Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4912: Received a distress message

"Yes, the eight posters are powerful, and the four old posters can rest assured!"

"When the eight posters kill Lin Fei, they will surely shock the entire Absolute Space Sea and let the world know how powerful we are!"

"Hmph, that Lin Fei has been against us many times, and now, he finally knows how great it is!"

...In the discussion hall, the other high-level buildings of the Years Tower also said one by one.

Just now.


Suddenly, one of the old host's expressions changed, and he took out a piece of jade slip for transmission.


! "

The old poster felt the information in the jade slip, and his face changed drastically.

"What happened?"

The other three old landlords saw that the old landlord's expression was different and asked immediately.

"Listen to it."

The old poster directly inspired the piece of jade slip.

"Four old posters, come and save us!"

"We are trapped by Lin Fei's mental power! His mental power is too terrifying, we can't break through!"

"Come and save us! Otherwise, if this continues, our end will be very bad!"

... Among the jade slips, there were eight frightened voices from the young host, all panting and breathing heavily.

"Damn it! How could this be!"

The four old posters were completely dumbfounded.

They were very confident in the eight young posters just now, and as a result, they immediately received help from eight young posters! This is simply a naked face slap! "It seems that the eight young posters are in a bad situation, and we must go immediately!"

"Yes, the eight young posters are our hope for the future. They can't get into trouble!"

The four old posters all stood up.

"Go, let's save them!"

The four old landlords displayed the starting method at the same time, rushed out of the conference hall, and passed through time and space in one step, disappearing.

When the four old posters were anxious, they all used their body speed to the extreme, rushing towards the positions of the eight young posters with all their strength.

When the eight young posters sent the distress message, they also sent the space-time coordinates where they are now.

"Also send a message to the three dark masters, tell them the matter, and it is better for them to also help."

One of the old posters said.

"it is good!"

The other three old posters nodded.

In fact, these four old posters all understand that their strength is still a bit worse than the three dark masters.

As a result, one of the old posters immediately sent a message to the three dark masters, telling the three dark masters the matter.

At this time, in the lair of the dark race.

The three dark masters are summoning a large number of high-level dark people, in a huge palace, are discussing arrangements to deal with the reincarnation line.


The First Lord of Darkness took out a piece of jade slip for transmission, felt it for a moment, and couldn't help but frown.

"What happened?"

The other two dark masters couldn't help asking.

"There was an accident with the eight young posters of the Years Tower.

They went to deal with Lin Fei, but they were trapped by Lin Fei's hard work. The situation is a bit bad now.

The four old posters are rushing to help.

The four old posters hope that the three of us can also help. "

The First Dark Lord said.

"No! The eight young posters of Suiyuelou are quite strong, and they belong to the big men who dominate in the sea of ​​absolute space. With the eight of them, can they not beat Lin Fei?"

The Second Dark Lord said.

"Yes it is.

It seemed that they really couldn't beat Lin Fei.

Otherwise, they will not ask for help. "

The First Dark Lord nodded.

"Unexpectedly, Lin Fei's strength is so strong.

Before, he didn't seem to be so strong.

It was strange. Originally, he was disturbed last time and failed to break through the Chaos God Realm. He would definitely leave hidden dangers in his body. Logically speaking, his strength should be declining continuously.

Why has it been continuously enhanced now?

I have to say that this Lin Fei is really a rare evildoer in the world! "

The Third Lord of Darkness couldn't help sighing.

"Yes, this Lin Fei is indeed a very rare evildoer.

He failed to attack the realm of Chaos God, and he actually became stronger and stronger.

If eight young posters join forces, they are not his opponents either.

So, Lin Fei's current strength can already dominate a party in the sea of ​​absolute space! Such evildoers are the enemies of our dark clan. For our dark clan, it is a huge hidden danger that must be eliminated! "

The Second Dark Lord nodded and said.

"Then what do we do now, to save the eight young posters of the Years Tower?"

Said the Third Lord of Darkness.

"Let's go.

Originally, we had planned before that after the black bar master deduced the specific location of Lin Fei, we would personally set off to deal with Lin Fei.

Later, it was the eight young owners of Suiyuelou who volunteered to go.

We didn't go.

Now that the eight young posters are unable to deal with Lin Fei, let's go there in person. "

The First Lord of Darkness thought for a while and said.

"Okay, let's go."

Said the other two dark masters.


The three dark masters all stood up, walked out of the palace, and then showed their way to move in the direction of the eight young masters.

at the same time.

In another dark palace in the lair of the dark clan.

The black bar master is carrying a large number of dark masters, and he is demonstrating it.

"Things are not good, it seems that the eight young posters of Suiyuelou are really not Lin Fei's opponents.

They are now trapped by Lin Fei's mental energy! "

A mage called out the current situation of eight young posters.

"Not bad.

Lin Fei's strength is much stronger than before! Since this time, Lin Fei's strength has been increasing! "

The other mages also came to the show and said in a loud voice.

"Huh, in fact, I had long expected that the eight young owners of Suiyuelou would not be Lin Fei's opponents.

However, all eight of them were confident and insisted on going. Now they are invincible. "

Heba Master couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Do you know how to ask for help now! They are really eight guys who can't help themselves!"

Black Bar Master said with a cold snort.

Just now.

The Great Master Heba suddenly changed his face, took out a piece of jade slip, and felt it.

"Everyone, the three masters have already set off to deal with Lin Fei.

The three masters let us step up to deduct Lin Fei's current location and send them accurate time and space coordinates at any time.

Let's continue to deduct it seriously.

The three masters said, this time, we must kill Lin Fei! "

The black bar master said.

"Okay! Let's continue deduction!"

The other mages nodded.

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