Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 849: Behead the Demon

Therefore, Lin Fei thunderously unfolded, moved instantaneously, and drew away the two arms that the demons had hit at him. ""Literature Ω fan. ㄟ.

Then, the phantom electric sword in his hand, with the momentum of thunder, killed dozens of thunder and lightning sword auras at once, all at the head of the demon clan.

The lightning sword qi of 5o times the sound, plus, the distance is very close, so the demons have no time to dodge.


After a crisp sound.

The big head of the Demon Race suddenly exploded into dozens of pieces and flew away.

Then the four or five meters tall body also fell to the ground.

The attack on the head really works.

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

When the other demons saw this, they couldn't help being furious, and one by one, they rioted with demonic energy. A dozen demons attacked Lin Fei at the same time.

Moreover, these demons seemed to have learned a lesson from the demons killed by Lin Fei just now, and while attacking, they even deliberately protected their heads.


The phantom electric sword in Lin Fei's hand was used to the most extreme degree, and the lightning flashed and thundered, and the thunder and lightning sword aura smashed out like splashing water.

Hit a dozen demons around.

It's just that the defensive capabilities and recovery capabilities of these demons are very powerful.

Although, in an instant, the bodies of the demons were scarred, and even their hands and feet were cut off.

However, it didn't make these demons lose their fighting power, on the contrary, they aroused their natural tyranny even more.

Attack Lin Fei more frantically.


A magic claw with sharp claws, shimmering, caught Lin Fei's head.

Lin Fei held the phantom electric sword in his right hand, blasted out a fist with his left hand, and collided with the claw.


The devil's claw, Qi Gen was suddenly shattered.

This is a full 40 million power.


Another thick arm swept towards Lin Fei, Lin Fei still blasted out a punch.


That arm was broken at the root, falling off and flying out.

The power of those demons is indeed amazing.

However, in the face of Lin Fei's 40 million catties of power, these dozen demon races were deflated, and couldn't help being surprised and angry.

They couldn't understand how the human being in front of them, in that short body, could hide such a huge divine power.

After resisting the first wave of punches and kicks of the dozen demons.

Lin Fei slowed his anger, swish swish... dozens of thunder and lightning sword auras, while beheading the head of one of the demons.


The head of the demons exploded and fell to death.

Next, Lin Fei used this method to kill five or six demons.

The remaining demons finally began to panic.

Suddenly, one of the demons yelled, turned around and fled, and the others stopped attacking Lin Fei immediately and ran desperately.

Lin Feilei's lightning sword aura was like lightning, and once again killed dozens of lightning sword auras, smashing the head of the demon that had the slowest escape.

The rest of the demons were extremely fast, and they were already far away in an instant.


"The combat power of the Demon Race is really much stronger than that of the human warriors."

Lin Fei couldn't help smiling bitterly when thinking of the battle with the demons just now.

After a fight, Lin Fei had vaguely guessed that the strength of the dozen or so demons just now was probably all the strength of demons.

The demon commander is equivalent to the strength of a human martial artist in the virtual realm.

However, just now, Lin Fei played against a dozen demon generals and took a lot of effort to kill half of them.

If those warriors with the strength of the human virtual realm cultivation base, with Lin Fei's current strength, would have already killed dozens of them in a moment.

From this point of view, the combat power of the demons is indeed much stronger than the combat power of human warriors.

Lin Fei estimated that among the dozen demon generals just now, any one can at least fight a dozen virtual realm warriors!

"The combat power of these demons is really terrifying."

"Yes, you, master, can kill these demons."

The four shameless demons, at this time, surrounded them, pointed and commented on the corpses of the six or seven demons underground.

At the same time, the dozens of warriors who were chased by the demon clan just now returned to this place, watching the corpses of the six or seven demon clan, it seems that they still have lingering fears.

After Lin Fei blocked the dozens of demons, these dozens of warriors watched the battle between Lin Fei and the demons from a distance.

Seeing that a dozen demons died and fled, they dare to return here.

"You..., you actually killed so many demons!"

A man in his 30s, a little dumbfounded and shocked, said to Lin Fei.

This man had previously reminded Lin Fei to run away, so Lin Fei was very grateful to him.

"Hehe, nothing, the vitality of these demons is very strong, and they can be reborn quickly.

Therefore, to deal with these demons, it is best to attack them on the head and kill them in one shot, so that they can be killed quickly. "

Lin Fei said.

"Yes, I also played against a demons just now.

No matter how my broad knife slashed it, I slashed it more than a dozen times, but it couldn't really hurt it. On the contrary, I was punched by it and almost lost my life.

Only then fled.

It turned out that only by attacking the heads of these demons could it be possible to kill them. "

A warrior with a high-level cultivation base in the virtual realm suddenly sighed.

The experience Lin Fei just mentioned has greatly benefited these warriors.

At the same time, these dozens of warriors, everyone, looked at Lin Fei at this moment, full of fear.

Although Lin Fei's vitality fluctuations were the elementary level of the Void Realm.

However, when Lin Fei and the dozen or so demons were fighting just now, they all had their eyes on them, knowing that this Void Realm in front of them was the elementary and powerful, and they were all considered to be High Void Realm, and they were definitely not his opponent.


"How can there be demons in this mass grave mountain.

How did you meet these demons. "

Lin Fei was a little strange, asked.

"We met these demons in a stone pillar formation dozens of miles away.

At that time, we had a stone pillar formation made up of many tall stone pillars, and felt that there might be some treasure in that stone pillar.

Therefore, a group of people were gathered to break through the stone pillar formation.

Unexpectedly, we were studying, and suddenly these demons appeared.

A total of dozens of demons and more than a dozen demons appeared, chasing us all the way.

It seems that more than half of the demons remain in the stone pillar formation.

I feel that these demons seem to come specifically for the stone pillar formation.

Because, when those demons saw the stone pillar formation, they all screamed madly, and even kept kowtow at the stone pillar formation. "

The thirty-year-old man said to Lin Fei.


These demons came specifically for that stone pillar formation? "

Lin Fei's heart moved.

Could it be that there is something in the stone pillar formation that these demons need?

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