Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4854: Burial Boundary Sea

After hearing the mother's question, the heavenly spirit master couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Because his body is now in a state of being half-dead, and he really doesn't know how to answer it.

"Mom, my body is in a very far away place, everything is okay now."

The Heavenly Spirit replied bitterly, a little insincere.

"Hey, Ling'er, it has been so long since your body has left, and you have never come back to see us.

Let us two, so worried. "

The Mother of Heavenly Spirit sighed softly.

"Mom, I'm not good.

Don't worry, my body will definitely come back to see you in the future. "

Heavenly Spirit Master comforted.

"Ling'er, you haven't introduced me yet, who is this young man?"

Heavenly Spirit Master's father looked at Lin Fei and asked.

"Dad, Mom, his name is Lin Fei, he is a good friend of mine, and he has helped me a lot."

Master Tianling quickly introduced.

Lin Fei helped him collect Divine Soul Mark and Divine Soul clone, preparing to help his body resurrect, this is naturally very busy.

"Don't be it!"

Lin Fei said quickly.

The generation of the Heavenly Spirit Master is too old, even the three samsara masters must respectfully call the seniors, and now they call Lin Fei a good friend, Lin Fei is simply flattered.

"That's it.

Please sit down! "

The parents of Master Tian Ling were very enthusiastic, and they greeted Lin Fei to sit down and serve Ling tea.

In the next period of time, the Heavenly Spirit Master will be here, accompanied by his father.

Lin Fei knew that Master Tianling was planning to accompany his parents well before leaving.

Therefore, Lin Fei did not urge.

Anyway, everyone is a **** and has a lot of time to squander.

For the gods, a few years, even decades, hundreds of years, is nothing, it is equivalent to a moment.

a few years later.

"Lin Fei, we are going to leave."

Finally, one day, Master Shang Ling said to Lin Fei.

"Senior, don't you spend more time with your parents."

Lin Fei said.


For me, the most important thing is to quickly find a way to revive the body.

There will be a lot of time in the future to spend time with my parents. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"OK then."

Lin Fei nodded.

So, the Heavenly Spirit Master bid farewell to his parents.

This time, the avatar who had been with his parents would also leave with Lin Fei.

Because, if you want to resurrect the body of the Heavenly Spirit, the more complete and the greater the number of Divine Soul clones and Divine Soul Imprints collected, the greater the chance of success! "Ling'er, you can take care!"

Before leaving, the parents of the Heavenly Spirit Master repeatedly told them and reluctant to give up.

Over the years, the avatar of the Heavenly Spirit Master has been with them all the time, and the two of them can be considered carefree.

But now, this clone is about to leave, making them feel lost.

"Also, remember to let your body come back to see us."

Said the mother of the Heavenly Spirit Master.

As a main god, she naturally knows that the body is the most fundamental.

"Mom, don't worry, I will let the main body come back."

The Heavenly Spirit replied.

After speaking, Master Tianling and Lin Fei walked towards the distant time and space, and in a moment, they disappeared without a trace.

"During this time, I always feel that Ling'er seems to be worried.

Could something happen? "

Looking at the disappearance of Master Tian Ling and Lin Fei, the mother of Master Tian Ling said suddenly.

"It should be okay.

Our son is already a chaos god.

Generally, accidents will not happen easily.

no need to worry. "

Said the father of the Heavenly Spirit Master.

at this time.

Lin Fei and Master Tianling have already walked out of this sea of ​​space.

Next, Lin Fei and Venerable Heavenly Spirit kept collecting divine and soul clones and imprints left by Venerable Heavenly Spirit before.

The location of these divine soul clones and divine soul imprints has been told to Lin Fei by the body of the heavenly spirit master in detail, so Lin Fei only needs to follow the instructions and find them one by one.

this day.

Lin Fei and Master Tianling came into a dark void.

"Heavenly Spirit Master, unexpectedly, you have left five ghosts in this forbidden area.

This forbidden area is called Burial Jiehai, which is said to be very dangerous. "

Lin Fei looked at the dark void in front of him, and couldn't help sighing.

"Maybe it's my main body, who once entered this sea of ​​burial realm to make a formidable experience.

When I was young, I was full of enthusiasm and liked to go around. "

The Heavenly Spirit could not help but nodded with a wry smile.

"Senior, you have left five ghost clones in this sea of ​​burial. If you can collect them, it will be very useful.

Therefore, although this place is dangerous, we have to break through. "

Lin Fei said.

"Lin Fei, trouble you."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"Senior, you are welcome.

Okay, let's go in. "

Lin Fei said.

So Lin Fei took the lead and walked forward.

The Burial Boundary Sea is a famous and dangerous place in the sea of ​​absolute space.

It is said that in the world, many broken realms, stars, and planes will eventually be gathered into the sea of ​​burial realms by an invisible force.

Therefore, the burial world sea can be said to be the ultimate destination of all the broken worlds in this world.

There are many unknown dangers hidden in the sea of ​​burial boundary.

Even the Chaos God didn't dare to break in casually.

Lin Fei and Master Tianling walked forward cautiously all the way.


Rumble...A huge black vortex appeared in front of him, and in the center of that vortex was a black faint gap in space.

As the black vortex continues to rotate, everything around is slowly being swallowed by the gap in space.

"We are farther away."

The Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei speeded up their pace and stayed away from this black vortex.

Because this black whirlpool feels too dangerous.

"Fortunately, Senior, your ontology gave me a map of this burial world.

Senior, your ontology should have been in this burial world sea for a long time, otherwise, it would be impossible to be so familiar with the topography of this burial world sea. "

Lin Fei sighed.

"should be.

We can save a lot of time by searching according to the directions on the map. "

The Heavenly Spirit nodded.

"Be careful! Senior, there is an area in front of you that is very dangerous!"

Lin Fei stepped suddenly, showing a vigilant expression.

Regarding this sea of ​​burial, Master Tianling gave a map, which marked in detail the dangerous places in the sea of ​​burial.

Roar... At this moment, a dull beast roar sounded in front of him.

Then, a group of green monsters appeared.

The body surface of these monsters seems to be covered with a layer of green armor, which is very hard, but it is actually its rough and hard skin.

It also has a pair of green wings, which looks very strange.

Boom... I saw that there were tens of thousands of green monsters, sweeping towards Lin Fei and Master Tianling, and besieged them.

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