Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4989: Lin Fei exactly the same

"The eighteenth thunder tribulation, the last thunder tribulation, is about to begin."

After taking a sigh of relief, Lin Fei looked at the high altitude. In that high altitude, there was also a Thunder World, which was surging with rolling thunder.

Lin Fei knew that this last heavy thunder calamity was definitely the most powerful! "Come on! After this last thunder tribulation, I can become a chaos god."

Lin Fei took a deep breath and said.

Bang Bang... At this moment, suddenly, in the world of eighteen thunderbolts, there were dull footsteps, as if some kind of monster with a huge body was coming out of it.

"This is Lin Fei's last heavy thunder disaster!"

At this time, all the people around began to become tense. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the eighteenth Thunder World high in the sky. Everyone knew that the power of this last Thunder World would surely be It is even more terrifying than the previous Seventeen Thunder World! "In this last heavy thunder tribulation, there will probably be a thunderous creature with wit."

Everyone thought in their hearts.

The Eighteenth Thunder Tribulation is a very rare type of thunder Tribulation in the legend. Even the Heavenly Spirit Master has not witnessed it with his own eyes. Therefore, no one knows what will come out of this last world of Thunder.

Bang Bang... dull footsteps continued to be heard from the Thunder World, and the Thunder World began to shake violently.

Then, everyone saw that a figure came out of the Thunder World.


! "

Seeing the figure coming out of the last Thunder World, everyone, including Lin Fei himself, was completely stunned, feeling incredible.

"Lin Fei! That's Lin Fei! The creature that came out of this eighteenth Thunder World is actually Lin Fei!"

A senior executive of the Reincarnation Alliance couldn't help but screamed out.

It turned out that this figure that came out of the Thunder World was actually Lin Fei.

This creature not only looks exactly the same as Lin Fei, but also looks exactly the same as Lin Fei's spirit, demeanor, expression, temperament, etc.! "How can this be?"

Everyone is very shocked.

"Lin Fei, this is not the real you, this is just a copy of you by Lei Jie.

It's just that the strength of the copied you is exactly the same as yourself.

So, in this last heavy thunder tribulation, you need to defeat yourself.

Only by defeating yourself can you successfully survive this thunder catastrophe. "

The Heavenly Spirit said to Lin Fei loudly.

"Beat myself."

Lin Fei whispered as he watched the creature who was walking down from the sky step by step and was exactly the same as himself.

"Yes, I am you, and you are also me.

We are the same.

Next, there will be a fierce battle between us.

Moreover, this is likely to be a battle that will not yield results.

Because my strength is the same as your strength. "

The creature that was walking down from the sky stared at Lin Fei with a playful look, and said in a loud voice.

"Come on! You are not me, you are just a thunder creature temporarily copied.

Although your strength may be the same as mine, there are many things that I have, and you certainly won't have it.

For example, my feelings, my preferences, the things I care about, the people I care about. "

Lin Fei stared at the creature exactly like himself, and said.

"Not bad.

The biggest difference between me and you may be that you have feelings, but I have no feelings.

In my opinion, for the martial artist, feelings are a kind of bondage, which will only hinder the martial artist's determination to fight.

Too much forgotten love, all the strong in the world, at the end of cultivation, will definitely forget love.

So, if you have feelings and a heart, this is actually your shortcoming. You will lose in this battle until the end. "

The creature approached Lin Fei step by step and said softly.

"I don't think feelings are a kind of bondage.

On the contrary, I feel that having feelings and people who care about is a kind of motivation for me, which can spur me to be more brave and diligent in martial arts.

In my whole life, I started with the most humble disciple of the little sect in a small world, and walked step by step, step by step, from weak to strong, and constantly growing. In this process, I have been spurring me, the biggest Motivation is the people I care about. "

Lin Fei was unmoved and retorted.

"Well, is it a kind of **** or motivation? Now, there is a big battle between us. Let's verify it."

The creature finally walked in front of Lin Fei.

The two stood still and looked at each other.

"This will be a terrible battle! Throughout the ages, the most difficult thing for the creatures in this world is to defeat themselves!"

Heavenly Spirit Master looked at the two Lin Fei who were exactly the same, and couldn't help but say aloud.

"The Eighteenth God Thunder Tribulation is indeed well-deserved. It's harder than the other. It's terrible."

The master of the first round could not help but shook his head and said with a sigh.

"I hope Lin Fei can get through it safely."

Baidi Shenjun was worried.

"I have confidence in Lin Fei, he will definitely defeat that guy."

Huang Zhongnian said.

"Amitabha, at this level, Lin Shizhu met himself. Among our Buddhist schools, he is indeed his biggest demon.

If you want to cultivate Buddhism, the first obstacle you face is yourself. You must clear yourself, surpass yourself, and let go of everything you have. The four things are empty before you can truly enter Buddhism.

But how many people are there who can really emptied themselves and surpassed themselves in the world? "

An old monk from the Buddhist world put his hands together, announced the Buddha's name, and said slowly.

Boom... At this moment, the two Lin Fei moved at the same time, and all of a sudden, the two sides launched the fiercest attack.

Boom... Lin Fei waved his hand, cutting out a dazzling sword light, mighty, and slashed towards the opposite creature.

Sword slash the world! boom! The creature on the opposite side also waved his hand, and also cut out a mighty sword light, moves, the laws contained, and the strength of energy, which is exactly the same as Lin Fei's sword slashing the world! Because that creature was also using the sword to slash the world! "How could it be possible that what he was using was also the sword slashing the world.

Moreover, the laws contained are actually exactly the same as mine. "

Lin Fei felt a little weird.

Because the sword that Lin Fei is currently using to slash the world contains many new laws that Lin Fei created by himself, which is equivalent to a martial art created by Lin Fei himself! And this creature can actually display exactly the same sword technique.

Lin Fei couldn't understand a bit.

Shoo! Lin Fei once again performed the One Qi Transformation Three Clear Secret Techniques, and three identical Lin Fei appeared, and at the same time slaughtered the creatures on the opposite side.

Shoo! The creatures on the opposite side actually differentiated into Lin Fei exactly the same, and they also rushed towards Lin Fei.

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