Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 848: Demon's horror recovery ability

Lin Fei watched the scene of the demon "yun xi" brains, and at the same time he was disgusted, there was also an unknown anger rising in his heart. . ".

Kill that warrior, that's it.

Even eating it in public, this is equivalent to these demons, treating human warriors as food.

In Lin Fei's heart, he suddenly understood why the notion that humans and demons are not compatible with each other in the Yuan Wu world is so deeply ingrained.

Because the demons treat humans as food, this is a natural enemy!

In a moment, those human warriors who were desperately running had already arrived in front of Lin Fei.

"If you don't want to die, run away, these are the most brutal demons!"

A man in his thirties reminded the pedestrian Lin Fei.

Lin Fei could see that this person's reminder was very sincere.

"Thank you."

Lin Fei replied.

"Hey, Master, let's run away too, before it's too late."

The four shameless demons had long wanted to turn around and flee.

Although I don't know the specific strength of those demons, just looking at the appearance makes people feel chills and dare not confront them.

"Don't be afraid, I will meet these demons for a while."

Lin Fei said, still standing still, facing the demons who were chasing over.


Before that, under the ground of the Cang Pavilion headquarters that day, the mysterious figure that Lin Fei encountered had already explained to Lin Fei the strength of the demons in detail.

However, after all, it was only heard that now that he actually met the demons in person, Lin Fei planned to try the strength of these demons.

After all, according to the mysterious figure, a new battle between humans and demons is coming.

If things really take a step forward, Lin Fei knows that in the future, he will definitely meet the demons and even fight against them.

Therefore, Lin Fei wanted to take this opportunity to play a trick with these more than a dozen demons and test the true combat power of these demons.

"No, Master, you don't think you want to fight these disgusting guys."

The four shameless demons were shocked.

"Master, or the four of us, stand a little further away.

Don't wait a while and hinder your old man's normal swing. "

Said one of the four shameless demons.

"No need to."

With a movement of Lin Fei's mind, he controlled the transmission power of the city, and directly transmitted Ying and Yan'er into the city on his body.

And Zi and the goblin returned to the magic beads.

"Don't worry about the four of you. With me, you will be fine."

Lin Fei said.

The four shameless demons only bite the bullet and stood beside Lin Fei.


"Hahaha, here are a few scared silly humans, interesting."

In a moment, a demon race had already chased Lin Fei.

This Demon Race, at least four meters tall, looked condescendingly at Lin Fei and the Shameless Four Demons.

Seeing Lin Fei's calm eyes, this demon was taken aback for a while.

Then, a sturdy arm covered with black scaly and gleaming cold fell from the sky, and the sharp nails, like five iron hooks, swept toward Lin Fei's head.

The strong devilish energy also tumbling over towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei stretched out his right hand, and the magic electric sword was already in his hand.

Swishwish, five or six thunder and lightning sword auras on one side, beheaded on the thick demon hand that was more than one meter long.

Pong Pong Pong...

Several dull noises came.

On the arm of the demon race, a large number of scales fell off, five or six deep scars appeared, and purple blood spurted out.

"Damn human!"

Under the pain, the demon race took a step back and stared at Lin Fei.


Lin Fei himself was cold.

Lin Fei knew the power of the Thunder Sword best.

An ordinary Void Martial Artist, as long as he unfolds the Thunder Sword, he can kill with a single sword.

However, just now, he slashed five or six swords again and again, only to leave five or six scars on the arm of this demon race.

How could the body of the Demon Race be so hard as that!


What surprised Lin Fei even more was born.

On the arm of the demon clan, there were five or six scars that had been cut by Lin Fei just now, and flesh and blood were growing fast as the dark demon energy rolled.

In the blink of an eye, those wounds were all covered by new tender flesh.

Even the black scale armor has grown again.

"Damn, the recovery ability of this Demon Race's body is too exaggerated."

Lin Fei was dumbfounded.


"It's sister, I don't believe it, it can't hurt you."

Lin Fei suddenly got up fiercely, and the magic electric sword in his hand swayed out a light curtain. In an instant, he cut out twenty or thirty times of lightning sword qi with 5o times the sound.

All beheaded on the arm of the Demon Race, in the same place.

Because the thunder and lightning sword aura was too fast, the demon clan had not yet reacted, and the thunder and lightning sword aura had all been slashed on his arm.


Finally, the arm of the demon clan was chopped off by the thunder and lightning sword qi, and the whole piece fell off. A large amount of purple blood, like a fountain, splashed out where the right shoulder broke.

"Damn it!"

The demons raised their heads to the sky and roared.

However, what surprised Lin Fei was born again.

The right shoulder of the demon clan, where the arm was severed, suddenly began to squirm and live forever. In a moment, a new arm was about to take shape.

Lin Fei was stunned!

The demon's body recovery ability is too terrifying and bizarre.

After a while, the demons had completely grown a new right arm.

However, Lin Fei also noticed that with the growth of this new right arm, the breath of this demon was obviously weaker.

It seems that the re-growth of the body also caused this Demon Race to consume a lot of energy.

At this moment, a dozen demons had all caught up.

Surrounded Lin Fei and the four shameless demons.

"No, it's over, this time it must be over."

The four shameless demons were so scared that their faces were trembling.


"Haha, don't you usually brag about how good you are?

How did a weak human being cut off his arm. "

The other demons laughed.

Although these demons surrounded Lin Fei's five people, they did not immediately act.

Because, in their opinion, the five Lin Fei are already soft-shelled turtles in the urn, and in any case, they cannot escape from their hands.

Therefore, they might as well tease them first, then kill them, and then eat them.

"Damn human, I want to eat you one bite at a time!"

The Demon Race whose arm was cut off by Lin Fei was thunderous, and the whole body was pitch-black magic energy, constantly rolling.

The two arms were raised together, and bumped into Lin Fei.

Lin Fei looked at the distorted face of the Demon Race, and suddenly moved in his heart.

I don’t know, will a headshot have an effect?

Any creatures, consciousness, soul, etc. are all in the head.

In many cases, headshots often receive miraculous effects.

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