Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4933: White forest

at the same time.

Standing outside this mountain range, Lin Fei also accurately sensed the breath of the monks in the mountains.

"Lin Fei, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Lin Fei's behavior was different, Master Tianling couldn't help asking.

"I met an acquaintance."

Lin Fei replied.

Then, Lin Fei talked about the situation of the more than one hundred monks.

"This mountain range is faintly filled with a very dangerous atmosphere, and there must be a very terrifying existence in it.

If those monks were inside, they might have been in danger and could not get out. "

After hearing Lin Fei's words, the Heavenly Spirit Master couldn't help but frown and said.

"Yes, I also feel that they should have encountered some danger."

Lin Fei nodded.

So Lin Fei took out a piece of jade slip and sent a sound transmission to the old monk.

Before, Lin Fei gave a piece of the old monk who sent a jade slip.

Lin Fei's spirit power aura on the jade slip for communication, within a certain distance, the information can be quickly transmitted to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei activated the message jade slip and sent a message to the mountains.

at this time.

The old monk is still talking to the monks around him.

Suddenly, the old monk's expression moved, and he took out a jade slip from his body.

"Sure enough, it is Lin Fei, he has sent a message!"

The old monk activated the message jade slip, and a voice came from the jade slip, it was Lin Fei's voice, and the content was to ask the old monk.

"How is this going?

Didn't Lin Fei leave the extremely cold continent?

Why are you back again? "

These more than one hundred monks were all a little surprised.

"Everyone, shall we answer Lin Fei in the end?"

At this moment, the old monk said suddenly.

The other monks around are silent.

"The environment we are in is very dangerous. If Lin Fei comes in, I am afraid he will be trapped here just like us.

Although Lin Fei's strength is strong, but he may not be able to break out from here.

Therefore, we should not drag Lin Fei into the water. "

After a while, a monk slowly said.

"Yes it is.

Lin Fei has saved us before and is our benefactor.

We shouldn't let Lin Fei fall into danger for us. "

"If we are trapped by the formation, we can ask Lin Fei for help, but now we are not trapped by the formation. Even if Lin Fei comes in, it is probably of little use.

Therefore, we cannot let Lin Fei come in. "

…The other monks also spoke up one after another.

"Yes it is.

We can't let Lin Fei enter this dangerous mountain range because of us. "

The old monk nodded.

"So, I still don't reply to Lin Fei.

It's best to make Lin Fei think he made a mistake and think that we are not here. "

The old monk said.

Therefore, the old monk collected the jade slip that Lin Fei had given him, and did not reply to Lin Fei's question.

Outside the mountain range.

After Lin Fei sent the message, he waited for half an hour without receiving any response.

"These monks definitely don't want you to enter this mountainous area, so they didn't reply to him.

They don't want to hurt you. "

The Heavenly Spirit said with a smile.

With the strength of the Heavenly Spirit Master, he can easily perceive all kinds of things in the world.

"Yes it is.

They must mean that. "

Lin Fei thought about it a little bit, but also understood.

"Lin Fei, do you want to go in?"

The Heavenly Spirit Master looked at Lin Fei and asked.

"Yes it is.

These monks must be trapped in this mountain range.

I plan to go in and rescue them. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"I guess you would choose this way.

Okay, let's go in and take a look. "

The Heavenly Spirit said with a smile.

Having been with Lin Fei for such a long time, the Heavenly Spirit Master had already figured out Lin Fei's character.

"Senior Tianling, trouble you."

Lin Fei said gratefully.

"What's your kindness with me.

Let's go. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master smiled and took the lead and walked into the mountains in front of him.

Soon, Master Tianling and Lin Fei walked into the mountain range.

Looking around, there are dense primitive jungles everywhere, with countless tall primitive giant trees towering up to the sky.

Rumble...Walking in the mountains, Master Tianling and Lin Fei can clearly feel that there is a horrible energy pressure that is continuously transmitted from the center of the mountains.

"In that position, there must be a very scary existence, Lin Fei, let's be more careful."

Venerable Heavenly Spirit stared at the core area of ​​this mountain range, frowned and said.

"I understand."

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei also felt that in the core area of ​​this mountain range, there were bursts of horrible aura, constantly passing out.

However, Master Tianling and Lin Fei are not mediocre people, going all the way.

Finally, came to the core area of ​​this mountain.

A white forest appeared in front of him.

Those terrifying energy coercion are transmitted from this white forest.

Every tree in this white forest is white! Moreover, bursts of strong evil spirits were released from the bodies of these trees.

People don't dare to approach easily.

Boom... Vaguely, there were bursts of violent energy explosions, constantly emanating from this white forest.

Moreover, there is also a white skeleton phantom, constantly floating out of these white trees.

At a glance, in this forest, there are dangling white skeletons everywhere, full of a breath of death, which makes people creepy.

"What kind of trees are these?"

Lin Fei looked at the white trees and was taken aback.

With Lin Fei's strength and breadth of knowledge, he can't even recognize what kind of trees these are! "Senior Tianling, do you know what kind of trees these are?"

Lin Fei asked the Master of Heaven.

"These seem to be the legendary trees of death.

It is said that these trees of death were born from the purest energy of death.

These trees of death are full of the law of death, and creatures with insufficient strength should not be approached easily, otherwise, they will easily be contaminated with the law of death and die. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"The tree of death?"

Lin Fei was very surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect such a tree in the world.

"Those monks should be trapped in this white forest. Go, let's go in and take a look."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"But be careful.

There must be terrible creatures in this white forest, and I can feel it. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master told Lin Fei.

"I will be careful."

Lin Fei nodded.

The Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei moved towards the white forest in front of them.

Soon, the two walked into the white forest.

Ho Ho... Suddenly, those dense white skeleton phantoms rioted at the same time, and they continued to slaughter Lin Fei and the Master of Heaven.


The Heavenly Spirit screamed, and his sleeves flicked out.

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