Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 821: Murderous invasion

With just one sword, the strong man in the middle of heaven's palace was already injured, and his eyes showed extreme shock. Literature "Mystery. .

"Lin Fei, if you kill my people in Zhongtian Palace, you are not afraid of Zhongtian Palace's revenge?"

He stared at the Slaughter Sword in Lin Fei's hand, only to feel that his scalp was numb, a sign of death rising deep in his heart.

This overwhelming blood-red killing intent was really terrifying.

Even if he is a strong man in the Yingjie Realm, but at this moment, deep in his heart, he can't even think of any resistance.


Lin Fei's answer was only one word, and the blood-red color in his eyes became more and more dense, making him cold and bloodthirsty.


In the **** light, a **** sword aura that was a hundred meters wide and a thousand meters long was once again beheaded.


Zhongtian Palace will not let you go! "

The strong man in the Zhongtian Palace, under the thrilling heart, stretched out his hand, and the remaining eight devil heads lined up in a row, roaring, and resisting the huge **** sword energy.

Then, the strong man in the Middle Heaven Palace unfolded his body skills, turned into a stream of light, and rushed to the sky, unexpectedly intending to flee without a fight.


Lin Fei let out a cold snort.

The overwhelming blood-red light surged violently, and the huge blood-colored sword aura suddenly increased, chasing it to the sky.

In an instant, he appeared behind the Zhongtian Palace powerhouse.


The body of the strong man in Zhongtian Palace blasted to pieces and turned into a cloud of blood.


In the blood mist, a plume of pitch-black gas suddenly condensed and turned into an illusory face.

This face was an area of ​​acres of land, but it was a face resembling a devil, with lantern eyes, staring at Lin Fei.

"Hmph, I dared to kill the enchantment of my Black Demon Venerable. One day, I will ask you to settle the account."

Then, before Lin Fei had time to make any response, that illusory face had already rushed to the ground, and instantly sank under the ground.

Black Demon Lord?

Lin Fei groaned slightly. It seemed that he had never heard of this title.

"Well, Lord Black Demon, I'll just wait for you to come to me to settle the account."

Lin Fei smiled coldly, there are too many people who need to settle the accounts. Lin Fei is in debt now.


Lin Fei stretched out his hand, the two spatial rings turned into two rays of light, flew back, and fell into Lin Fei's palm.



Lin Fei exhaled a long breath and retracted the Slaughter Sword into the Space Ring.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill..."

However, in Lin Fei's mind, the overwhelming blood-red killing intent that was too strong to dissolve still hadn't dissipated, and it was still affecting Lin Fei's mood.

Lin Fei's eyes were still red as a beast.

Moreover, in Lin Fei's heart, he was very eager to have another happy killing, killing all quarters, blood flowing in a river, and all the lives...

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked.

This state is definitely not right, and there are signs of confusion.

"Master, although the waste weapon is powerful, if the person using it is not strong enough, it may be hurt by the waste weapon's backlash.

According to rumours, only when the level of Yingjiejing is above cultivation level, can the waste device be driven.

Master, you are the realm cultivation base. Although the strength is far greater than the martial artist of the same rank, it is still somewhat reluctant to drive the waste. "

The Supreme Headmaster next to him saw that Lin Fei's state was wrong.

Lin Fei nodded.

Indeed, at this moment, Lin Fei clearly felt that his own sea of ​​consciousness was slowly invading and occupied by those rich blood red killing intent.

Once in the sea of ​​knowledge, all these blood-red killing intents are occupied, Lin Fei will lose consciousness and become a walking dead body who only knows to kill!

"Guardian for me!"

Lin Fei glanced out with divine consciousness, and not far to the left, there was a mound six or seven meters above the ground.

Lin Fei's figure flashed, and he had reached the mound and smashed it out with a punch to control the magnitude and direction of his strength.

Within a few punches, in the mound, a cave that could only be accommodated was opened.

Then, sit cross-legged in the cave.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, the soul tree suddenly moved in a clatter.

Pieces of turquoise leaves continued to fly out, emitting a bright turquoise light, spiraling and cutting the blood red killing intent that was raging.

At the same time, Lin Fei waved his hand, and piles of genuine yuan spar flew out, filling the cave.

The sun's golden sutra technique turned around, and the vitality in Lin Fei's body was like the Yangtze River, rushing between the meridians.

Confrontation, dispersal, **** killing intent in the body.

The Supreme Headmaster, and the six members of the Green Wolf Gang, were scattered everywhere, guarding the small mound.


After half an hour.


The small mound suddenly exploded out of thin air, and the sky full of mud collapsed and splashed out.

Lin Fei's figure slowly rose.

At this moment, in Lin Fei's eyes, the clear color of the past had been restored, and the strong killing intent on his body had disappeared.

"Huh, it seems that my vitality cultivation base and the strength of my soul are still not enough."

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

"Master, are you all right."

The Supreme Headmaster and other six people immediately gathered around.

"It's okay, this Slaughter Sword, which has been circulating for a long time, must have killed a lot of creatures. In the blade, there is a massive amount of **** killing intent.

I didn't notice it for a while, and almost started talking. "

Lin Fei explained.

Then, the palm of his hand was turned, and a space ring appeared in his hand.

It is the space ring of the sage elder Xiao.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness penetrated into this spatial ring.

Immediately, Lin Fei showed an expression of surprise on his face. It is worthy of being a strong man in the Yingjie Realm. Within the space ring of Elder Xiao, even Lin Fei is a little heartbeat.

The holy crystals, the genuine primordial crystal stones, are piled in piles of hills, and there are hundreds of bottles of elixir and elixir!

Lin Fei stretched out his hand and took out four or five of them, looking at the most precious jade bottles.

Uncovering one of the jade bottles, a round earth-yellow spirit pill filled with spiritual energy, immediately suspended slowly.

A bunch of earthy yellow light came out.

"It turned out to be a Ninth-Rank Spirit Pill! But what kind of pill is this?"

Lin Fei sighed and doubted.


The Master Taishang next to him, his breathing suddenly became heavy.

"Jie Dan, it turned out to be Jie Dan!"

In the eyes of Master Supreme Master, there was a horrible glow of greed, staring at the earthy yellow spirit pill.


Jie Dan? "

Lin Fei looked at Taishang Master's expression thoughtfully.

"Master, this robbery pill is a special spirit pill for the warriors of the robbery realm.

Ying Jie Jing is a threshold for warriors.

When the martial artist's cultivation base reaches the level of the robbery, it is a pass.

A martial artist in the robbery realm wants to continue to break through above the level of cultivation, which is thousands of times more difficult than the breakthrough of a warrior in other realms.

There are many warriors who, no matter how hard they work and how they struggle, after reaching the level of the robbery, they will never be able to gain an inch in their lives, and they will be stuck on this threshold.

Under such circumstances, it has become very important for a warrior who should be robbery to use foreign objects to forcibly catalyze his breakthrough through various heavenly materials and earth treasures, advanced elixir, and spirit pills.

And this robbery pill is one of them, and it is extremely effective in promoting the breakthrough of the cultivation base of the warriors in the robbery realm.

It is said that after taking the Tribulation Pill, the probability of a breakthrough in the cultivation base of a warrior in the Tribulation Realm can increase by 50%! "

The Supreme Headmaster stared at the Jie Dan in Lin Fei's hands and explained.

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