Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 820: First Trial of Killing Sword

Looking at the people and horses in Zhongtian Palace, they quickly gathered around. Wen ΩΩΩ school fans.ん.

Lin Fei did not choose to flee immediately.

Because the space ring of the elder Xiao, the sacred hand door, had already fallen into the hands of the powerhouse of Zhongtian Palace.

In the space ring, there is a piece of rags related to the clues of the black bones.

Lin Fei is determined to win this clue to the black bones.

Moreover, if it were two mid-level powerhouses in the Catastrophe Realm, Lin Fei might choose to run away immediately.

However, in the Zhongtian Palace, there is only one mid-level expert in the tribulation realm left here, and Lin Fei plans to give it a try.

"Hurry up, kill them all!"

The strong man in the Zhongtian Palace waved his hand, and forty or fifty Void Martial Artists wearing blood red masks swarmed up and immediately launched a siege.

A series of fierce Yuanli martial arts constantly blasted towards Lin Fei and others.

The strong man in the Zhongtian Palace rushed directly to the Supreme Master next to Lin Fei.

Naturally, he could see that this Supreme Master Teacher was an elementary level of Yingjie Realm, and was the strongest existence among the seven members of Lin Fei's line.


The unicorn thunder beast in Lin Feidan's field immediately rushed out, and together with the Supreme Master Master, attacked the powerhouse in Zhongtian Palace.


Lin Fei took out the phantom electric sword, and at the same time, with a thought, a devil and a flying spear of divine consciousness were displayed at the same time.

Then, a large thunder and lightning sword aura slashed out.


The heads of two Void Martial Artists in Zhongtian Palace flew up, blood and water like springs.


Lin Fei first displayed a thought to create a demon, and a flying spear of divine consciousness, to penetrate into the sea of ​​consciousness of the Void Martial Artist in the Zhongtian Palace, and then thunder and lightning sword energy directly slashed it.

Because Lin Fei's divine consciousness is too strong.

Those Void Martial Artists in Zhongtian Palace couldn't resist Lin Fei's consciousness attack at all.

In addition, the thunder and lightning sword energy that Lin Fei killed was not only stronger than before, but also, the degree has reached 5o times!

With the sea of ​​consciousness under control, no Void Martial Artist can withstand Lin Fei's thunder and lightning sword aura!


Lin Fei's clothes were fluttering and he was holding a long sword. After all, his body was like a sword, and his killing intent was wild. He walked all the way towards the Void Martial Artists in the Zhongtian Palace.

One after another, big heads are constantly tossing up, one after another, and it is extremely lively. Each headless body sprays out a fountain of blood arrows and sprinkles into the sky!

It's just that in a moment, there are more than 30 Void Martial Artists in Zhongtian Palace, transformed into headless bodies.

The leader of the Blue Wolf Gang, and the other four Void Martial Artists, had no chance to shoot at all.

Standing behind Lin Fei, watching Lin Fei's murderous figure soaring to the sky, his scalp was numb.

This scene shocked them too!

A high-ranking noble, killing a Void Martial Artist, it is much simpler than cutting vegetables and melons!


"who are you!"

The strong man in the Zhongtian Palace also noticed the **** scene of Lin Fei's massive killing of the Quartet.

Unable to be surprised and angry, he called out loudly.

Such skill, in the Yuanwu Realm Nanda 6, should never be an unknown person.

"Before you die, I will tell you who I am."

Lin Fei smiled slightly, and slashed out with the long sword in his hand. Two heads flew up again.

Then, between four or five breaths, all the Void Martial Artists in the Zhongtian Palace were all beheaded.

Forty or fifty Void Martial Artists were all killed by Lin Fei!


"Well, it's your turn!"

Lin Fei put away the magic electric sword.

Turning around, staring coldly at the Zhongtian Palace powerhouse who was under the leadership of the Supreme Master, and the Unicorn Thunder Beast.

It has to be said that this middle heavenly powerhouse is worthy of being an intermediate cultivation base in the Yingjie Realm, and his combat power is not weak.

Under the Supreme Master, and the Unicorn Thunder Beast together attacked, but faintly gained the upper hand.

Eighteen demon heads roared, gradually suppressing the Supreme Master and the Unicorn Thunder Beast.

The Supreme Master teaches the body's vitality, which gushes out over the sky, turning into a thick black smoke, enveloping himself and resisting the eighteen devil heads.

The unicorn thunder beast is constantly spitting out the thunder mansions, blasting towards the strong man in Zhongtian Palace.

Lin Fei used his divine consciousness to perceive it from a distance.

Within 10,000 meters, there is no other person.

So Lin Fei stretched out his space ring.

next moment.

An ancient sword with a simple form appeared in Lin Fei's hands, and immediately, a monstrous killing intent swept out and rushed into Lin Fei's body.

Then, this monstrous killing intent began to spread from Lin Fei to the surroundings.

In an instant, some visions appeared around Lin Fei's body. Thousands of thousands of sword light shot into the sky and swept across the sky. Thousands of creatures were cut into blood mist by the sword light.

A pair of dead mountains and seas of blood, blood and sculls on the earth, are constantly changing, endless creatures, swept by the sharp and unparalleled sword light, and their form and spirit are destroyed.

These pictures are terrible, this kind of murderous aura is terrible!

At this moment, Lin Fei was enveloped by the endless blood-red monstrous killing intent, looking like a killing **** who came out of ancient times.


This? "

This vision immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The Supreme Master and the powerhouse in Zhongtian Temple stopped temporarily, and even the unicorn thunder beast stopped attacking.

The leader of the Blue Wolf Gang and other five Void Martial Artists were shocked by the blood-red killing intent on Lin Fei's body.

They dodged more than a thousand meters away, still feeling the killing intent that reaches the soul.

"This..., this is a waste tool!

I see, you are Lin Fei!

You must be Lin Fei, Lin Fei got four waste tools in the ancient Da Neng Mansion in the middle sea area! "

The strong man in Zhongtian Palace suddenly cried out.

"Oh, yes, this ancient sword is indeed a waste weapon, its name is Slaughter Sword!

I am Lin Fei!

Now, let you try the power of Slaughter Sword. "

Lin Fei said coldly.

With the Slaughter Sword in his hand, Lin Fei's heart was flooded with endless killing intent. At this moment, in Lin Fei's heart, there was only one word in mind, that is, killing!

Even the tone of Lin Fei's speech became extremely cold, like a thousand-year-old profound ice on the seabed, making people listen to it, and the scalp was numb.


Lin Fei directly slayed the sword in his hand.


A huge blood-red sword energy that was several hundred meters wide and a thousand meters long appeared instantly.

Although this huge blood-colored giant sword was a bit illusory, its killing intent was so great that people did not dare to look directly at it.

The whole sky seemed to tremble.

Then, this huge and incomparable blood-red sword aura was directly beheaded.

Cut directly through the space, and suddenly appeared in front of the Zhongtian Palace powerhouse.

The Zhongtian Palace powerhouse, in shock, waved his hand quickly, and all the eighteen devil heads whizzed together, resisting the blood-colored giant sword.


Eighteen devil heads, nine out of them, were directly blown to pieces and turned into nothingness.


The strong man in Zhongtian Palace, spouting blood, was obviously injured.

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