Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4943: I found Lin Fei again

"I said before that after I am resurrected, I will follow you to deal with the dark race.

Are we going directly to the Dark Clan to settle accounts?

Don't worry, even if I encounter three dark masters, I can fight with them. "

The Heavenly Spirit said to Lin Fei.

"Senior Tianling, in the next time, I am going to attack the realm of Chaos God again.

Break through to the Chaos God first, and then deal with the Dark Clan and Time Tower. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.


Some time ago, your accumulation and experience should have been enough, you can really try it, and once again hit the realm of Chaos God. "

The Heavenly Spirit nodded.

"I'll go back to the Reincarnation Palace and retreat to attack the realm of Chaos God.

For the entire sea of ​​absolute space, for me, only Samsara Palace is the safest place.

Let's go back to the Samsara Palace now. "

Lin Fei said.


The Heavenly Spirit nodded.

"Masters, what about you, where are you going to go?"

Lin Fei looked at the monks and asked.

"Lin Fei, we plan to go back to the Buddhist realm first.

It has been a long time since we left the Buddhist realm. I don’t know what is going on in the Buddhist realm. Let’s go back and have a look. "

Said the old monk.

"Buddha Realm?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

Because it was the first time Lin Fei heard of this Buddhist world.

"Yes, the Buddhist realm is a pure Buddhist land created by the Buddha back then. We all come from the Buddhist realm."

Said the old monk.

"Originally, the position of the Buddha realm is very hidden, and it must not be known to the worldly creatures. However, Lin Fei, you are our great benefactor, and your two wives are also Buddhists in the Buddha realm. Let me tell you the time and address.

If you are free in the future, you can go to the Buddhist realm to meet us.

Or, if you need any help in the future, you can also contact me.

Although the overall strength of our Buddhist realm is not as good as that of the Dark Clan, it is not far behind. "

Said the old monk.

After the old monk finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and drove a stream of light into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

It is the time and space address of the Buddhist world.

"Okay! When I have time in the future, I will definitely go to the Buddhist world to meet with all the masters!"

Lin Fei nodded and answered.

"Then we will leave."

Said the old monk.

Then, the more than one hundred monks bid farewell to Lin Fei, Master Tianling and others, and turned away.

I saw a lot of Buddha's body soaring to the sky, constantly traveling through time and space, and in a moment, they disappeared without a trace.

"Unexpectedly, Buddhism, I have heard of this place for the first time.

It is probably the real world opened up by the Buddha back then. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"should be."

Lin Fei nodded.

"The Buddha's ability to open up a truly big world suitable for living creatures shows that the Buddha's strength is very powerful.

Even if it's not a creation god, it should be close. "

The heavenly spirit master guessed and said.

"The Buddha was able to create Buddhism, this powerful Taoism. It has been spreading in the world for such a long time, and it has not yet died. He must be a very terrifying master."

Lin Fei said.

"Yes it is.

Buddhism, the Taoism, still has a huge influence in the world to this day. If you are not a true master, it is impossible to start a Taoism with such a great influence and such a long time. "

Heavenly Spirit Master also nodded and said.

"Senior Tianling, let's go back to Samsara Palace."

Lin Fei said.


The Heavenly Spirit nodded.

Therefore, Lin Fei took the Master of Heaven and other people back towards the Samsara Palace.

at the same time.

In a lair of the Dark Clan.

In a dark palace, the Great Master Heba and the other mages sat cross-legged one by one.

During this period of time, the three dark masters have decided to wage war against the cycle of reincarnation.

This is a very important matter.

Therefore, these dark clan masters have been here for a while, collectively deducing how to deal with the reincarnation line! These mages are a foundation of the dark race.

Whenever something important is encountered, the various decisions of the Dark Clan are often first made by these mages collectively, and then discussed and decided by the three dark masters.

In that large-scale war in the line of reincarnation that year, these wizards of the dark race played a huge role.

"Great Master Heba, good news, I just deduced the breath of Lin Fei, Lin Fei seems to have appeared in the sea of ​​absolute space again!"

Suddenly, a mage cried out in surprise.

Since Lin Fei entered the Arctic Continent, these mages have been unable to deduct the trace of Lin Fei.

Because, in the extremely cold continent, there are all kinds of mysterious energies and laws, and even the wizards of the dark race can't deduct and spy.

It was not until Lin Fei came out of the extremely cold continent that these wizards recaptured Lin Fei's breath.

Because these mages have deduced Lin Fei's traces for many years, so they are very familiar with Lin Fei's breath.

Therefore, it is easy for these mages to deduct all kinds of information from Lin Fei.

"Yes, I have also deduced Lin Fei's breath. It seems that Lin Fei has been hiding for so many years, and he has started to come out again."

The other mage also said aloud.

"Huh! Lin Fei, this kid, has finally appeared again!"

Heba Master couldn't help but sneered.

He was injured by Lin Fei, and he still bears a grudge even now.

Moreover, Lin Fei is the number one target of the dark race.

As long as Lin Fei is still there, it will always be a huge hidden danger for the dark race.

Therefore, the three masters of darkness have already explained to these masters that they must often deduct Lin Fei, try to find out Lin Fei's whereabouts, look for opportunities, and kill Lin Fei.

Therefore, when these mages once again deduced Lin Fei's breath, they were all very excited.

"Everyone, everyone immediately deduced the exact position of Lin Fei at the fastest speed. Then I will report to the three masters and ask them to kill Lin Fei by themselves! This time, we must fight for the real Kill Lin Fei and you will never have trouble!"

The black bar master said excitedly.

"Okay! Let's do it together!"

The other mages nodded.

Then, the Great Master Heba personally took the lead, and started to say, "Everyone, everyone immediately deduced the exact position of Lin Fei at the fastest speed, and then I went to report to the three masters and ask them to do it themselves. Kill Lin Fei! This time, we must fight to kill Lin Fei forever!"

The black bar master said excitedly.

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