God shouted.

Immediately, Tianfeng Chaos God, Desolate Beast, Fire Source Beast, and several Chaos Gods among the members of Samsara all rushed into Lin Fei's mental power world.

Lin Fei's mental power world can be left to Lin Fei's control, so he will not do any harm to his own people.

"Kill! You guys of the dark race, go to death all!"

When the wild beast saw the chaotic gods of the dark clan, remembering the years when he had been imprisoned by the dark clan before, he couldn't help being so angry that he rushed up with a roar.

Poor the chaos gods of the dark race, all of them have been suppressed by Lin Fei's mental power world, and there is not much resistance at all.

In Lin Fei's mental power world, there is an endless army of creatures, appearing one after another, rushing towards the chaotic gods.

Therefore, the true self of these chaotic gods cannot be guaranteed.

Now, the desolate beast, the Tianfeng Chaos God, and the fire source beast suddenly appeared, launching a terrible attack on them, leaving them with no ability to escape.

Ahhh... Soon, these chaotic gods of the dark race began to fall one after another, making screams.

"No, the Chaos Gods in our nest are falling!"

At this time, in this lair, the other members of the Dark Clan were all shocked and screamed.

"Do it, destroy this lair!"

Tianfeng Chaos God gave an order.


So the Samsara Army, the Chaos God among the members of the Samsara Army, together culled the other members of the Dark Clan in this lair.

The more than fifty Chaos Gods of the Dark Clan were suppressed in Lin Fei's mental power world, and there was no longer any power to fight back.

Therefore, Desolate Beast, Tianfeng Chaos God, Fire Origin Beast, plus four Lin Fei, were enough to deal with them.

The chaos gods among the members of the reincarnation army can take out their hands to pay for the ordinary dark people.

Poor those members of the Dark Clan of ordinary strength, how could it be possible to resist the attacks of these reincarnation chaotic gods.

You know, each of these reincarnation chaotic gods has lived from the year to the present, and each is an old antique who has lived for a long time. The strength and rich experience are definitely not comparable to ordinary chaos gods. of.

Therefore, under the leadership of these reincarnation chaos gods, a large number of reincarnation troops viciously rushed everywhere in the lair of the dark clan, and when they saw the members of the dark clan, they did not hesitate to kill them.

The members of the dark race were hunted down and fleeing everywhere, and were killed in batches.

After a while, the more than fifty Chaos Gods of the Dark Clan were all killed.

Among them, at least half of them were killed by Lin Fei using mental energy.

The other half was killed by the Heavenly Wind Chaos God, Desolate Beast and Fire Source Beast.

"Lin Fei, your combat power is too strong! Especially your mental energy.

It turns out that you can condense more than a hundred mental energy in one go! "

Tianfeng Chaos God looked at Lin Fei with admiration and exclaimed.

"Well, let's do it together and destroy this lair completely.

Our actions must be faster, otherwise, the news spreads that the large forces of the dark race are coming. "

Desolate Beast said.


Tianfeng Chaos God nodded.

As a result, Tianfeng Chaos God, Desolate Beast, Fire Source Beast, and Lin Fei also took action personally and began to destroy this nest empty.

With the entry of these four powerful men, Lin Fei, this lair was completely destroyed in a moment, completely in ruins!

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