Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4919: All collected

"You don't care where I go, anyway, from now on, everything of the Moon Spirit Sect needs to be faced by you yourself."

The old master turned around and said.

After speaking, the ancestor did not look back, and strode forward.

"The ancestor is really leaving."

Behind, the people of the Moon Spirit Sect watched the ancestor's back, feeling a little at a loss.

After a while, the ancestor came to Lin Fei and the Master of Heaven.

Then, this ancestor and the Heavenly Spirit Master merged into one and merged into one.

This ancestor is a divine and soul clone of the Heavenly Spirit Master! "Senior Tianling, there is still the last ghost clone!"

Lin Fei was a little excited.

"Yes, there is one last one left."

The Heavenly Spirit said with a big smile, in a very good mood.

"Go! Let's hurry up and find my last avatar!"

The Heavenly Spirit can’t wait.

Then, the Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei walked towards the location of the last Divine Soul clone.

at this time.

The black masters who led the dark clan have rushed to the plane where the three dark masters and the four old masters were.

"This plane was created not long ago!"

Heba Archmage had just arrived, and immediately discovered this.

"Yes, this plane was indeed just created.

We are in this plane, losing the breath of Lin Fei and the old man.

Master Heba, and masters, please do a good job of deduction to see if you can find the current whereabouts of Lin Fei and the old man. "

The First Dark Lord said to the black bar master.

In the following time, the Great Master Heba and these wizards of the Dark Clan began to deduct the whereabouts of Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master in this plane.

And at this time.

Lin Fei and Venerable Heavenly Spirit came to the place where the last avatar of God and Soul was.

This is a very ordinary planet.

The strength of the creatures on the planet is generally very low, not even an ordinary god.

Lin Fei and Master Tianling came to the top of this planet.

Inside this planet, there is a cave. In this cave, there is a gray-haired old man sitting cross-legged.

This old man is the last avatar of the Heavenly Spirit Master! He has been cultivating here for a very long time and has never left this cave.

This old man is a chaos god! On this ordinary planet, no creature could have imagined that there was a Chaos God at their feet.

In fact, this planet has been invaded by powerful enemies many times in the past years, but in the end those powerful enemies who invaded suddenly died suddenly and all died.

The creatures on this planet were puzzled, and finally attributed the reason to the blessing of the gods.

In fact, it was this clone of the Heavenly Spirit Master who shot! At this time, in the cave inside this planet, the clone of the Heavenly Spirit Master had found Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master, and suddenly opened his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, another clone has been found."

This avatar of the Heavenly Spirit was a little surprised. He stood up and left the cave with a movement, and came to the body of the Heavenly Spirit, and then merged into one and merged into a whole.

"Hahaha...Lin Fei, we finally collected all the ghost clones and imprints!"

The Heavenly Spirit laughed loudly.

"Yeah, we have been running around for so many years and finally collected it all!"

Lin Fei was also very excited, and said with a smile.

After so many years, now that all the avatars and imprints of the gods and souls of the master of the sky are finally collected, Lin Fei and the master of the sky feel a sense of relief.

"Senior, now we can set off to the extremely cold continent to help your body resurrect."

Lin Fei said.

"Yes it is.

Lin Fei, do you want to go back, explain to your family, teachers, and friends. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master asked.


It's been many years since I left, so it's okay to go back and meet them. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and nodded to answer.

"Well, I'll go back with you."

Said by the Heavenly Spirit.

"My master Baidi Shenjun is now a high-level person in the reincarnation line. He should have brought Luoshen Valley to the reincarnation palace. Let's go to the reincarnation palace now."

Lin Fei said.

Then, Lin Feihe and Master Tianling headed towards the Samsara Palace.

at this time.

The black bar master and those masters of the dark clan continue to deduct the whereabouts of Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master.

As time passed, these wizards actually began to gradually capture some of the breath of Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master.

After all, each of these Dark Clan's wizards is very powerful in deduction.

"Good news, we have sensed the breath of Lin Fei and the old man.

It won’t be long before we can find out where they are now. "

The black bar master said excitedly.

"Really, that's great!"

The four old posters were very excited when they heard what Heba Master said.

They wanted to rescue the young posters of Suiyuelou.

At this time, Lin Fei and the Master of Heaven were getting closer and closer to the Samsara Palace.

Lin Fei had been in the Samsara Palace for a while, so he was very familiar with the location of the Samsara Palace.

Before Lin Fei and Heavenly Spirit Master came to the Samsara Palace, they were discovered by several reincarnation spies.

The spies of these reincarnations immediately sent the news back to the three reincarnation masters.

"Lin Fei is back!"

The three reincarnation masters were very excited, and immediately told Baidi Divine Sovereign the news.

"It's good to be able to return safely!"

Baidi Shenjun was also very excited.

"Report the three masters and four masters! We have successfully locked the current position of Lin Fei and the old man!"

Suddenly, the black bar master exclaimed excitedly.

"That's great! Tell me quickly, where is Lin Fei now!"

The four old posters are very excited.

However, at this time.

"Master Heba, Lin Fei is now getting closer and closer to the Samsara Palace! About to enter the Samsara Palace!"

Suddenly a mage said in a loud voice.


Lin Fei is about to enter the Samsara Palace? "

The four old posters were dumbfounded.

Because the Samsara Palace is now the headquarters of the Samsara family! "Damn it! How could this be!"

The four old posters are very unwilling.

They knew that when Lin Fei returned to the Samsara Palace, they had no way to save people.

In addition to the unofficial war with reincarnation, enter the palace of reincarnation! That was a terrible big war! "Unexpectedly, Lin Fei went back to the Samsara Palace.

Under such circumstances, it is very difficult for us to deal with him again. "

The First Dark Lord sighed and said.

"The young landlords of our Years Tower are still in Lin Fei's hands. What should we do now?"

One of the old posters said unwillingly.

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