Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4853: Hometown of the Heavenly Spirit


Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Not bad.

A star in this plane is the place where I was born, my most primitive hometown.

Back then, I was the son of an ordinary hunter on that star, and I followed my father up the mountain to hunt all day long.

Later, by chance, I worshipped a little school near my hometown and became the apprentice of an elder in that school.

In this way, I started from that little school, practiced all the way, grew up all the way, and moved towards the wider and wider world.

However, no matter how far I go, that star is always my most primitive and true hometown. "

The Heavenly Spirit said with emotion.

As he spoke, he seemed to recall the past of how he struggled, how he went through hardships, and grew up all the way on the little star in his hometown.

Lin Fei stood beside the Master Tianling, listening quietly, without interrupting him.

Because, Lin Fei felt the emotion of the Master of Heaven! Lin Fei back then, also from a small world called Yuanwujie, a weak sect Huayang school, and started from the lowest rank handyman disciple, all the way to practice, all the way up, in the middle, I don’t know the experience. It took so many tribulations and hardships to finally come to today.

"I don't know when I will be able to bring the creatures of the boundless Chaos Sea back to rebuild my hometown.

It definitely won't work now.

The Dark Clan and Suiyuelou are staring at me all the time. If I bring the creatures of the Boundless Chaos Sea back to the Boundless Chaos Sea to rebuild my home, it is estimated that the people of the Dark Clan and the Suiyuelou will be destroyed immediately. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but think of his hometown, the boundless sea of ​​chaos! Until now, the creatures of the boundless Chaos Sea still stay in the Valley of Fallen God, making their homes in some small worlds.

Although, the small worlds in the Valley of the Fallen Gods are very rich in heaven and earth aura, and the laws of the world are sound and advanced, which will not affect the cultivation of the creatures in the boundless Chaos Sea.

However, Lin Fei understands that in the minds of every creature in the boundless Chaos Sea, going back to their hometown and rebuilding their homes is always the ultimate ideal! "If you want to go back and rebuild the boundless Chaos Sea, it will be difficult to achieve unless the Dark Clan and the Time Tower are eliminated."

Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh softly when thinking of this.

"Go! Lin Fei, I'll take you to my hometown!"

The heavenly spirit master suddenly said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei smiled.

Therefore, the Heavenly Spirit Master took Lin Fei into a plane of this sea of ​​space.

The scale of this plane is relatively large.

There are numerous stars and interfaces.

"After walking through so many worlds, I still feel that my hometown is the most beautiful."

The Heavenly Spirit said with a smile.

"My hometown is here!"

Suddenly, a white star appeared in front of him, suspended in the starry sky, very conspicuous.

Then, the Heavenly Spirit Master took Lin Fei and landed on this white star.

After a while, Master Tianling took Lin Fei and walked in a vast jungle.

Many villages are scattered in this vast jungle area.

The villagers in these villages basically make a living by hunting.

Finally, Master Tianling took Lin Fei to a simple village, before a wooden house built of wood.

Before the cabin, an elderly hunter couple was busy.

The old hunter was grinding his long arrows and his hunting knife.

The old woman was using a few pieces of animal skins to make up a dress.

This is the animal skin clothes often worn by hunters in the mountains.

"Ling'er, come and try it, is this dress suitable for you?"

The old woman called out suddenly.

"Mom, I already have a lot of fur coats, you don't need to sew it for me anymore."

A young man in white shirt walked out of the wooden house.

"A divine soul clone of the Heavenly Spirit Master! Moreover, this divine soul clone possesses the strength of the Chaos God!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised to see the young man in white shirt.

Then, Lin Fei's eyes fell on the elderly couple.

"Both are the strengths of the eighth-tier main god!"

Lin Fei was surprised to find that this hunter couple were actually two eighth-tier master gods.

"Senior, it seems that you left a clone here to guard your parents."

Lin Fei said.

"Not bad.

Back then, when I was trespassing outside, after I succeeded in my cultivation, I immediately returned to my hometown to help my parents embark on the path of cultivation.

Moreover, I once took my parents to the outside world together, to explore together.

With my help, the two of them have been practicing to the realm of the eighth-order main god.

It's just that my parents are naturally quiet, and the world of warriors who fight and fight outside is simply not suitable for them.

Therefore, they finally came back here and lived a life of seclusion without asking the world.

In order to ensure their safety, I left a clone here to guard them.

My parents are already the strength of the eighth-level master gods, and they have a long lifespan, so I don't have to worry, one day they will leave me due to exhaustion of lifespan. "

The Heavenly Spirit replied.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei nodded gently.

In fact, the experience of the Heavenly Spirit Master was somewhat similar to that of Lin Fei.

Back then, after Lin Fei had achieved success in cultivation, he also tried his best to return to Earth to help his parents and eldest brother embark on the path of cultivation, and finally brought them out.

Now, Lin Fei's parents and eldest brother are already gods and have a long life span.

Therefore, Lin Fei was relieved that he was alone.

For all the real masters in the world, the most scared thing is that when oneself struggles and grows all the way, after setting foot on the peak of this world, suddenly looking back, only to find that those family members, teachers, relatives who have walked together before, Friends, all have disappeared in the dust of the years, and only myself is left alone.

This loneliness is the saddest! Just now.



The young man in white shirt in front of the wooden house suddenly raised his head and stared at Lin Fei and Master Tianling who were standing in the distance.

With the strength of Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master, even standing in front of most of the creatures in the world, they could not be discovered.

Because there are clever rules to cover the body.

"what is the matter?"

The elderly couple also noticed the difference, and at the same time raised their heads and looked at the position of Lin Fei and the Master of Heaven.

"We go over."

The Heavenly Spirit Master walked, showing his figure.

Lin Fei also followed.

"It turns out to be Ling'er's another divine soul clone."

The parents of the Celestial Master suddenly realized that they were a little surprised.

Soon, the Heavenly Spirit Master and the white-shirted youth came together, merged into one, and became a whole.

Immediately, the memories of the two parties were exchanged, and both knew what the other party had experienced.

"Ling'er, your body has been outside for so many years, and you haven't come back. How is it now?"

The old woman asked.

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