Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4944: Can be pulled

"Bring them out, and then look for opportunities to act on them."

The Heavenly Spirit said with a smile.

"Senior Tianling, what method did you use to bring out those mages?"

Lin Fei asked.

"Just do what I said.

After bringing out the mages, I will deal with the three dark masters. Lin Fei, you can take action against the mages yourself. "

Heavenly Spirit Master said with a smile.

"Okay, I've long wanted to find a chance to teach the wizards of the dark race severely.

The main reason why I failed to attack the Chaos God Realm last time is that these mages have been calculating my every move, and then the three dark masters and the four old landlords have the opportunity to interfere with me.

If Senior Tianling could lead those mages out, I would definitely not let them go. "

Lin Fei gritted his teeth when he mentioned the wizards of the dark clan.

It was precisely because those mages had been deducing Lin Fei and understood Lin Fei's every move very clearly, that was why Lin Fei was greatly disturbed when he hit the realm of Chaos God, and thus failed! This Qiu Linfei has always wanted to repay, and now the opportunity has finally come.

"Well, Lin Fei, then you will do as I told you to see if you can bring out the mages."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

At this time, in the lair of the dark race.

The black bar master and the other masters are still collectively deducing Lin Fei's time and space position.

"It's weird. I had clearly deduced Lin Fei's space-time position accurately before, but now Lin Fei's space-time position has suddenly become blurred.

I can only deduce which area he is in, but there is no way to accurately deduce his space-time coordinates. "

One of the wizards said suddenly.

"Me too, Lin Fei's space-time coordinates suddenly became blurred.

What exactly is going on.

It stands to reason that we are already very familiar with Lin Fei's breath, and it shouldn't be difficult to calculate the exact space-time coordinates of his location. "

Another mage also said openly, "I can't deduce Lin Fei's accurate time and space coordinates."

At this time, the black master's face was also a bit ugly.

"It seems that Lin Fei's strength is much stronger than before.

In particular, his level of law should have been improved a lot, that's why it has become a lot more difficult for us to deduct him. "

Heba Master thought for a while, frowned and said.

"Then what should we do? In this situation, it is difficult for us to capture Lin Fei's accurate time and space coordinates. We can only calculate a rough area. Even if we tell the three masters to let them go, we may not be able to find it accurately. Where Lin Fei is."

A mage said.

"There is only one way for this situation, and that is that we, the mages, have to send a part, and follow the three masters to the area where Lin Fei is now, and deduct Lin Fei from close range.

As long as the distance is close enough, it should be able to accurately deduce the space-time coordinates of Lin Fei's current location. "

The black bar master thought for a moment and said in a loud voice.

"Yes, if we go to the area where Lin Fei is now, and perform deductions on him at close range, we should be able to find the exact space-time coordinates of his location."

The other mages all nodded their heads in agreement after hearing what Heba Master said.

"Well, I will report to the three masters right now, and then I will personally take a part of the mages and follow the three masters to deal with Lin Fei."

The black bar master said loudly.


The other mages nodded.

The Heba Master hurriedly left, and after a while he came to the palace where the three dark masters were, and told the three dark masters of the situation.

"Since this is the case, well, Master Heba, now take a part of the mages with the three of us to deal with Lin Fei.

I always feel a little worried if I don't kill Lin Fei. "

The First Dark Lord nodded and said after hearing the words of the Great Master Heba.

"Yes, I am also very worried about that kid Lin Fei. I always feel that if we continue to let him live, something might happen in the future."

The Second Dark Lord also nodded.

"Well, to be on the safe side, let's let the four old landlords go together.

This kid Lin Fei is too enchanting, and his luck is very good. In order to deal with him, these old guys have personally dispatched many times, but there is still no way to kill him! I suspect this guy is a man of great luck! So although his strength is weak, we must not despise him! "

The Third Lord of Darkness said in a loud voice.

The three dark masters all attached great importance to Lin Fei, and felt that they had to kill Lin Fei to be relieved.

"The three masters, you are right. Lin Fei is indeed a man of great fortune.

And I made a terrible discovery in the deduction some time ago.

That is, in the ensuing war between our dark clan and reincarnation, there is a great possibility that there will be a change, and this change will lead to the failure of our dark clan.

I have deduced many times, and found that there was a human kid in this change, and the most likely one was Lin Fei.

Therefore, we must kill Lin Fei, this is not only related to the enmity between our dark clan and Lin Fei, but also related to the future destiny of our dark clan! "

Heba Master said in a deep voice, his face very solemn.

"Is it true what you said, Master Heba?"

The three dark masters all felt very ugly after hearing the words of the Great Master Heba.

"Three masters, what I said is true.

I have deduced many times, and have found that the next battle between our dark race and the reincarnation line seems to have a great chance of winning, but it is easy for some changes to occur, which will lead to our darkness. The failure of the family.

Therefore, we must be vigilant and try to stifle all possible changes.

And Lin Fei is one of them! "

The black bar master replied.

"In this case, I will kill Lin Fei anyway this time!"

The three dark masters listened to the words of the black bar master, their faces were very solemn, and they looked at each other.

"Well, without further ado, let's set off now!"

The First Dark Lord said.

After a while, the three Dark Lords and Heba Great Mage, along with some of the Dark Clan's wizards, and a large number of Dark Clan's Chaos Gods, quietly left the dark lair and headed towards Lin Fei's current location in time and space.

Soon after.

"The three masters, in front is the area where Lin Fei is now. After entering this area, we can deduce Lin Fei's accurate time and space coordinates."

The Heba Archmage pointed to a space-time area in front of him, and said to the three dark masters.

"Well, now I will trouble the mages to quickly deduce Lin Fei's accurate time and space coordinates."

The First Dark Lord said.

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