Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 819: It's your turn

Such a lineup is much stronger than the strength of the Saint Shoumen group. ΩΔ. *.

That Elder Xiao, naturally also felt this.

Can not help but his face changed drastically.

"Everyone, we are members of the Sacred Sect of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

I have no grievances with you, and please hold your hands up.

In the future, there will be heavy rewards. "

Elder Xiao felt the opponent's powerful strength, and in his words, he was very polite.

"Haha, what about the Holy Hand Gate, start to do it, kill all of them, don't let go of one!"

For one person, he waved his hand, and suddenly, those forty or fifty people wearing blood red masks surged up and began to attack with fierce vitality.

"I see, you are from Zhongtian Palace.

In the Black Rock City Advanced Auction, I have heard you speak, and I also feel your spirit aura! "


Elder Xiao of the Sacred Shoumen yelled.

It turns out that many strong people in the catastrophe realm will practice the secret method to perceive the spirit of others.

Once you feel someone’s spirit aura, the impression will be very deep.

"Haha, yes, we are from Zhongtian Temple, so what do you know.

Anyway, today, you people, one of you will leave alive! "

The person who did that, looked up to the sky and laughed.

Then, he stretched out his hand and shook it, and immediately, the bodies of the two young disciples of the Sacred Shoumen who were at the cultivation level suddenly burst into blood mist.

"Thief, I'm fighting with you!"

The elder Xiao of the Sage Shoumen slapped his body, and a green giant cauldron with a height of forty to fifty meters rushed out of his head.

In the giant cauldron, green rivers of pill energy rushed straight out, like one after another training, rushing towards the people and horses of the Zhongtian Palace.

A big battle broke out.

Lin Fei and his party were a little dumbfounded when they watched from a distance.

It was originally from my own group who wanted to rob, but unexpectedly, the people from the Zhongtian Palace got on the ground first.

"What to do? Master?"

The leader of the Green Wolf Gang asked on the side.

"Wait for them to fight and lose both ends first, then we will take action and see if we can take advantage of it."

There was a playful smile on Lin Fei's face.


Because the people on the Zhongtian Palace side are much stronger than the strength of the Saint Shoumen side.

The fierce battle, but after a while, the more than a dozen young disciples of the Sage Shoumen were all bombarded and killed.

On the Zhongtian Palace side, there were no casualties at all.

This is a battle of serious unequal strength.

Only the scholar with golden hands, with a huge pill cauldron on his head, dangled radiant rays of spiritual power, tightly protecting his whole body.

More than a dozen Void Martial Artists surrounded him and sent out fierce vitality attacks, blasting on the pill cauldron above his head.

However, even so, the golden hand scholar actually barely resisted it.

During the battle, the scholar from the golden hand took out the spirit pill from time to time and stuffed it into his mouth to replenish the depleted aura.

Because, to maintain the defensive energy of the Danding above his head, he needs to continuously transmit his vitality into that Danding.

Lin Fei felt the pill cauldron on Jinshoushusheng's head. It turned out to be a high-grade sacred artifact. No wonder it had such a powerful defensive power.

And the elder Xiao of the Sage Sect, under the siege of the two catastrophic realm powerhouses in Zhongtian Palace, he could barely support him.

"Our sacred hand gate, and you Zhongtian Palace, have never had any grudges, why are we here today!"

During the fierce battle, the elder Xiao of the Sage Shoumen shouted angrily.

The giant cauldron in his hand continuously sprayed out a long river of pill energy like the Yangtze River.

The green river of pill energy drew across the sky, and violently slammed into the two Zhongtiangong's catastrophic realm powerhouses.

The entire space is completely dyed green.

"Haha, not only you Sacred Hand, but today, all those who come to Triangle Land to participate in the auction meeting, never want to leave Triangle Land."

A strong man in the Ying-Ji Realm of the Zhongtian Palace laughed triumphantly, and between his gestures, a mysterious golden symbol burst out.

It turned into droplets of golden raindrops, and fell from the sky continuously, beside him, the golden raindrops included him.

While he laughed, he raised his hand, a large swath of golden raindrops splashed towards Elder Xiao, each drop of golden raindrops was like a cannonball.

Another Zhongtiangong Yingjie Realm strong man kept hitting out with palm after palm, and every time he palm out, an illusory demon head appeared.

Later, there were a total of eighteen demon heads roaring, turning around and attacking the elder Xiao who attacked the Holy Hand Gate.

"You Zhongtiangong, do you want the entire Yuanwu Realm Nanda 6 as the enemy?"

The elder Xiao, the sacred hand door, tried his best to support under the combined attack of the two strongmen in the middle heaven palace.


Lin Fei released his divine consciousness, perceiving the battle of the three mid-level experts in the catastrophe realm from a distance.

I couldn't help but sigh very much.

The fighting style of the strong in the Ying-Ji realm is indeed extremely dazzling.

Lin Fei estimated that with the addition of the unicorn thunder beast, even though he could barely defeat the primary powerhouses in the Yingjang Realm.

However, if you encounter an intermediate-level powerhouse in the Ying-rob realm, you will definitely not be your opponent.


During the battle, Elder Xiao was splashed with a few golden raindrops on his body.

Suddenly, several fist-sized blood holes appeared on the body, and blood was splashed.


Then, a devil's head bit the left hand of Elder Xiao, and with a click, Elder Xiao's left hand was bitten off.

Then, this left hand fell into the hands of the strong man in the Middle Heaven Palace Ying Jie Realm.

Elder Xiao's space ring!

Lin Fei's gaze couldn't help but stare at Elder Xiao's bitten arm. The **** of that arm was wearing a space ring.

Obviously, this time, the piece of cloth about the black bone Yinhuo clues that was auctioned off by the Saint Hand Gate must be in the space ring. Unexpectedly, it fell into the hands of the powerhouse of Zhongtian Palace.

"I'm fighting with you!"

Elder Xiao roared, and all the long rivers of green core energy instantly gathered together and turned into a huge green dragon.

Boom boom boom...

The violent attack caused the two strong men of Zhongtian Palace to retreat again and again.

"Zhongtian Palace, our Sage Sect must avenge this revenge!"

In the roar, the elder Xiao arrived at the scholar Jinshou instantly.

Then, taking out a piece of yellow talisman paper in his hand, a brilliant yellow light flickered under the excitation of the original force, and Elder Xiao and Jin Shousheng disappeared.

"Huh, old Piff, it's not that easy to want to go."

The Zhongtian Palace powerhouse who was covered in golden raindrops coldly snorted.

"Shengyuan, you take the men and horses, and go to siege and kill other sects first.

The old man surnamed Xiao, the sacred hand, has been seriously injured. If he can't run far, I will hunt him down! "

Said, the Zhongtian Palace powerhouse, who was covered in golden raindrops all over the sky, turned into a golden light, chasing far to the east.

The elder Xiao of the Sacred Shoumen, the piece of talisman paper that he took out just now was a small moving talisman, which was a few kilometers away at most.


"You have seen enough.

Now, it's your turn! "

With a wave of the remaining Zhongtian Palace Ying-Jie Realm powerhouse, forty or fifty Void Realm martial artists flew over.

Lin Fei and his group of seven people surrounded them.

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