Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4990: Succeeded

"He can also use one gas to transform three clears!"

Upon seeing this, Lin Fei couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, shocked.

"Haha... I have said that I am you, and you are also me. I will also do all the martial arts and martial arts you know."

The creature laughed and said.

Boom... Lin Fei didn't answer. The three Lin Fei attacked together, launching a wave of violent attacks, and bombarding them forward.

Rumble... Six identical Lin Fei launched a terrible fierce battle.

The martial arts and martial arts displayed by the two sides are almost exactly the same, and the power and energy contained are also the same! So, for a while, these six Lin Fei couldn't tell the outcome at all! "Sure enough, it was a fierce battle! It's too difficult to defeat yourself."

A senior in the reincarnation alliance couldn't help but say.

"It's hard to beat yourself."

The master of the third round sighed.

"It depends on how Lin Fei views the other party.

If Lin Fei regards the opponent as himself, then it is difficult to tell the outcome of this battle.

If Lin Fei does not regard the opponent as himself, then sooner or later this battle will be divided. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master said softly while staring at the six Lin Fei's fighting situation.

Boom...During the battle, Lin Fei suddenly displayed a large amount of mental power, one by one, constantly shrouding the opponent.

"Mental power world, I will too."

The opposite Lin Fei sneered.

Rumble... He also displayed a large amount of mental power, one by one roared to the sky, and came to suppress Lin Fei.

Boom...The world of mental power displayed by the two sides kept violently colliding with each other, and the rolling mental power energy continued to spread, shaking the surrounding time and space.

Boom...At this moment, another Lin Fei displayed thousands of formations, shrouded in the other side.

Immediately, the Lin Fei on the opposite side also displayed thousands of formations, and directly blasted over.

Boom... Thousands of large formations continue to bombard and explode in this space and time, and the array energy that erupts is like a stormy sea and the scene is extremely terrifying.

kill! When the six Lin Fei hit the ground, they all rushed forward frantically, fighting each other and shouting at the same time, and the battle began to heat up.

This battle, unconsciously, was fought for more than a month! In the course of the battle, both sides began to get injured.

What surprised Lin Fei was that the opponent would fly in flesh and blood. After being injured, his body would fly in flesh and blood, which was no different from a real living body. "

The eighteenth divine Thunder Tribulation is really terrifying, and it can actually create such a creature exactly like me.

"Lin Fei couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Damn, I know all the martial arts and martial arts, he really knows all of them!"

Lin Fei couldn't help cursing secretly.

"Haha... I already said that I and you are the same.

It is almost impossible for you to defeat me. "

The three Lin Fei on the opposite side laughed loudly together.

"No! You are not me! You are just a group of rules! I am me, you are you!"

Lin Fei shouted.

Although almost every aspect of the other party is exactly the same as himself, Lin Fei's heart is always sober and does not think that the other party is himself! "go to hell!"

Lin Fei yelled.

Three identical Lin Fei began to attack at the same time.

Next, fierce fighting continued for more than ten days.

The two sides are still unbeatable.

"He is Lei Jie's simulation of me.

He knows all the martial arts and martial arts that I know before.

However, if I create some new martial arts and martial arts now, he may not be able to. "

Lin Fei suddenly thought of this.

Lin Fei has created new worlds, new laws, and new martial arts inheritance. Therefore, it is not particularly difficult to develop new martial arts and martial arts.

So Lin Fei began to calm down and prepare to create new laws.

Soon, Lin Fei's state became quiet.

While fighting each other, try to create new laws.

A few days later.

Lin Fei finally created a new law! Next, Lin Fei created more than a dozen new laws in one breath, and incorporated these laws into various exercises and martial arts.

The martial arts and martial arts that incorporate the new laws are tantamount to creating a new martial arts inheritance! In this way, Lin Fei was pleasantly surprised to find that the other party finally couldn't display the same martial arts and martial arts as his own! "Sure enough, he will, it's just my previous exercises and martial arts, and the various laws I have learned before.

I have created a new law now, and he won't! "

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

"Next, as long as I create more laws and continue to incorporate various exercises and martial arts, he will not be able to imitate it!"

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

In the ensuing time, Lin Fei continued to create a variety of new laws and blended them into various exercises and martial arts.

With the increasing number of laws created by Lin Fei, Lin Fei's combat power also continued to rise.

"You can actually create new laws while fighting."

The creature opposite couldn't help sighing.

Finally, Lin Fei began to gradually gain the upper hand.

"it is good!"

Seeing this, the Heavenly Spirit Master couldn't help but cried out loudly.

"Haha... I have said that Lin Fei will definitely be able to survive this thunderstorm! This kid is indeed a man with great luck!"

Huang Zhongnian couldn't help but laughed and said.

"Haha, Lin Fei didn't let us down."

The master of the first round said with a smile.

The other senior leaders of the Reincarnation Alliance were also very excited.

Finally, this thunder catastrophe began to come to an end.

Lin Feiyue became more and more courageous, and gradually, the creature was unable to fight back.


The three Lin Fei suddenly exerted their strength together, and at the same time they threw the three Lin Fei on the opposite side.

"After you defeated me, there has been a top player in the world."

The creature looked at Lin Fei, who was getting stronger and stronger, and said in a loud voice.

Although this creature simulated by Thunder Tribulation possesses intelligence, he has no emotions. Therefore, even if he is defeated by Lin Fei, he will not have any mood swings, frustration, anger, etc.

Bang... After a while, this creature was thrown away by Lin Fei again.

In the end, the three Lin Fei rushed up together and beat the creature simulated by the thunder tribulation to annihilation! "Thunder Tribulation is finally over!"

After Lin Fei wiped out the thunder creature, standing still, looking at the high sky, the thunder robbery began to dissipate, and said to himself.

"Lin Fei successfully survived the thunder calamity! He has become the **** of chaos!"

At this moment, everyone around was very excited.

"We will have one more top master in our reincarnation line!"

The master of the first round said cheerfully.

"Lao Baidi, now you have nothing to worry about! Huang Zhongnian said.

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