Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4950: Kill the mage

Boom... The terrifying fist strength rolled towards the Third Dark Lord to suppress it.

If you are fighting alone, none of the three Dark Lords is an opponent of the Heavenly Spirit Master.

Facing the offensive of the Heavenly Spirit Master, the Third Lord of Darkness was forced to retreat again and again, embarrassed.

"Old guy, Hugh is crazy!"

The Second Dark Lord rushed from the other direction.

"Old guy, if you refuse to join us in the dark clan, then go to death!"

The first black master came from another direction.

"Old guy, die!"

When the third master of darkness saw the other two masters slayed, they were all refreshed, turned and turned their heads, and killed the master of heaven.

Boom... The Heavenly Spirit Master and the three Dark Lords once again fought fiercely together.

This time, both sides no longer have reservations, fighting with all their strength, and endless time and space continue to crack, just like the end! "It's been a long time, I haven't played so freely anymore, it's cool!"

In the course of the battle, the Venerable Heavenly Spirit was really brave and laughed happily.

He has been reclusive in the world for a very long time, and this level of battle has indeed not been encountered for a long time.

It can be said that this battle is the highest level battle after his resurrection! In fact, although the Heavenly Spirit Master has successfully resurrected, his strength has not really recovered to its previous peak. It will take a period of adaptation and various trials before he can return to his peak strength.

"Old guy, just laugh, while you're still alive.

When you die, there is no chance to laugh if you want to. "

The third master of darkness burst into flames and roared.

"Haha, you three little guys, do you really think you are very good! Back then, when I was walking in the sea of ​​absolute space, you all stayed in the wombs! Come over and let me hit hard. pause!"

The Heavenly Spirit Lord laughed and pushed forward step by step, pressing the three dark masters to keep backing.

"Damn, the strength of this old guy is terrible! The three of us teamed up, and it didn't take much advantage!"

The three dark masters are getting more and more shocked.

at the same time.

Those wizards of the Dark Clan were desperately trying to break through Lin Fei's more than 3,000 large formations and numerous mental power worlds, wanting to rush out.

However, the more than 3,000 large formations and mental powers that Lin Fei arranged were all very strong, and the mages were unable to break through for a while.

Moreover, the three brothers of the ice source beast, the water source beast, the five ice wolf kings, more than one hundred monks, and a group of slaves who helped Lin Fei conquered by the heavenly spirit masters are frantically attacking these dark clan mages, making them more difficult. Break through.

"If you have any trump cards, let's show them all. Don't hide anymore. Now it's time for us to survive and die!"

The black bar master roared.

Boom... each mage took out a large number of magic weapons, constantly activated and protected around them.

These wizards of the dark clan have a very high status among the dark clan and occupy a large amount of resources.

Moreover, there are often other foreign creatures who spend huge rewards to invite these mages to perform various things.

Therefore, each of these dark clan masters is rich and rich! Each one has a lot of magic weapons.

Boom...One by one magic weapons erupted continuously, generating tremendous power to protect the bodies of these mages.

At the same time, there are many attacking magic weapons, which are continuously bombarded in all directions.

"Huh! In my territory, you can't get over any storms."

Lin Fei smiled coldly when he saw this.

Boom...The next moment, the more than three thousand formations besieged around, spewed out a series of arrays of light, densely packed, like locusts in transit, and rushed toward the mages.

Boom...booming heart energy, continuously attacking the bodies of these mages.

Ah ... under a lot of energy matrix method of attack, the interior Master of the body, constantly injured, have screams.

These mages are usually respected one by one, and they almost live a life of pampering, just like flowers in a greenhouse, how can they bear this kind of pain.


The three brothers of Ice Source Beast, Shuiyuan Beast and other Chaos Gods took the opportunity to rush forward and attacked frantically.

Soon, the wizards of the Dark Clan began to be unable to resist, and were on the verge of collapse.

"Heba Master, if this continues, our end will be bad.

what should I do now! "

"Yes, I can't resist it anymore, Black Bar Master, we must escape, I don't want to die here!"

"I don't want to die here either!"

…One by one the wizards began to panic, yelling constantly, their eyes were all looking at the black master.

Because, the black bar master is among the dark clan, the highest generation and the strongest mage.

"Don't panic, everyone, hold on.

I believe that the three masters will come to save us soon! The three masters, knowing our importance, will definitely not give up on us! "

The black bar master said comforting the masters.

"Haha, I said, don't think about those three old guys coming to rescue you.

To tell you the truth, those three old guys have no chance to come and rescue you.

Because you will be killed soon. "

Lin Fei laughed and said.

"You mages, all these years, have been deducing me, it's pretty cool.

Now, it's time for us to do some calculations.

After I have killed all of you wizards, I will find a chance to go to your dark clan’s lair and kill all the other wizards. I want to see, in the future, you dark clan, who else can deduce me? . "

Lin Fei said with a sneer, murderous.

The last time I hit the realm of Chaos God was interrupted by these wizards and failed. With Lin Fei's character, it is natural to settle accounts with these wizards! "go to hell!"

While speaking, Lin Fei's figure flashed, came to one of the wizards, waved his hand.

Sword slash the world! Rumble... I saw that endless sword light poured out from Lin Fei's palm, and slashed towards the mage violently.

Boom...The extremely bright sword light completely illuminates this piece of time and space, and it is very delicate.

The endless time and space, being cut by these sword auras, was continuously broken and disintegrated.

"Lin Fei, dare you!"

The mage felt the power of the sword light that was slashed at him, his face changed drastically, and he roared in anger.

He backed away with all his strength, trying to avoid.

"Where to escape!"

Lin Fei yelled and waved.

Boom...Hundreds of formations were laid out and appeared behind this mage, cutting off his retreat! With Lin Fei's formation level, there are more than 3,000 formations, and there is still no vertex of the number!

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