Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4942: Leaving the Arctic Continent

"Well, since you decide, let's go out together."

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei teleported the three brothers of the Ice Origin Clan, the Shuiyuan Clan, and the Six Wolf King from a human world in his body.

The group headed out to the extreme cold continent.

Finally, he returned to the territory of the Ice Wolf clan, on the vast plateau.

The six-headed wolf king gathered all the ice wolves above this high source together, gave a lecture and gave an explanation.

Then, the six-headed wolf king followed Lin Fei onward and left the plateau.

Then, he returned to the territory of the Shuiyuan clan.

"Lin Fei, I have stayed in this extremely cold continent for a very long time. I am very quiet and I want to go to the outside world with you to make a breakthrough, so in the next time, I will follow you. Right."

Back in his own territory, the Shuiyuan Clan hesitated, and finally spoke to Lin Fei in a loud voice.


Brother Shui, are you really planning to go to the outside world with me? "

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Yes it is.

The Arctic Continent is too dangerous here. For a long time, I can only live in my own territory, and dare not rush everywhere.

Such a life is too boring.

So, I want to go to the outside world to explore.

The outside world shouldn't be as dangerous as the extremely cold continent. "

Shuiyuan said.

"There are also dangerous places in the outside world, but overall, the level of danger is not as dangerous as that of the extremely cold continent.

This extremely cold continent is truly dangerous at every step. "

Lin Fei replied.

"Brother Shui, since you want to go out and have a look, then follow me."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Brother Lin Fei, the three of our brothers have discussed with you and want to go out with you to see the outside world.

The days on this extremely cold continent are indeed too boring.

The outside world is rich and colorful.

Therefore, we also have to see the wonderful world outside. "

At this moment, the eldest of the three brothers of the Bingyuan Clan suddenly said in a loud voice.

"Yes, Brother Lin Fei, we also want to go out with you."

The other two also said.

"Well, let's go out together."

Lin Fei thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

The strength of the three Bingyuan clan brothers and the Shuiyuan clan are very good, and they can be regarded as a few more powerful assistants following themselves.

As a result, the Heavenly Spirit Master, Lin Fei, the three brothers of the Bingyuan Clan, the Shuiyuan Clan, the Six-Headed Wolf King, and more than one hundred monks, went out to the extreme cold continent.

at the same time.

In the sea of ​​absolute space.

In a lair of the Dark Clan.

"Everyone, through the joint deduction of the black bar masters and various mages in our clan, we have already set a time for our hands-on.

Not long after.

I have asked the Black Bar Master to push for a lucky day in the eclipse! Everyone is ready to wait until the auspicious day of the big yellow road arrives, we will act immediately and have a decisive battle with the line of reincarnation! "

Inside a dark palace, the First Dark Lord sat in a high position and said loudly.

The other two dark masters, the four old masters of the Suiyue Tower, and the high-levels of a dozen other forces are also in this palace.

These creatures are all in the sea of ​​absolute space, well-known masters, each of them is very high and heavy, sitting on the side.

Now, so many masters have gathered here to discuss a plan to deal with reincarnation! "Good! The sooner we get started, the better!"

The old landlord of the one-year-old building immediately said.

"I'll go back right away and organize the people of our Years Tower. As soon as auspicious day arrives, I will act immediately!"

The old poster said, looking impatient.

"Not bad! The sooner you get started, the better!"

The other three old posters also nodded one after another.

The young posters of the Years Tower were all taken away. The four old posters were thinking about how to move to the cycle of reincarnation quickly, so that the young posters can be rescued! "Okay, we'll go back and get ready right away, and when the lucky day arrives, we will do it immediately.

This time, strive to completely eradicate the cycle of reincarnation, never give them another chance, so that they have the hope of a comeback! "

The masters of those other forces also expressed their views.

"By the way, the three masters, I want to ask one thing."

Suddenly, a master said.

"what's up?"

The First Dark Lord asked.

"Are you black lords of the dark race still alive?"

The master asked.

Immediately, one after another looked at the three dark masters.

Because everyone is very concerned about this issue.

The masters gathered here are all old monsters who have lived for a long time, and they all know that the black tyrant is the strongest master and true leader of the dark clan.

In the line of reincarnation, the talented person in reincarnation is the true leader.

Therefore, these masters have always been concerned about whether the black tyrants of the dark race are still alive! "Everyone, as far as I know, the reincarnation master of the line of reincarnation, in the great war that year, is very likely to have been killed by the black tyrant of our race.

So, you don't actually need to find out whether the black bully of our clan is still alive.

However, since everyone wants to know, let me reveal it.

The black bully of our race should be alive. "

The First Lord of Darkness was silent for a while, then spoke, slowly.

Hei Ba is still alive! After listening to the words of the first master of darkness, the four old posters and the other masters all gasped and felt very shocked.

The black tyrant is the strongest master of the dark clan. Although the three dark masters are powerful, they are nothing compared to the black tyrants.

As long as the black tyrant is still there, there will be no forces and no creatures in the entire Absolute Space Sea who dare to provoke the dark race! "Haha...great, it turns out that Lord Black Bull is still alive, so we don't have to be afraid of reincarnation at all!"

The expert who interrogated just now laughed and said.

"Yes! With Master Hei Ba here, we are equivalent to an extra Dinghai Shenzhen, so we don't have to worry about reincarnation anymore!"

In the palace, other masters nodded one after another.

"It seems that we will never be able to compare with the Dark Clan!"

The four old posters thought of this question in their hearts, and couldn't help but feel a little lost.

They knew that as long as the black tyrant was still there, Suiyuelou would definitely not be able to compare with the dark clan, because the strength of the four of them was far inferior to that of the black tyrant.

"Okay, guys, go back and get ready.

As soon as the auspicious day arrives, we will immediately do it.

This time, we must completely wipe out the cycle of reincarnation and eliminate the roots! "

The First Dark Lord said.

"Yes, cut the weeds and roots!"

The other masters nodded.

So everyone got up and left one after another.

at the same time.

Heavenly Spirit Master and Lin Fei and his party finally walked out of the extremely cold continent and returned to the sea of ​​absolute space.

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