Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4941: go away

"Well, for the sake of these woody source fruits, I will stop attacking you."

Lin Fei rolled up his sleeves, put away all the treasures that the white creature had taken out, and then looked at the other four white creatures with very obvious meaning.

The other four white creatures also understood what Lin Fei meant, and took out piles of belongings and piled them in front of Lin Fei.

"Fire origin fruit, water origin fruit, gold origin fruit, earth origin fruit!"

Lin Fei was surprised to find that among the treasures taken out by the other four white creatures, there were actually four other origin fruits.

In this way, all five root fruits have been gathered! "These original fruits contain strong original energy."

Lin Fei and the Heavenly Spirit Master looked at the origin fruits and couldn't help but marvel.

"Well, everyone, the grievances between us are cleared.

Goodbye. "

Lin Fei said to the five white creatures.

"Senior Tianling, let's leave here."

Lin Fei said to Master Tianling.


These five guys are very dangerous, the sooner we leave, the better. "

Master Tianling nodded.

So Lin Fei, the Heavenly Spirit Master and the more than one hundred monks turned around, preparing to leave this white forest.

"Human youth, wait!"

At this moment, one of the white creatures suddenly said.


What else can you do? "

Lin Fei paused and asked back.

"Young man, we want to ask you a favor."

Said the white creature.

"What's busy?"

Lin Fei was stunned for a moment, then looked at the formations around the bodies of the five white creatures, and understood a little bit.

"Young man, you have a brilliant array of talents, and you have understood most of these arrays.

Please help us to crack these arrays.

After the event is over, we must have a good return! "

Said the white creature.

"Sure enough, I want me to crack the array."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

"Lin Fei, the auras of these five white creatures are weird, their origins are mysterious, and their strength is terribly powerful.

You'd better not help them crack these patterns.

Once these formations are cracked, these five creatures will get out of their traps. At that time, if they repent and attack us, we will not be opponents at all. "

Before Lin Fei could answer, the voice of the Heavenly Spirit Master had already sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"So, Lin Fei, you must not agree to them."

The Heavenly Spirit emphatically said.

"Senior Tianling, don't worry, I won't agree to help them crack these formations."

Lin Fei replied.

Actually, without the Master of the Sky Spirit reminding him, Lin Fei could also see that the five white creatures had strange auras, and their eyes were gloomy. They were not kind at first sight.

"Young man, as long as you are willing to help us break these patterns and let us get out of trouble, with our strength, we will definitely give you a huge return, and even if you want to dominate the world in the future, it will be a very easy thing. "

At this moment, another white creature spoke to Lin Fei.

"Yes, young man, I believe you can already see how strong our strength is.

As long as you rescue us, the five of us will be your backers in the future, and you can be domineering in the world, absolutely no one dares to provoke you again! And your talent is so high, as long as you want, we can accept you as a disciple and teach you all our skills, and one day you will become as powerful as we are. "

"Young man, don't hesitate anymore, save us, it will benefit you without any harm! Hurry up!"

The other three white creatures also spoke out one after another, asking Lin Fei to crack the formations and rescue them.

It can be seen that these five white creatures are very eager to get out of trouble! For a long time, they didn't know how much time and energy they had spent, trying to crack those formations, but they have been unsuccessful.

Until now, the appearance of Lin Fei gave them hope.

"Young man, do it now, don't hesitate anymore!"

The five white creatures saw that Lin Fei had no response, they were all a little anxious, and they began to urge.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I don't have the ability to crack these arrays."

Facing the urging of the five white creatures, Lin Fei replied.

"What, you don’t have the ability to crack these arrays. How could it be possible? Didn’t you manipulate these arrays to attack the five of us just now? This shows that you already have a deep understanding of these arrays. What a difficult thing!"

After hearing Lin Fei's words, the five white creatures were a little anxious.

"Five seniors, I'm really sorry, I can't help you.

Okay, I'm leaving now. "

After Lin Fei finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Young man, stop!"

"Young man, I have something to say, what do you need, as long as we can satisfy you, we will agree!"

"Young man, don't go, you can only go after you help us crack these patterns first!"

The five white creatures became even more anxious when seeing Lin Fei really going to leave, and shouted at Lin Fei one by one.

But Lin Fei ignored them at all, and the Heavenly Spirit Master, as well as those more than one hundred monks, kept walking outside.

"Boy, I warn you, offending us will have serious consequences!"

"Boy, if you dare not help us crack these patterns, we will definitely go to you after we get out of trouble in the future!"

…The five white creatures were all startled and angry, and began to threaten Lin Fei loudly.

But Lin Fei didn't look back, going further and further.

"Young man, as long as you can save us, the five of us are willing to follow you and be your subordinates!"

"Yes, young man, if you are willing to ask us to go out, we are willing to obey your orders!"

…The five white creatures saw that Lin Fei's figure was about to disappear outside the white forest, they were very anxious, and screamed desperately.

"Everyone, even if you are willing to be my subordinate, I dare not accept it. With your strength, I can go back anytime in the future.

Let the five of you stay by your side, like five time bombs. "

Lin Fei smiled faintly, then speeded up, and walked out of this forest in an instant.

"Young man, please stay, we will not go back!"

The five white creatures shouted at the same time.

But at this time, Lin Fei, the Heavenly Spirit Master, and the more than one hundred monks had completely left.

"This **** human kid, dare not help us!"

The five white creatures were frightened to the extreme.

They had already seen hope of getting out of trouble.

Unexpectedly this is the result now.

They simply can't accept it! At this time, Lin Fei, the Heavenly Spirit Master, and the more than one hundred monks had already moved away from the forest and headed out of the extremely cold continent.

"Lin Fei, you are right not to save them. None of these five guys are kind.

If you kindly rescue them out, with their strength, you will be able to deal with you in reverse at any time. "

That old monk told Lin Fei.

"Yes it is.

I also think these five guys are not easy to get along with, so I didn't save them. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"Senior, you plan to stay in this extremely cold continent, or leave with me."

Lin Fei asked the old monk.

"Lin Fei, let's leave this continent with you.

Over the years, we have been searching this continent for a long time, and have not been able to find anything related to the Buddha.

Moreover, this continent is very dangerous. With our strength, staying in this continent will encounter all kinds of unmanageable dangers at any time, so we don't want to stay anymore, let's leave as soon as possible. "

The old monk thought for a while and spoke to Lin Fei.

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