Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4932: Met those monks again

Rumble...Lin Fei's body exploded again and again, turning into flames in the sky, and then regrouped to become Lin Fei's original appearance.

This process is repeated.

Every time it was repeated, Lin Fei had a deeper understanding of the source of fire energy.

This process of continuous blasting, not only Lin Fei's body, but also Lin Fei's soul body.

While Lin Fei was cultivating, the pure fire source energy and laws in the surrounding space were continuously absorbed by Lin Fei's body.

The fire energy contained in Lin Fei's body became more and more.

I don't know how long it took.

Finally, Lin Fei stopped practicing and returned to his original appearance.

"Senior Huo, my understanding of the source of fire energy has temporarily reached a bottleneck state.

If you continue to practice, you will not make much progress. "

Lin Fei slowly opened his eyes and said in a loud voice.

"Not bad.

You have indeed reached a bottleneck state now, but it is very rare for you to have such a deep understanding of the energy of the source of fire in such a short period of time.

Cultivation cannot be rushed, and sometimes haste is not enough.

Now I put some pure fire source energy and laws into your body.

In the future, you will slowly practice and absorb it. "

The vague figure said in a loud voice.

Then he waved his hand, and a large amount of fire source energy and laws in the surrounding time and space poured into Lin Fei's body.

These fire source energy and laws were temporarily sealed in Lin Fei's body, and Lin Fei could slowly refine and absorb them in the future.

"Well, young man, I'm now teaching you a fire weapon technique.

The Fire Weapon Art can transform the energy of the fire source into various weapons in the world, which can be used to attack the enemy. "

Said the vague voice.

He stretched out his hand and pointed a message composed of divine consciousness into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Thank you Senior Huo!"

Lin Fei said gratefully.

"Also, I will now bring some things that I should pay attention to when I hit the realm of Chaos God into your sea of ​​consciousness. When you hit the realm of Chaos God again, you can refer to it. It should be useful."

The vague figure said, and then he threw a message composed of divine consciousness into Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Thank you Senior Huo!"

Lin Fei was very moved.

"No thanks, I just gave you some advice because I saw your talent is better and you are a young man with great luck."

The fuzzy figure said with a smile.

"Tianling, your purpose of bringing this young man to me has been achieved."

The gaze of the vague figure looked at Master Tianling and said.

"Senior Huo, I am here, in addition to hope that you can give me some advice on Lin Fei, I also want to say goodbye to you. I will leave the extremely cold continent and return to the sea of ​​absolute space."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said quickly.

"Go ahead.

Then enter the world for a good experience. When you accumulate enough in the future, it's best to find a place to hide like me and concentrate on attacking the God of Creation.

As a chaos god, if you want to truly transcend the world, you can only become a **** of creation. "

The vague figure said slowly.

"Senior Huo, don't worry, when I have enough accumulation in the future, I will definitely try to attack the realm of the God of Creation.

Senior Huo, I think you definitely have the opportunity to become a **** of creation.

Senior Huo will give me some guidance in the future. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master said to the fuzzy figure.

"Hahaha... You don't have to compliment me. Whether you can become a creation god, there are many factors and it's too complicated.

I have been here for a very long time, and I still have no hope of becoming a creator.

However, I am not in a hurry, let's do whatever happens. "

The vague figure replied.

"Well, Tianling, you take this young man and leave."

The vague figure continued.

"Senior Huo, then we will leave."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

Lin Fei also hurriedly bid farewell to the vague figure.

Then, Lin Fei and Master Tianling turned around and walked out of the palace.

"Lin Fei, the harvest is not small."

The Heavenly Spirit said to Lin Fei with a smile.

"Yes it is.

I already have a certain understanding of the energy of the fire source, and the fire control tactics that I have displayed now are much more powerful than before.

I'm equal to another great hole card. "

Lin Fei replied.

"Well, now we leave this extremely cold continent and go back to the Absolute Space Sea."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

In the following time, Master Sky Spirit and Lin Fei headed towards the entrance and exit of the extremely cold continent.

Along the way, many dangers were encountered.

However, with the abilities of the Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei, they were able to pass safely without risk.

this day.

Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei are passing through a vast mountainous area.

In this mountainous area, there are a series of tall and undulating peaks.

Vaguely there is a very dangerous aura, emanating from this mountain area.

"It's a bit dangerous here, let's take a detour.

No need to break in. "

The Heavenly Spirit said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei nodded.

In this extremely cold continent, there are some places that are very dangerous, and even the Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei dare not enter.

For example, Senior Huo was a terrifying existence that was infinitely close to the God of Creation.

If other creatures accidentally broke into the palace where Senior Huo was and angered him, the consequences would be very terrible.

Therefore, when the Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei walked on this extremely cold continent, once they felt a particularly dangerous aura in a certain place, they would take the initiative to take a detour.

However, just when the Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei planned to bypass this dangerous mountain range.


Lin Fei heard waves of magnificent Buddhist sounds transmitted from the center of the mountain range.

Then, Lin Fei felt some familiar breath.

"It's them!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but his face moved as he looked into the core area of ​​the mountain range.

Before, Lin Fei had encountered more than one hundred monks in this extremely cold continent.

Now Lin Fei felt the breath of those more than one hundred monks again.

"Why are they here?"

Lin Fei's gaze looked at the core position of the mountain, revealing a puzzled expression.

At this moment, in the core of this mountainous area, an old monk suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"It seems to be Lin Fei!"

The old monk blurted out.

"How could it be that Lin Fei had left the Arctic Continent a long time ago and returned to Absolute Space Sea! How could he have come here."

Around this old monk, there are more than one hundred monks. After listening to the old monk, every monk expressed doubts.

"However, I did feel the breath of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei seems to be outside this mountain range! "

The old monk felt it again and said in an affirmative tone.

Among the more than one hundred monks, this old monk's strength is the strongest, and his spiritual perception is also the strongest.

Moreover, he also developed various supernatural powers of Buddhism, able to accurately perceive a large area of ​​time and space around him.

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