Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4799: Destroy five nests

Almost all members of the Dark Clan in this lair were also wiped out.

Only those who are particularly weak, living on some interfaces or planets, and have not practiced at the lowest level of the dark race, were let go and were not completely killed.

"Okay, let's move faster and immediately go to the next dark clan lair.

Before the top of the dark race receives the news, we must destroy as many dark dens as possible as quickly as possible, and teach them a profound lesson! "

Desolate Beast said.

"Yes, it should be done!"

Tianfeng Chaos God also nodded in agreement.

Back then, the reincarnation line was beaten to death by the dark clan, so every member of the reincarnation line hated the dark clan very much. Now that there is this opportunity for revenge, the Tianfeng Chaos God is naturally excited! So, then, Tianfeng Chaos God led the Samsara Army to leave this lair and rushed towards another lair nearby.

Before doing it, Tianfeng Chaos God had already sent spies to find out the lairs of several dark people who were ready to do it.

Therefore, the goal route is very clear! Before long, he came to the lair of another dark clan.

It was still Lin Fei who entered this lair first.

Lin Fei's power of divine consciousness was released, and the situation of this dark clan's lair was quickly ascertained.

This nest is called nest number sixty-seven.

Similar to the strength of Lair No. 60! Under the perception of divine consciousness, Lin Fei discovered that there were about sixty chaotic gods in this lair.

Therefore, Lin Fei carried his hands on his back and walked directly towards the direction where the chaotic gods of the dark race lived in hiding.

The Dark Chaos Gods in this lair all live in seclusion in the same space and time.

Because this piece of time and space is the place where dark energy and dark laws are the strongest in this lair! Soon, Lin Fei came to this time and space.

"You guys of the dark race, get out and die!"

Lin Fei said coldly with his hands on his back.


Lin Fei's words caused a sensational effect.

Immediately, one after another, the chaotic gods of the Dark Clan rushed out from the closed room where they practiced.

"Boy, who are you?"

"He's so familiar!"

"Lin Fei, I recognize him, he is Lin Fei!"

... Soon, the chaotic gods of the dark race recognized Lin Fei and screamed.

"Well, you seem to be together.

Now that there is a crowd, prepare to die. "

Lin Fei glanced at the chaotic gods of the dark race, counted the number of people, and said lightly.

Rumble...As soon as the voice fell, Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and more than a hundred mental power worlds were displayed, and he shrouded the chaotic gods of the dark race with great strength.

Suddenly, all the chaotic gods of the dark race were suppressed by Lin Fei's mental power world, and they couldn't move at all! "What is this place?"

In Lin Fei's mental power world, the more than sixty Chaos Gods were panicked and yelled.

"I have suppressed them.

You can do it! "

Lin Fei sent a voice message to Tianfeng Chaos God and others who were lurking outside this lair.

"Get in!"

Tianfeng Chaos God waved his hand and brought a large number of reincarnation army into the lair of this dark race.

"Do it, go faster and destroy this lair!"

Tianfeng Chaos God roared.

Then, Tianfeng Chaos Gods, Desolate Beasts, and Fire Source Beasts rushed into Lin Fei's mental power world and began to work on those Chaos Gods.

Several reincarnation chaos gods led the reincarnation army and rushed towards the other dark races in this lair.


In Lin Fei's mental power world, Tianfeng Chaos God, Desolate Beast, Fire Source Beast and those Chaos Gods of the Dark Clan fought together fiercely.

In addition, there is an endless army of creatures, constantly appearing, rushing towards the chaotic gods of the dark race.

Those Chaos Gods of the Dark Clan were suppressed by Lin Fei's mental power world, and their combat power could only be half of them, so they were not opponents at all.

Soon after, they began to fall.

At the same time, the members of the Dark Clan in this lair were only slaughtered in front of the reincarnation chaos gods, and there was no resistance at all.

Finally, in Lin Fei's mental power world, all the chaotic gods of the dark race were all killed! In this lair, all the members of the Dark Clan were almost killed! "withdraw!"

Finally, Tianfeng Chaos God gave an order and took everyone out of the lair.

"Next target!"

Tianfeng Chaos God said.

Rumble... This reincarnation army marched toward the lair of another dark clan.

In this way, in a short period of time, five dark clan lairs were destroyed! "Our actions should have attracted the attention of the dark people.

Five lairs were destroyed, and the Dark Clan should become nervous.

I guess they will investigate this matter frantically.

So, next, our actions need to be very cautious. "

Tianfeng Chaos God said.

"Yes it is."

Lin Fei and Huang Beast nodded.

"Go, let's go to the next goal!"

Tianfeng Chaos God said.

As a result, this reincarnation army began to move toward the next dark clan's lair.

It's just that this time the action was very low-key. The entire army was hiding in the void, marching quietly, avoiding all kinds of eyes and ears.

at the same time.

The senior members of the Dark Clan have received news that five lairs have been destroyed.

In the second lair of the dark clan.

Inside a dark palace.

Three dreadful figures, sitting cross-legged.

It is the three dark masters of the dark race.

The three masters of darkness usually live in the second lair.

As for Lair No. 1, it is the most sacred and mysterious lair of the Dark Clan, and even the three major Dark Lords will not enter it casually.

Because only the three major dark masters know that in the No. 1 Lair, the real master of the dark race lives, the black tyrant with the supreme power! And the three masters of darkness are just three apprentices of the black bully.

The black tyrant is the true king of the dark race, the unique king! "It seems that someone has taken action against our dark race."

One of the dark masters said.

"Could it be that the three masters of the line of reincarnation, finally unable to hold back, have begun to declare war on our dark race?"

The other Dark Lord said suspiciously.


Those people in the line of reincarnation have just returned soon and haven't fully adjusted their condition.

Moreover, in the war that year, although the line of reincarnation was not completely destroyed, many people remained.

However, the overall strength has definitely fallen sharply.

Under this circumstance, the rulers of the three samsaras will not be so anxious to declare war on our dark race. "

The third Dark Lord shook his head and said.

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