Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4918: Ancestor is leaving

"Now, how do we explain to the three masters?"

Heba Archmage was a bit unwilling.

The other mages were also silent.

"I can only speak straight.

The three masters are still waiting for our reply. "

The black bar master thought for a while and sighed.

So, the black bar master took out the jade slip of the message and began to send messages to the three dark masters.

Soon after.

The First Dark Lord received the message sent by the Black Bar Master.


The first master, where are Lin Fei and the others now! "

The four old posters couldn't wait to see that the First Dark Lord received the message, and asked quickly.

"Dear posters, Master Heba just replied to me, they can't deduce Lin Fei's whereabouts."

The First Lord of Darkness hesitated and replied.

He knew that these four old posters valued those young posters very much and were trained as descendants, but now they have all been taken away, naturally they are extremely anxious.


! How can this be! Can't deduct Lin Fei's whereabouts?

How is that good! The young owners of our Years Tower are still in their hands. We must save those young owners back! "

The four old posters were dumbfounded and unacceptable.

"I think the main reason why we were unable to track down Lin Fei and the old man, and the black bar master they could not deduce them, the main reason is that the old man with Lin Fei has created many new things along the way. The world and new laws.

These new worlds and new laws have powerful interference effects! We are in this new plane, completely losing the breath of Lin Fei and the old man, and now immediately let the black bar master bring the mages of our clan to this plane to perform deductions.

Several of us also shot together to fight against the new laws in this plane.

I think it should be possible to deduce the whereabouts of Lin Fei and the old man. "

The First Lord of Darkness thought for a while and said.

"You can try this method!"

The other two dark masters nodded.

"Master Master, let the Dark Master and those mages come here to perform the exercise right away!"

The four old posters are now anxious like ants on a hot pot.


The First Dark Lord nodded and immediately sent a message to the Black Bar Master.

at the same time.

The headquarters of the cycle of reincarnation, in the palace of reincarnation.

The three masters of reincarnation have already received the news that the young masters of Suiyuelou went to hunt down Lin Fei, but they were all arrested.

The spies of the reincarnation line reported the entire battle process to the three reincarnation masters in detail.

"Haha...Okay, very good! So happy! Unexpectedly, Lin Fei's current combat power is already so powerful, and he can fight against the young owners of the Years Tower at the same time!"

The three reincarnation masters, the Baidi Divine Sovereign, and the other high-level members of the reincarnation line, after listening to the report, all felt very happy and laughed loudly.

"Baidi Shenjun, you can rest assured.

Unexpectedly, after Lin Fei failed to attack the realm of Chaos God, not only did his strength not decline, but it kept improving! Lin Fei, this young man, makes people obsessed with it, too enchanting! "

The third round of the master laughed and said.

"Baidi Shenjun, in terms of teaching disciples, I dare say that the entire Absolute Space Sea, if you recognize the second, no one would dare to recognize the first!"

The third round dominates his palms and laughs.

"What has actually happened?

I also don't understand.

The reason is that when Lin Fei hit the realm of Chaos God, he was severely disturbed and failed.

Hidden dangers have been left in his body, and his strength will definitely decline.

But now, not only has his strength not declined, but has been improving.

Among them, there must be a reason.

However, I really don't understand what the reason is. "

Baidi Shenjun said with a wry smile.

"I don't understand Lin Fei more and more now."

Baidi Shenjun said with a wry smile.

"No matter what, his strength can continue to improve, which is definitely a good thing."

Baidi Shenjun finally said with a smile.

"Yeah, it must be a good thing.

you do not need to worry. "

Said the master of the first round.

"Everyone, I just received the news that the Lord of Darkness has secretly contacted those forces that together dealt with our reincarnation line back then, and wants to unite again to deal with our reincarnation line.

During this period of time, the Dark Clan, the Years Tower, and those forces are all dispatching troops and horses in secret. It seems that they want to attack us in the same vein. "

The master of the first round suddenly said.

After hearing the words of the ruler of the first reincarnation, in the hall, all the senior members of the reincarnation line were dignified.

"Our current strength of the reincarnation line has not returned to the peak state of the year. If we want to fight against the Dark Clan and the Years Tower, there are several other forces who will join forces to attack. There is not much chance of winning."

Baidi Shenjun first said aloud.

Now, Baidi Shenjun is already one of the core high-levels of the reincarnation line, and can participate in important decisions of the reincarnation line.

"Yes it is.

The strength of our reincarnation line really has not yet returned to its peak state of the year.

The Dark Clan has been developing rapidly over the years, becoming stronger and stronger.

The dark race now is stronger than before! Under such circumstances, if we fight hard with them, our reincarnation line does not have much chance of winning. "

The third round of the master also said.

"So, we must find a way to delay the arrival of the decisive battle."

Baidi Shenjun said.

"what else can we do?"

The gazes of other high-level officials were all looking at Baidi Shenjun.

"I haven't thought of it for the time being.

Let's discuss it together. "

Baidi Shenjun shook his head.

"Then let's discuss how to delay the arrival of the decisive battle."

Said the master of the first round.

As a result, the three samsara masters and the other high-level members of the samsara line began to discuss.

at the same time.

In the sea of ​​absolute space.

In a certain sea of ​​space.

Lin Fei and Master Tianling stood side by side.

In the front is the headquarters of the most powerful force in this sea of ​​space.

In the headquarters.

An old man was sitting in a high position and was lecturing.

"Everyone, it is not easy for our Moon Spirit Sect to develop to this day.

I have always been in the headquarters of the Yueling School.

However, from now on, I will leave the headquarters, and I don’t know when I will come back in the future.

In the coming years, we will rely on your own efforts to develop the Moon Spirit School.

Okay, guys, I'm leaving now. "

The old man said loudly.

Then, the old man stood up, his figure flashed, and he came into the sky.

"Ancestor, where are you going?"

All the horses of the Moon Spirit Sect were dumbfounded.

The ancestor is leaving!

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