Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4949: Suppress the world together

"This senior, I don't know how to call it."

The First Dark Lord took the initiative to speak, and asked the Heavenly Spirit Master in a very respectful tone.


Do you want to know my origin. "

The Heavenly Spirit replied.

How sensitive the mind of the Heavenly Spirit is, he immediately knew that these three dark masters wanted to be close to himself.

"I know that the seniority of seniors must be very high.

Dare to ask senior Gao's name. "

The First Dark Lord asked.

"My name, the creatures in the sea of ​​absolute space have long forgotten, even if you say it, you three little guys won't know it.

But it’s okay to tell you.

People of our time are all called me Heavenly Spirit Master. "

The Heavenly Spirit replied.

Heavenly Master?

The three dark masters heard the words of the Heavenly Spirit Master and looked at each other.

"Sure enough, it's a very old antique.

I have never heard of this Heavenly Spirit Master.

Have you heard of it? "

The second Dark Lord spoke to the other two Dark Lords.

The other two masters shook their heads.

"The strength of this old guy is so terrible. In their era, he must be a famous master.

Even the three of us have never heard of his name, which shows that his generation is terribly old! "

The First Dark Lord said.

"Senior Tianling, did you take action against the three of us because you believed Lin Fei's words?

Senior, you must not believe Lin Fei, he is treacherous and cunning, and cruel and bloodthirsty. He once killed many of our dark clan.

His fierce name has spread throughout the entire sea of ​​absolute dimensions, and the seniors will know it when asked.

Senior, I think that Lin Fei, that kid approaching you, must be uneasy and kind, mostly to use Senior to make Senior work hard for him. "

The First Dark Lord said.


You mean, am I stupid? I can't see that Lin Fei is taking advantage of me, do I. "

The Heavenly Spirit replied lightly.

"Senior, don't get me wrong.

I mean, that kid Lin Fei is too cunning, and the predecessor hasn't seen through his personality for the time being.

Senior, our dark clan is the strongest force in the sea of ​​absolute space. I now invite senior to join our dark clan as the supreme elder. From now on, seniors can enjoy all the resources and powers of our dark clan.

With the strength of our dark clan, the predecessors became the super elders, and with one word, the entire Absolute Space Sea must obey! "

The First Dark Lord said.

He has taken a fancy to the strength of the Heavenly Spirit Master and won at any cost.

If you can win over a master like the Sky Spirit Master, then in the next war with Samsara, you will have a huge chance of winning.

"Do you want to invite me to join your Dark Clan and become the Supreme Elder?"

The Heavenly Spirit was a little surprised when he heard the words of the First Dark Lord.

Although the Heavenly Spirit Master knew that these three dark masters wanted to be close to him, but he did not expect that these three dark masters were willing to pay such a big price, and asked themselves to be the supreme elders of the dark clan.

The Dark Clan is the most powerful superpower in the sea of ​​absolute space. It has been in business for a long time, and its background is so profound that it is unimaginable.

To be the Supreme Elder of the Dark Clan, this condition is too tempting. It is estimated that few masters can resist this temptation.

"Not bad.

As long as the seniors are willing to join our dark clan, from then on, we will sit on an equal footing with the three of us, and jointly dominate the sea of ​​absolute space! "

The First Dark Lord nodded.

"Not bad.

Senior, if you join our dark clan, the four of us will join hands to suppress everything in the sea of ​​absolute space! The entire Absolute Space Sea, all the resources, are for us to enjoy.

Endless creatures will kneel before us, let us drive them! "

The Second Dark Lord said in a loud voice.

"Senior, join us, let's dominate the sea of ​​absolute space and suppress the world together!"

The third Dark Lord also said.

The three dark masters all looked very excited.

"Unexpectedly, you can look down on my old bone."

Heavenly Spirit Master smiled faintly.

"Senior, you don't need to hesitate anymore.

We are very sincere. "

The First Dark Lord said impatiently.

"To dominate the sea of ​​absolute space and suppress the world, it's for the three of you to speak out.

The ignorant is fearless.

Do you really think that the world is so big that there are only you three so-called masters.

There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. There are many masters in this world, and they are much more powerful than you think.

Just relying on the three of you, plus me, wanting to suppress the world is simply an overpowering joke.

What's more, I dominate the sea of ​​absolute space and suppress the world without any interest.

Therefore, I understand your kindness. "

The Heavenly Spirit sneered coldly.

The generation of the Heavenly Spirit Master is much older than these three Dark Lords, and the knowledge is much richer than them.

In this world, the real master is the God of Creation! In front of these three dark masters, although they are the top masters in the absolute sea of ​​space, they are just three ants in front of the creation god! "You..." The three dark masters heard the words of the Heavenly Spirit Master, their expressions sinking at the same time.

"Senior, are you unwilling to accept our invitation?"

The First Dark Lord asked.

"As I said, I have no interest in suppressing the world.

I will not join your dark clan, Lin Fei is my savior, whether he is cunning and treacherous, cruel and bloodthirsty, I will be on his side.

So, stop talking nonsense and do it. "

The Heavenly Spirit said with a sneer.


! Lin Fei is your savior?

How could it be that your strength is much stronger than Lin Fei, how could he be your savior.

I do not believe.

Senior, you are lying to us. "

The First Dark Lord said immediately.

The three dark masters didn't believe what the Heavenly Spirit Master said at all.

"Believe it or not, what does it have to do with me.

Let's do it.

watch out! "

The Heavenly Spirit Master said, he immediately shot and punched the Third Dark Lord.

With this punch, endless space collapsed, time flowed backwards, time and space were completely chaotic, and the mighty energy and laws rolled toward the Third Dark Lord.

"Are you really unwilling to join us!"

The Third Dark Lord's complexion changed drastically, and he backed away quickly, and said angrily.

"Yes, I will definitely not join your dark clan, don't waste time."

The Heavenly Spirit said with a smile.

"In this case, there is nothing to say, let's kill this old guy together!"

The First Dark Lord said coldly.


The three Dark Lords rushed towards the Heavenly Spirit Master with all their strength.

"'s just whimsical that you want to kill me with the three little guys!"

The Heavenly Spirit Master laughed loudly, stepped forward, and instantly caught up with the Third Lord of Darkness, and punched it again.

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