Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4911: Ask for help

The sleeve of the Heavenly Spirit Master, at least killed the Chaos God of dozens of years! "How can it be!"

The Chaos Gods of those Years Tower saw their companions continue to die, one by one was scared to the sky.

They didn't expect that the strength of the plain old man in front of them was so terrifying! "too frightening!"

"Who is he?

In the sea of ​​absolute space, when did such a terrifying master appear? "

The creatures in the distance who watched the excitement were also chilling in their hearts.

"what should we do?"

The remaining Chaoyuelou Chaos Gods retreated one by one, pulling a long distance from the Heavenly Spirit Master, and then, when you look at you, I look at you, one by one panicked.

"That old guy is too powerful, we are not his opponents!"

"However, the situation of the eight posters is very bad. We will not go up to help. When these posters will be held accountable, we will probably be held accountable!"

...These Chaos Gods are communicating with each other and are discussing.

"No need to discuss, go to death."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said lightly, stepping forward at an astonishing speed, and suddenly came to the chaotic gods of these years.


Rumble...The sleeves of the Heavenly Spirit Master waved out again, carrying terrifying energy.


The Chaos Gods of these years tower screamed in horror and dodged one after another.

However, the energy coercion released by the Heavenly Spirit Master was too terrifying, making these chaotic gods feel as if their bodies were trapped in a mud, their actions were difficult, and they were simply unable to evade.

Puff puff...on the spot, the Chaos God of dozens of years old was killed by the sleeve of the Heavenly Spirit Master.

"Run away!"

The remaining Chaoyuelou Chaos Gods were completely frightened and couldn't care about anything anymore, turning around and fleeing one by one.

"Haha, you can't escape."

The Heavenly Spirit Master laughed, chased him in one step, and swiped his sleeves.

Pupu...The Chaos God of the Years Building was constantly being shattered.

After a while, all the Chaos Gods of the Years Tower were killed by the Heavenly Spirit Master! Except for the eight posters, all the people of the Years Tower were killed by the Heavenly Spirit Master.

At this time, the eight young posters were still trapped in Lin Fei's mental power world, and they were fighting with those endless army of creatures that appeared continuously.

At the same time, they have to deal with many brilliant illusions and illusions, and the mental energy that attacks their bodies at all times! At this time, Lin Fei had already displayed more than a thousand mental powers, covering eight young posters layer by layer.

"No, Lin Fei's mental power world is too terrible, we can't break through!"

"Damn it, why is Lin Fei's mental energy level so high!"

"We are not his opponents!"

…The eight young posters were a little panicked and yelled one by one.

"No, we must ask for help from the four old landlords! If this continues, our situation is not good!"

Shouted the master on the seventh floor.

"Yes! Ask the four old landlords for help immediately, let them come to rescue us!"

Those other posters also shouted.

"Everyone hold on, I will send a message to the four old posters right now!"

The owner of the building took out a piece of jade slip and sent out a message.

This piece of communication jade slip is secretly made by Suiyuelou, it is very precious, and it can send information quickly from a long distance.

Moreover, in this jade slip of information, there is the spirit of the four old posters. Once the message is sent, the four old posters will quickly receive it.

"Haha, do you think of asking for help now?

It's a pity, it's too late. "

Lin Fei stood outside the mental power world, carrying his hands on his back, watching the actions of the eight old posters, and couldn't help laughing.

Lin Fei is very satisfied with his current mental energy level.

With the help of mental energy and mental power, I can already easily play against eight posters at the same time, and have the upper hand! "Those annoying guys, I have killed them all."

The Heavenly Spirit Master returned to Lin Fei's side and said with a smile.

"Senior Tianling, your strength is too strong."

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei could see clearly the scenes where the Heavenly Spirit Master acted to kill those Chaos Gods in the Years Tower, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Haha... Lin Fei, you are not bad too.

Although the eight posters of the Years Tower are not as good as the four old posters, they belong to the sea of ​​absolute space. Now the big figures who dominate one side, in front of you, nothing counts.

Lin Fei, with your current strength, in the sea of ​​absolute space, you can be regarded as a big man who dominates a party! "

The Heavenly Spirit said with a laugh.

"Look! Those masters in the Years Tower have all been killed!"

"That's amazing! Who is he?"

In the distance, those onlookers all looked at the Master of Heaven with jealous eyes.

"Look! The situation of the eight posters of Suiyuelou seems to be getting worse and worse! They seem to be fascinated by illusion or illusion!"

A creature whispered.

"Yes, I heard that Lin Fei is good at mental energy. According to my opinion, the eight posters of the Years Tower should have been suppressed by Lin Fei's mental energy!"

Another creature next to him said.

"Mental energy?"

When the other creatures heard it, they were a little shocked.

You know, for ordinary creatures, mental energy is very mysterious.

In the sea of ​​absolute space, there are many creatures who have never come into contact with mental energy, and have never even heard of it! at the same time.

In the headquarters of Years Building.

After the four old posters came back from the lair of the dark clan, they have been concentrated in the discussion hall, discussing how to work with the dark clan to deal with the reincarnation line.

In addition to these four old landlords, there are also a group of high-rise buildings in the years, standing in front of the four old landlords respectfully and obeying the arrangements of the four old landlords.

"You said, how is the situation of the eight posters now.

They should have found Lin Fei. "

One of the old posters said in a loud voice.

"I guess they should have found Lin Fei.

The deduction ability of those wizards of the Dark Clan is indeed very powerful.

Especially the black bar master, even more powerful.

There are these more dark wizards who have made deductions. I guess they will be able to accurately locate Lin Fei's current location. "

Another old poster said.

"Well, it makes sense.

Don't worry, everyone.

The eight young posters in our Years Tower have been practicing in retreat for such a long time. They are no longer what they used to be. I believe that they will definitely be able to kill Lin Fei.

We just wait for their good news. "

Another old host said in a loud voice, apparently very confident in the eight young host.

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